[developers] pyDelphin 0.4.0

Michael Wayne Goodman goodmami at uw.edu
Sat Mar 5 00:47:15 CET 2016

Hi developers,

Yesterday I released pyDelphin v0.4.0. This release is a relatively small
improvement over v0.3, but Emily suggested I announce it on-list anyway.

There are a number of bug fixes (including some from Guy Emerson and Alex
Kuhnle; thanks!) and improvements from our discussions in Singapore and on
this list (e.g., detection of quantifiers, case insensitivity in
predicates, etc.). There are two new features: (1) LaTeX export for DMRS
(using the tikz-dependency package), and (2) more convenient introspection
of TDL lists via the TdlConsList and TdlDiffList classes.

This is also the first release that is available via the Python Package
Index (PyPI). This means you can install pyDelphin via pip:

$ pip install pydelphin

v0.4.0 is tested against Python versions 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5. Support
for 2.6 has been dropped. Please see the CHANGELOG for more information:

I'm happy to receive bug reports or feature requests here:


Michael Wayne Goodman
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