[developers] New ACE release compatible with ERG 2018

Woodley Packard sweaglesw at sweaglesw.org
Tue Nov 20 19:53:03 CET 2018

Fellow DELPH-INites,

We are all happy to see the release of Dan's new 2018 version of the 
ERG.  As he mentioned, it uses the new docstring TDL mechanism, making 
it incompatible with prior ACE versions.  ACE 0.9.28 and later support 
the new syntax.  A Linux version of 0.9.28 was already available when 
Dan announced the 2018 release, but an OSX version was not.  I have now 
released 0.9.29 (which adds support for the +ID field in token mapping 
-- a long standing although perhaps little noticed omission).  The ACE 
download website has binary releases for both Linux and OSX (and of 
course a source release), as well as pre-compiled ERG images to go with 
them -- both the new 2018 release and the 1214 release.

I have also committed updated FFTB and ACE binaries to the LOGON tree.

Please let me know if you encounter any unexpected problems!
Woodley Packard

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