[developers] Converting TDL lexicon to LexDB dump format

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 09:56:01 CET 2008


2008/11/6 Joshua Hou <jshou at u.washington.edu>:
> Hello Developers,
> I'm trying to convert a TDL lexicon to LexDB dump format using the
> instructions from the following page, but I'm running into some problems.
> http://wiki.delph-in.net/moin/Initialize_LexDB?highlight=(lexdb)
> The steps that I am taking are as follows:
> 1) Load the LKB
> 2) Load grammar
> 3) (initialize-lexdb :dbname "lil" :user "lexdb")
> 4) (export-lexicon)
> A window pops out when I type the (export-lexicon) command, and these
> are the values I answered:
> Username: lexdb
> Source: Lillooet
> Language code: lil
> Country code: CA
> These are the resulting errors:
> (LexDB) exporting lexical entries to dump file /home/jshou/tmp/Lillooet.rev
> (LexDB)   skip file: /home/jshou/tmp/Lillooet.NIL.skip
> Error:
> (LexDB) no DFN entries
> Restart actions (select using :continue):
>  0: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart).
>  1: Abort entirely from this (lisp) process.
>  [1] LKB(15):
> Does anyone know the proper incantations to get this to work?

Can you connect to the lexicon database and confirm that the correct
databases exist?

e.g. for me (with lexicon jacy):
psql jacy:

jacy=> \ \dt;
             List of relations
 Schema |    Name    | Type  |    Owner
 public | dfn        | table | bond
 public | lex        | table | bond
 public | lex_key    | table | kuribayashi
 public | semi_extra | table | kuribayashi
 public | semi_frame | table | kuribayashi
 public | semi_mod   | table | kuribayashi
 public | semi_pred  | table | kuribayashi
 public | semi_var   | table | kuribayashi

I think the error message means that the table 'dfn' doesn't exist.

In an ideal world it should look something like this:

jacy => select * from dfn;
 slot  |    field    |              path              |    type
 id    | name        |                                | sym
 orth  | orthography |                                | str-rawlst
 unifs | orthography | (stem)                         | str-lst
 unifs | type        | nil                            | sym
 unifs | keyrel      | (synsem lkeys keyrel pred)     | mixed
 unifs | keytag      | (synsem lkeys keyrel carg)     | mixed
 unifs | altkey      | (synsem lkeys altkeyrel pred)  | mixed
 unifs | alt2key     | (synsem lkeys alt2keyrel pred) | mixed
 unifs | altkeytag   | (synsem lkeys altkeyrel carg)  | mixed
 unifs | compkey     | (synsem local cat head ptype)  | mixed
 unifs | idiom       | (idiom)                        | mixed

> Thanks so much,
> Joshua

Francis Bond <http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/en/member/bond/>
NICT Language Infrastructure Group

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