[developers] Web interfaces

Alexandre Rademaker arademaker at gmail.com
Fri May 7 01:44:19 UTC 2021

Hi all,

I want to understand the alternatives we have for presenting semantic and syntactic structures on a web page. This is part of our current effort to rewrite the WSI interface. The goal is to have something similar to the last version of WSI that I had access and I have it running with sample data at https://wsi.mybluemix.net/demo/. 

This instance has MRS and EDS. I could not import DMRS, but I remember that I saw somewhere another instance of WSI exposing DMRS. Does anyone know where? 

Anyway, we already have a new WQL to SPARQL transformation in place, and now we are moving to the web interface part. The WSI code is quite complicated using a lot of javascript. I could not understand how the EDS/MRSs are transmitted from the Jean to the browser.

But even if I ignore that and design a new strategy, I would like to reuse the alternatives available to present MRS, DMRS, and EDS in the browser. Besides the WSI interface, we have:

1. http://chimpanzee.ling.washington.edu/demophin/erg/parse displays only DMRS. Who is the author of the dmrs.js? The DMRSs are transformed into SVG… 

2. http://delph-in.github.io/delphin-viz/demo/. It shows derivation trees, MRS and DRMSs. Uses https://github.com/delph-in/delphin-viz, it is the state-of-the-art solution for displaying DELPH-IN structures? I didn't find documentation; how should my backend provide the data to allow this code to load/parse and display them on a page?

3. http://erg.delph-in.net/logon. It shows trees (not the same as above), dm, MRS, EDS. The DM is not the DMRS… The tree, EDS, and MRS are HTML tables produced on the server-side by some code; the DM is transformed in SVG, but how? The backend is Lisp. I would love to understand all the loading steps of the logon scripts! I suppose it is using LKB with the ERG 1214, but the www bash script is almost impossible to read... anyway, for WSI, I don't need to call a parser but to retrieve the structures from an RDF triplestore and display them.

Does anyone have any direction? It would help me a lot! 


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