[developers] ACE crashing with ZHONG
Alexandre Rademaker
arademaker at gmail.com
Wed May 6 14:28:32 CEST 2020
But why the grammar worked in LKB FOS? Just curious to understand the possible difference between the tools.
Sent from my iPhone
> On 6 May 2020, at 04:12, Luis Morgado da Costa <luis.passos.morgado at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Woodley,
> That helped a lot. Everything is working as expected now. I had forgotten to also inherit from:
> constant-lex-rule := lex-rule &
> [ STEM #stem,
> DTR [ STEM #stem ]].
> Cheers,
> Luis
>> On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 2:25 PM Woodley Packard <sweaglesw at sweaglesw.org> wrote:
>> Hi Luis,
>> I wasn't quite sure which ace/config.tdl to use in the Zhong tree, as there are several, but I guessed that maybe cmn/zhs/ace/config.tdl was a good place to start, and was able to reproduce the errors you found. A little bit of hunting showed that this is a result of STEM containing unconstrained strings, and it looks like the culprit is the v_aux_ell-lr rule. That rule fails to constrain the mother's STEM.FIRST value, and as a result, subsequent orthographemic rules (in this case, the abua-olr rule) can't tell what string they should be operating on. Possibly v_aux_ell-lr should pass up the daughter's STEM value?
>> I hope that helps,
>> Woodley
>>> On May 5, 2020, at 9:09 PM, Luis Morgado da Costa <luis.passos.morgado at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Woodley (or anyone else who can help),
>>> Ace is crashing unexpectedly with at least two sentences in a large regression test for ZHONG:
>>> 能 不 能 借给 我 一 枝 笔 ? (can-not-can lend me 1 CL pen?)
>>> 要 不 要 借 书 ? (want-not-want borrow book?)
>>> Our suspicion is that the problem arises from the interaction of this V-not-V question form in Mandarin, and the fact that in these examples the verbs are auxiliaries.
>>> The same error does not happen, for example, for the sentence:
>>> 你 吃 不 吃 肉 ? (you eat-not-eat mean?)
>>> We repeatedly get the same error for these (and similar) sentences:
>>> ace: type.c:625: type_to_string: Assertion `ty->name[0]=='"'' failed.
>>> Aborted (core dumped)
>>> =========================================================
>>> $ ./ace -g zhong.dat
>>> 能 不 能 借给 我 一 枝 笔 ?
>>> ace: type.c:625: type_to_string: Assertion `ty->name[0]=='"'' failed.
>>> Aborted (core dumped)
>>> ./ace -g zhong.dat
>>> 要 不 要 借 书 ?
>>> ace: type.c:625: type_to_string: Assertion `ty->name[0]=='"'' failed.
>>> Aborted (core dumped)
>>> ==========================================================
>>> This happens both in ACE 0.9.30 and 0.9.31; However, it does not happen with LKB FOS (we get parses for both sentences above, see below).
>>> <Screenshot from 2020-05-06 11-28-01.png>
>>> <Screenshot from 2020-05-06 11-30-49.png>
>>> Is there anything we might be missing? We would much appreciate if you could help us solve this.
>>> For testing, you might want to download the current (uncommitted) version of ZHONG: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1p7lPA06sD2v6Xq0qG0TslGF0x6n5uIqV
>>> Cheers,
>>> Luis
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