[developers] [spr30362] bug using climxm

Kevin Layer layer at franz.com
Fri Oct 5 01:04:37 CEST 2007

Stephan Oepen <oe at ifi.uio.no> wrote:

>> craig and kevin, what is your current view on CLIM as a product?  our
>> customer experience, sadly, remains unsatisfactory.  once again, may i
>> suggest you consider open-sourcing the CLIM code base, such that maybe
>> the McCLIM community might pick it up and merge over time?

I'm really sorry that it's not been a satisfactory experience.  I've
talked with Andreas a couple of times about your problem, and I know
he's working hard on it.  Our hope is that a resolution is coming

Kevin Layer             layer at Franz.COM        http://www.franz.com/
Franz Inc., 555 12th St., Suite 1450, Oakland, CA  94607, USA
Phone: (510) 452-2000   FAX: (510) 452-0182

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