[developers] Re: grammar locale issues

Ann Copestake Ann.Copestake at cl.cam.ac.uk
Mon Jun 20 19:25:56 CEST 2005

just to clarify - is this anything to do with the *grammar-locale* idea or are 
you not proposing to pursue that?

Also you say that you're aiming for a solution along the following lines:
> - (C) Ensure encodings are automatically set correctly at grammar load time.
but as far as I can see, you're proposing we tell users a (partial) recipe.  
Partial because they have to know their own appropriate values for *locale*.
This seems sensible, but wasn't what I'd understood from your point C.
Will what you're proposing give the same results as what's currently being 
done for Greek, for example?  see the wiki

Incidentally, non-ASCII input to the CLIM window is possible under Windows and 
may well simply be a bug in the Linux version.  So we do need to think about 


PS - whatever encoding you're using for your email causes it to display in a 
tiny font on exmh

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