[developers] Re: cheap MWE problem and solution.

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Thu May 19 19:20:32 CEST 2005


I am glad no one appears to have tried this out, as there was a slight mistake!

The only change should be to <tLexItem::tsdb_derivation>
 tLexItem::tsdb_derivation(int protocolversion)
     ostringstream res;
     res << "(" << _id << " " << _stem->printname()
         << " " << score() << " " << _start <<  " " << _end
         << " " << "(\"" << orth() << "\" "
         << _start << " " << _end << "))";
     return res.str();
> Old:
> string
> tLexItem::tsdb_derivation(int protocolversion)
> {
>     ostringstream res;
>     res << "(" << _id << " " << _stem->printname()
>         << " " << score() << " " << _start <<  " " << _end
>         << " " << _keydaughter->tsdb_derivation(protocolversion);
>     return res.str();
> }

I look forward to an official release (^_^).

Francis Bond  <www.kecl.ntt.co.jp/icl/mtg/members/bond/>
NTT Communication Science Laboratories | Machine Translation Research Group

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