[Fwd: Re: [developers] processing of lexical rules]

Berthold Crysmann crysmann at dfki.de
Sat Feb 12 23:14:02 CET 2005

Ann Copestake wrote:

>Hi all,
>I think that we should keep supporting simple morphological analysis in the LKB
>(as well as external mporphological analysers) and we can still use the string
>unification approach, 
To me, this is good news, since I feel there are so many advantages  for 
having an integrated solution...
To be honest, with the exception of compounding, I find the current 
functionality sufficient to deal with German (even with Umlaut). The 
treatment  of particle verbs ([VCOMP <[ab-part]>] -> %prefix (* ab) 
[VCOMP <>] , and so on for all the other particles) would of course 
benefit from the existence of a concatenation operator, but is still 
seems a great improvement over having double lexical entries.

>but the code will need to be rewritten.  Here are my
>current thoughts.
>I'm now sure that we need to go to an architecture where there are just charts
>and feature structures.  Preprocessing is defined to return a chart
>instantiated with feature structures (expressed in XML for the external
Bernd has done some work on XML-based input chart initialisation for 
cheap, as used in the HoG, so it might be nice to keep these efforts in 

>It can be coupled with morphological analysis in the case
>where we have external morphological analysers.  In this case it should be
>possible to support a word syntax approach or an approach where the affixes
>correspond to lexical rules. 
>As far as the LKB internal morphology goes, I think the first thing to
>appreciate is that morphological processing in analysis is inherently weird -
>we have to take the morphologically complex string and split it into stem plus
>affixes and then we do the FS unifications corresponding to the rules.  Right
>now, what happens is that the string unifications associated with a rule
>operate in one direction, with no associated feature structures, and when the
>stem plus affix strings are found, we replay the rules in the other direction,
>doing the feature structure unifications.  This can lead to a huge search space
>and also requires lots of hacky code so that we can put edges on the chart.
Certainly I am not the one to comment on the intrinsics of the code, but 
the rule filter approach that Bernd has implemented in cheap does a good 
job eliminating loads of useless segmentation hypotheses. As it is done 
now, it requires the spelling rules to be organised in one contiguous 
block, though. (For the German grammar this is not much of a problem, 
since this had been the case before anyway.)
I can send some details on the reduction  in search space, if anyone is 

However, as I  have hinted at in one of my previous mails, this need not 
be the case, if we used two rule filters: one for all rules, and an 
auxiliary one for spelling rules, which only considered a feature 
structure under some  configurable path. It would then become possible 
to restrict the feeding/bleeding order of spelling rules, which, if set 
up properly, can be computed statically.

Although this may sound somewhat hackish, just think of level ordering 
in Lexical Phonology...     

Your remarks concerning restrictors appear to point in a similar direction.



>If we assume a uniform chart/feature structure architecture, we still have to
>operate the rules in the stemming directions, because we need to have the stem
>to do lexical lookup, but in principle we could use the rule feature structures
>at this point too and this could lead to greater efficiency.  e.g., if we have
>a token with the spelling `writings', we run the full affix rules to get one
>alternative corresponding to an application of the lexical rule for plural,
>with stem `writing' plus affix `s' (which allows lexical lookup and no further
>analysis by affixation rules) and also another alternative where the unanalysed
>spelling is `writing', which licenses another affix rule to be tried, again
>leading to two options.  All the alternatives go in the chart.  When we get a
>structure that allows lexical lookup, i.e. one with a STEM, we do the lexical
>lookup and unify in the lexical feature structure.  This further instantiates
>the rule applications where unification succeeds but could also result in some
>edges being removed from the chart.  There is no additional search at this
>point.  The lexical rules which don't have any associated affixation also have
>to be applied in the `reverse' direction for this approach to work.
>It is clear that this is formally OK, but I am not sure whether it will be
>efficient or not because unification is expensive compared to pure string
>operations and because of the need to do the non-morphological lexical rules at
>the same time.  I suspect the rules might have to be tightened up to be more
>efficient `in reverse'.  However, it means we're bringing all the info we have
>available to bear as early as possible, which should be a good thing in
>principle, and it means we're using a chart throughout, avoiding redundant
>processing.  We would definitely need to use some version of the rule filter
>mechanism, and I think we would also need to have an additional lexical filter,
>which filtered paths that couldn't lead to a stem.
>If we did this, then the spelling code would reduce to checking individual
>affixations, which would be nice.  It would be formally cleaner than the
>current situation, where morphology is replayed along with additional
>interpolations of rules.  The best thing, perhaps, would be to try this out
>initially with a fake morphology component that didn't do the spelling changes
>- if that was reasonably efficient, we could rewrite the string unificiation
>component properly.

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