[developers] PET 0.99.12 + MRS Build Errors SOLVED!

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 12:00:08 CEST 2006


> Thank you so much for your help!  I just realized that my command has something wrong and also the make files are messed up.  I reinstalled everything and used the flag --without-preproc, and it works pretty fine.


> I'm trying several test inputs in and the result looks reasonable.  I have a quick question, that how to print those output into a file?  I didn't find any of the cheap flag has such function.  Any idea?

You can use it as a pipe
cat input.text cheap -limit=10000 -mrs=xml japanese.grm &> output.xml

Note that you have to redirect STDERR to get the results into a file. 
For historical reasons, cheap doesn't send its output to STDOUT
(although it really should).

To get more output, increase the verbosity.

Francis Bond  <www.kecl.ntt.co.jp/icl/mtg/members/bond/>
NTT Communication Science Laboratories | Natural Language Research Group

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