[developers] top-level cfrom/cto values in xml always -1
Stephan Oepen
oe at csli.Stanford.EDU
Mon Oct 10 10:35:52 CEST 2005
hi bernd,
> i've been asked to fix the top-level cfrom and cto values of PET's
> XML-MRS output. The problem is that i can not pass the correct values
> to fs-to-mrs for further processing. Or would there be another
> (recommended) way to fix that?
you could try the modification to `lkb/src/mrs/pet-interface.lisp' that
i attach below. if this worked, i would be happy making it part of the
LKB code base, though we should maybe also arrange CVS write access for
all best - oe
+++ Universitetet i Oslo (ILN); Boks 1102 Blindern; 0317 Oslo; (+47) 2285 7989
+++ CSLI Stanford; Ventura Hall; Stanford, CA 94305; (+1 650) 723 0515
+++ --- oe at csli.stanford.edu; oe at hf.uio.no; stephan at oepen.net ---
[--- cut here ---]
(defun fs-to-mrs (fs &optional (mode 'simple) &key cfrom cto)
;; top-level entry point for PET: given a full FS (typically obtained from a
;; parsing result), return a string representing the MRS in the requested
;; format.
(when (fixnump fs)
;; _fix_me_
;; not sure the shadowing of type and feature tables is necessary: it will
;; restrict caching to calls within a structure, but given the overall
;; architecture of PET, the mapping of integers to types and features will
;; never change over time. resolve, once efficiency of MRS generation
;; becomes an issue. (9-sep-03; oe)
(let* ((%pet-types% nil)
(%pet-features% nil)
(psoa (extract-mrs-from-fs fs)))
(if (psoa-p psoa)
(let* ((mode
(typecase mode
(intern (string-upcase (symbol-name mode)) *mrs-package*))
(string (intern (string-upcase mode) *mrs-package*))))
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(case mode
((simple indexed prolog html)
(output-mrs1 psoa mode stream))
(let ((scopes (make-scoped-mrs psoa)))
for scope in scopes
(setf *canonical-bindings*
(canonical-bindings scope))
psoa :stream stream)
finally (setf *canonical-bindings* nil))))
((eds dependencies)
(ed-output-psoa psoa :stream stream))
((rmrs xml)
(let ((rmrs (mrs-to-rmrs psoa)))
(when (rmrs-p rmrs)
(when cfrom (setf (rmrs-cfrom rmrs) cfrom))
(when cto (setf (rmrs-cto rmrs) cto))
(if (eq mode 'rmrs) 'compact 'xml)
(when (and result (not (string= result ""))) result))
"fs-to-mrs(): unable to extract MRS from fs # ~a.~%"
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