[developers] Lkb topmenu, graphics etc. to work with open source CL tools

Ann Copestake aac10 at cam.ac.uk
Sun Feb 14 23:23:12 CET 2016

I think we'd be very happy if you could make it work and you certainly 
aren't stepping on anyone's toes as far as I'm aware.  I am sorry not to 
have any help to offer re McCLIM.

Best wishes,


On 12/02/2016 01:40, John R. Towler wrote:
> I don't want to step on any toes, just trying to make this program
> work. Making :command-table (lkb-top-command-table)) works to compile.
> Experiments on generating an X frame/window follow after that with no
> change in the workings of the program.  Open source papers or other
> documentation on command-tables in McCLIM would be a help.  I will
> learn the material to make this work.
> jtowler at soncom.com (John R. Towler) writes:
>> Hello,
>>          I am working on getting an open source compile and build for the
>>          Lkb.  I have a compile on sbcl with experimental threads.  I am
>>          running into an error of (:command-table something) needing a
>>          list as argument.  I have McCLIM and it runs.  It containes an
>>          example LispListener which runs and has code like the above
>>          (:command-table unquoted-something).  This is the current
>>          obstacle.
>            I have threads running on sbcl but all of the tests don't
>            succeed. The version is from 1.3.1 with my adjustments to the
>            runtime code, so it sort of does something with threads.  I
>            got cmucl, Jan 2016 snapshot to get past loading lkb.system,
>            to dying on src/glue files.  I had to insert in place the
>            defsystem 3.6i (or something) from CLOCC.
>            extensions:*load-source-types* was added to.  Right now, I
>            have a compile with sbcl, and on testing I can get a
>            window/frame on the X display with no menus or access to
>            commands.  Running set-up-lkb-interation outputs a lot of
>            menus/commands changed then returns nil.  Substituting
>            (clim:run-frame-top-level (clim:make-application-frame
>            'clim-user::lkb-top))  inserted in place of the unless clause
>            gives the X frame with no command options, just the lkb-top as
>            a window title.  I ran into the memory problem with
>            NetBSD-6.1.4, and rebuilt to 7.0 then 6.1.5 to get prologs and
>            lisps working.
>            I understood the suggestion from A. Copestake to look toward
>            LUI.  I obtained the sources and built it tonight, I have the
>            book from CSLI now, and don't offhand know where to find the
>            top-level commands/code.  I will look. About the CLIM code I
>            have the following frustration:
> This works with :command-table correctly instantiated (a prolog-ism
> certainly) and the Listener code runs in sbcl, and clisp.
> from mcclim/Apps/Listener/listener.lisp
> ;;; Listener application frame
> (define-application-frame listener (standard-application-frame)
>      ((system-command-reader :accessor system-command-reader
> 			    :initarg :system-command-reader
> 			    :initform t))
>      (:panes (interactor-container
>               (make-clim-stream-pane
>                :type 'listener-interactor-pane
>                :name 'interactor :scroll-bars t
>                :default-view +listener-view+))
>              (doc :pointer-documentation :default-view +listener-pointer-documentation-view+)
>              (wholine (make-pane 'wholine-pane
>                                  :display-function 'display-wholine :scroll-bars nil
>                                  :display-time :command-loop :end-of-line-action :allow)))
>    (:top-level (default-frame-top-level :prompt 'print-listener-prompt))
>    (:command-table (listener
>                     :inherit-from (application-commands
>                                    lisp-commands
>                                    asdf-commands
>                                    filesystem-commands
>                                    show-commands)
>                     :menu (("Listener"   :menu application-commands)
>                            ("Lisp"       :menu lisp-commands)
>                            ("Filesystem" :menu filesystem-commands)
>                            ("Show"       :menu show-commands))))
>    (:disabled-commands com-pop-directory com-drop-directory com-swap-directory)
>    (:menu-bar t)
>    (:layouts (default
> 	      (vertically ()
>                  interactor-container
>                  doc
>                  wholine))))
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;; This with the :command-table line will produce an X frame with no
> ;;   menus or prompt.
> ;; changed to adding the :command-table line without any arguments or keywords
> ;; comes up with errors about lkb-top-command-table not found
> ;; McCLIM in commands.lisp says that all command-tables inherit from
> ;;   the global-command-table but the errors include,
> ;;
> * (clim:run-frame-top-level (clim:make-application-frame 'clim-user::lkb-top))
> debugger invoked on a CLIM:COMMAND-TABLE-NOT-FOUND:
> Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL.
> restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
>    0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.
> 0] 0
> * (clim-user::set-up-clim-interaction)
> debugger invoked on a CLIM:COMMAND-TABLE-NOT-FOUND:
> Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL.
> restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
>    0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.
> 0] 0
> ;;;;;;;;;;;
> (define-application-frame lkb-top ()
>    (standard-application-frame)
>    (:panes
>     (display
>      (outlining (:thickness 1 :record-p t)
>        (spacing (:thickness 1 :record-p t)
> 	(scrolling (:scroll-bars :both :record-p t)
> 	  (make-pane 'application-pane
> 		     :name "lkb-pane"
> 		     :text-cursor nil
> 		     :end-of-line-action :allow
> 		     :borders nil
> 		     :background +white+
> 		     :foreground +black+
> 		     :draw t
> 		     :record-p t
> 		     :display-time t))))))
>    (:layouts
>     (default display))
>    (:geometry :width 550 :height 200))
> ;;  (:command-table (lkb-top-command-table)))
> ;;;;; how can the non-portable CL and CLIM code for this application
> ;;      frame be progressively be transformed into the working-ness of
> ;;      the mcclim/Apps/Listener/listener.lisp code?
> Sincerely,
> John (R. for false representations of me on the 'net that I
>       have heard about) Towler
> jtowler at soncom.com

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