[developers] Problem with transfer rules referencing ARG0 type or features

Berthold Crysmann berthold.crysmann at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 15:21:08 CEST 2013

Dear Stephan and all,

I am currently starting a new transfer grammar (frde) that builds on an 
older baby-MT pair (ende). For some strange reason, I cannot get a rule 
  to match that specifies an event type for ARG0 , or, more interesting 
a variable property like TENSE or SF.
Matching against (string) predicates, however, tends to work. Also, 
matching on x or variable properties like [NUM sg] poses no problem.

Here's a minimal pair:

test1_mtr :=
		  monotonic_mtr &
		  [INPUT.RELS  <[ARG0 x & [NUM sg ]]>,
		   OUTPUT.RELS < +copy+ & [ARG0 [NUM pl]] >].

test2_mtr :=
		  monotonic_mtr &
		  [INPUT.RELS  <[ARG0 [SF pres ]]>,
		   OUTPUT.RELS < +copy+ & [ARG0 [SF past]] >].

And here the MRS after application of test1_mtr:

  [ LTOP: h76
    INDEX: u77
    RELS: <
           [ "_machen_v_n-a-haben_rel"
             LBL: h40
             ARG0: e41 [ e SF: PROP TENSE: PRES MOOD: IND PERF: + ]
             ARG1: x81 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: PL GEND: !	 ]
             ARG2: x68 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: PL GEND: !	 ] ]
           [ "def_q_rel"
             LBL: h47
             ARG0: x68
             RSTR: h49
             BODY: h50 ]
           [ "_named_n_rel"
             LBL: h61
             ARG0: x81
             CARG: "tex" ]
           [ "_pizza_n_rel"
             LBL: h67
             ARG0: x68 ]
           [ "udef_q_rel"
             LBL: h80
             ARG0: x81
             RSTR: h56
             BODY: h57 ] >
    HCONS: < h49 QEQ h67 h56 QEQ h61 > ]

As far as I can tell from the LKB, the types and features are in place!

Please let me know whether you need any further details and which.


PS: Why does Logon not delete the GEND feature?

Berthold Crysmann <crysmann at linguist.jussieu.fr>
CNRS, Laboratoire de linguistique formelle (UMR 7110), U Paris Diderot
Case 7031, 5 rue Thomas Mann, 75205 Paris cedex 13
Bureau 545, bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, rue Albert Einstein, 75013 Paris

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