[developers] *cvs-version*

Ann Copestake Ann.Copestake at cl.cam.ac.uk
Tue Aug 30 03:10:37 CEST 2005

I have checked in lkb-version-before-p lkb-version-after-p and
lkb-version-equal-p - all take one argument (see below) and compare it against
the current *cvs-version* value.  I suggest their use any time a script has to
have a conditional based on different version behaviour.

Please remember to update version.lsp when you check anything in - see previous
messages.  If you aren't getting the helpful reminder message when you check in
code, it is (as oe said) most likely due to having newlkb rather than lkb.



comments from checked in version of io-general/utils.lsp - people who do want
their scripts to run on old versions of the LKB should probably copy the code 
from there into suitable patch files or whatever

;;; interpreting *cvs-version* and testing its value (probably mostly 
;;; in scripts)
;;; the idea is to call these functions with times written using the same
;;; format as the *cvs-version* because I imagine this will
;;; usually be used by people who have checked the version.lisp file
;;; e.g., (lkb-version-equal-p "2005/08/28 19:31:05")
;;; These functions should work on versions of the lkb after sometime in 2000
;;; I considered adding a facility to just specify a date without a time, 
;;; but this might lead to confusing results when there's multiple versions 
;;; on one date so it seems better to try and enforce precision.

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