(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (require :climxm)) (in-package :silica) #-(or aclpc acl86win32) (defun mapping-table-initform () (excl:ics-target-case (:+ics (let ((v (make-array 4 :adjustable t))) (dotimes (i 4) (setf (aref v i) (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) v)) (:-ics (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))) #-(or aclpc acl86win32) (defun mapping-cache-initform () (excl:ics-target-case (:+ics (let ((v (make-array 4 :adjustable t))) (dotimes (i 4) (setf (aref v i) (cons nil nil))) v)) (:-ics (cons nil nil)))) (defun make-text-style (family face size &aux changed-p original-face) (unless (numberp face) (setf original-face face face (face->face-code face))) ;"Intern" the face code. (loop (let* ((family-stuff (assoc family *text-style-intern-table*)) (face-stuff (and family-stuff (assoc face (cdr family-stuff)))) (size-stuff (and face-stuff (assoc size (cdr face-stuff))))) (when size-stuff (return-from make-text-style (cdr size-stuff))) (multiple-value-setq (family face size changed-p original-face) (validate-text-style-components family face size original-face)) (unless changed-p (macrolet ((ensure-stuff (stuff thing from-stuff) `(unless ,stuff (setf ,stuff (cons ,thing nil)) (with-lock-held (*text-style-lock* "Text style lock") (setf ,from-stuff (nconc ,from-stuff (cons ,stuff nil))))))) (ensure-stuff family-stuff family *text-style-intern-table*) (ensure-stuff face-stuff face family-stuff) (ensure-stuff size-stuff size face-stuff)) (let* ((new-style (make-text-style-1 family face size nil))) (setf (cdr size-stuff) new-style) (return-from make-text-style new-style)))))) (defmethod port-mapping-table ((port basic-port) character-set) (with-slots (mapping-table) port #+allegro (excl:ics-target-case (:-ics character-set mapping-table) (:+ics (let ((old-length (length mapping-table))) (when (>= character-set (length mapping-table)) (setf mapping-table (adjust-array mapping-table (1+ character-set))) (dotimes (i (- (length mapping-table) old-length)) (setf (aref mapping-table (+ i old-length)) (make-hash-table :test #'equal))))) (aref mapping-table character-set))) #-allegro mapping-table)) (defmethod port-mapping-cache ((port basic-port) character-set) (with-slots (mapping-cache) port #+allegro (excl:ics-target-case (:-ics character-set mapping-cache) (:+ics (let ((old-length (length mapping-cache))) (when (>= character-set (length mapping-cache)) (setf mapping-cache (adjust-array mapping-cache (1+ character-set))) (dotimes (i (- (length mapping-cache) old-length)) (setf (aref mapping-cache (+ i old-length)) (cons nil nil))))) (aref mapping-cache character-set))) #-allegro mapping-cache)) (defmethod (setf text-style-mapping) (mapping (port basic-port) style &optional (character-set *standard-character-set*) window) (declare (ignore window)) (setq style (standardize-text-style port (parse-text-style style) character-set)) (when (listp mapping) (assert (eq (first mapping) :style) () "Text style mappings must be atomic font names ~ or (:STYLE . (family face size))") (setf mapping (parse-text-style (cdr mapping)))) (with-slots (allow-loose-text-style-size-mapping) port (let ((mapping-table (port-mapping-table port character-set)) (mapping-cache (port-mapping-cache port character-set))) (without-scheduling (setf (car mapping-cache) nil (cdr mapping-cache) nil)) (if allow-loose-text-style-size-mapping ; ### <----!!! (multiple-value-bind (family face size) (text-style-components style) (declare (ignore size)) (with-stack-list (key family face) (let* ((fonts (gethash key mapping-table)) (old (assoc style fonts))) (cond (old (setf (second old) mapping)) (t (push (list style mapping) fonts) (setq fonts (sort fonts #'(lambda (e1 e2) (< (text-style-size (first e1)) (text-style-size (first e2)))))) (setf (gethash (copy-list key) mapping-table) fonts)) (print fonts *debug-io*)) mapping))) (setf (gethash style mapping-table) mapping))))) (in-package :tk) (defparameter *external-formats-to-locale-charset-alist* `((,(excl:find-external-format "UTF-8") . "UTF-8") (,(excl:find-external-format "LATIN1") . "ISO-8859-1"))) (ff:defun-foreign-callable xt-current-locale-for-acl ((display (* :void)) (xnl (* :char)) (client-data (* :void))) (declare (:convention :c) (ignore display client-data xnl)) (labels ((ef-name (ef) (if (excl:composed-external-format-p ef) (or (ef-name (excl:ef-composer-ef ef)) (ef-name (excl:ef-composee-ef ef))) (cdr (assoc ef *external-formats-to-locale-charset-alist*)))) (try-locale (locale) (format *debug-io* "Trying locale ~A~%" locale) (setlocale lc-all locale) (let ((supported (x-supports-locale))) (unless (zerop supported) (x-set-locale-modifiers "") (format *debug-io* "X supports locale!~%") locale)))) (let ((locale (excl:locale-name excl:*locale*)) (encoding (ef-name (excl:locale-external-format excl:*locale*)))) (or (if encoding (try-locale (format nil "~A.~A" locale encoding)) (warn "Couldn't determine unix encoding of locale ~A's external format. Falling back to default encoding for locale." excl:*locale*)) (try-locale (format nil "~A" locale)) ;; didn't find any locale. (try-locale "C"))))) (defun initialize-toolkit (&rest args) (let ((context (create-application-context))) (when *fallback-resources* (xt_app_set_fallback_resources context (let ((n (length *fallback-resources*))) (with-*-array (v (1+ n)) (dotimes (i n) (setf (*-array v i) (clim-utils:string-to-foreign (nth i *fallback-resources*)))) (setf (*-array v n) 0) v)))) (excl:ics-target-case (:+ics (xt_set_language_proc 0 (register-foreign-callable 'xt-current-locale-for-acl :reuse t) 0))) (let* ((display (apply #'make-instance 'display :context context args)) (app (apply #'app-create-shell :display display :widget-class 'application-shell args))) (values context display app)))) (setf *font-list-tags* (make-array 4 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t :initial-contents (list (excl:string-to-native "ascii") (excl:string-to-native "kanji") (excl:string-to-native "katakana") (excl:string-to-native "gaiji")) )) (defun export-font-list (value) (when (atom value) (setq value (list value))) (flet ((create-font-list-entry (font) (note-malloced-object (excl:ics-target-case (:+ics (let ((tag "")) (when (consp font) (setq tag (aref *font-list-tags* (car font)) font (cdr font))) (xm_font_list_entry_create tag (etypecase font (font xm-font-is-font) (font-set xm-font-is-fontset)) font))) (:-ics (xm_font_list_entry_create "" xm-font-is-font font)))))) (let ((font-list (xm_font_list_append_entry 0 ; old entry (create-font-list-entry (car value))))) (dolist (font (cdr value)) (setq font-list (xm_font_list_append_entry font-list (create-font-list-entry font)))) (note-malloced-object font-list #'free-font-list)))) (defmethod convert-resource-out ((parent t) (type (eql 'xm-string)) value) (let ((result nil)) (flet ((extract-element (codeset start end) (let* ((substring (subseq value start end)) (element (xm_string_create_l_to_r (ecase codeset ((0 2) (lisp-string-to-string8 substring)) ((1 3) (lisp-string-to-string16 substring))) (aref *font-list-tags* codeset)))) (tk::add-widget-cleanup-function parent #'destroy-generated-xm-string element) (let ((temp (if result (xm_string_concat result element) (xm_string_copy element)))) (tk::add-widget-cleanup-function parent #'destroy-generated-xm-string temp) (setq result temp))))) (declare (dynamic-extent #'extract)) (partition-compound-string value #'extract-element) (or result *empty-compound-string* (setq *empty-compound-string* (xm_string_create_l_to_r (clim-utils:string-to-foreign "") (clim-utils:string-to-foreign xm-font-list-default-tag))))))) (x11::def-exported-constant lc-ctype 0) (x11::def-exported-constant lc-all 6) (in-package :xt) (def-foreign-call (x-supports-locale "XSupportsLocale") () :returning (:int fixnum) :arg-checking nil) (def-foreign-call (x-set-locale-modifiers "XSetLocaleModifiers") ((x :foreign-address)) :call-direct t :returning :foreign-address :arg-checking nil) (in-package :xm-silica) (defvar *default-fallback-font* "fixed") (defun list-fonts-by-registry (display) (let* ((fonts (tk::list-font-names display "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")) (encoding-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (dolist (font fonts) (let ((font* (disassemble-x-font-name font))) (push font (gethash (last font* 2) encoding-hash)))) encoding-hash)) (defun find-font-with-properties (fonts weight slant) (or (find (list weight slant) fonts :test #'equal :key (lambda (font) (let ((font* (disassemble-x-font-name font))) (list (nth 3 font*) (nth 4 font*))))) (first fonts))) (defun font-name-of-aliased-font (display fontname) (excl:with-native-string (nfn fontname) (let ((font (x11:xloadqueryfont display nfn))) (unless (zerop font) (unwind-protect (loop for i from 0 below (x11:xfontstruct-n-properties font) for fontprop = (+ (* i 2 #-64bit 4 #+64bit 8) (x11:xfontstruct-properties font)) when (eql x11:xa-font (x11:xfontprop-name fontprop)) do (return (values (excl:native-to-string (x11:xgetatomname display (x11:xfontprop-card32 fontprop)))))) (x11:xfreefont display font)))))) (defmethod initialize-xlib-port ((port xt-port) display) (let* ((screen (x11:xdefaultscreen display)) ;;-- This is a property of the graft (screen-pixels-per-inch (* 25.4 (/ (x11::xdisplayheight display screen) (x11:xdisplayheightmm display screen))))) (labels ((font->text-style (font family) (flet ((parse-token (token) (if token (parse-integer token) (return-from font->text-style nil)))) (let* ((tokens (disassemble-x-font-name font)) (italic (member (nth 4 tokens) '("i" "o") :test #'equalp)) (bold (equalp (nth 3 tokens) "bold")) (face (if italic (if bold '(:bold :italic) :italic) (if bold :bold :roman))) (pixel-size (parse-token (nth 7 tokens))) (point-size (parse-token (nth 8 tokens))) (y-resolution (parse-token (nth 10 tokens))) (average-width (parse-token (nth 12 tokens))) (corrected-point-size (* (float point-size) (/ y-resolution screen-pixels-per-inch)))) (unless (and (not *use-scalable-fonts*) (or (eql pixel-size 0) (eql point-size 0) (eql average-width 0))) (make-text-style family face (/ corrected-point-size 10)))))) (load-1-charset (character-set fallback families) (let* ((matchesp nil) ;do any non-fallback fonts match? (fallback-matches-p ;any fallback matches? (not (null (tk::list-font-names display fallback)))) (fallback-loadable-p ;fallback actually loadable? (and fallback-matches-p (excl:with-native-string (nfn fallback) (let ((x (x11:xloadqueryfont display nfn))) (if (not (zerop x)) (progn (x11:xfreefont display x) t) nil)))))) (dolist (per-family families) (destructuring-bind (family &rest patterns) per-family (dolist (font-pattern patterns) (dolist (xfont (tk::list-font-names display font-pattern)) ;; this hack overcomes a bug with hp's scalable fonts (unless (find #\* xfont) (setf matchesp t) ;there was at least one match (let ((text-style (font->text-style xfont family))) ;; prefer first font satisfying this text style, so ;; don't override if we've already defined one. (when text-style (unless (text-style-mapping-exists-p port text-style character-set t) (setf (text-style-mapping port text-style character-set) xfont))))))))) ;; Set up the fallback if it looks like there is one, and ;; complain if things look bad. Things look bad if there were ;; matches but the fallback is not loadable. If there were ;; no matches then don't complain even if there appears to be ;; something wrong with the fallback, just silently don't load it ;; (and thus define no mappings for the character set). (cond (fallback-loadable-p ;all is well (setf (text-style-mapping port *undefined-text-style* character-set) fallback)) ((and matchesp fallback-matches-p) (warn "Fallback font ~A, for character set ~A, matches with XListFonts, but is not loadable by XLoadQueryFont. Something may be wrong with the X font setup." fallback character-set)) (matchesp (warn "Fallback font ~A not loadable for character set ~A." fallback character-set)))))) (let ((charset-number 0) (done-registries ())) (dolist (per-charset *xt-font-families*) (destructuring-bind (character-set fallback &rest families) per-charset (load-1-charset character-set fallback families) (setf charset-number (max charset-number character-set)) (dolist (family families) (pushnew (last (disassemble-x-font-name (second family)) 2) done-registries :test #'equal)))) (format *debug-io* "done registries: ~A, last charset: ~A~%" done-registries charset-number) ;; Now setup font mappings of fonts that the user has ;; installed, but we don't know anything about (especially no ;; convenient font aliases). ;; Since we don't have any font alias names to rely on, we use ;; the "fixed" alias to find out at least a sensible default ;; weight and slant. (let* ((default-fallback (disassemble-x-font-name (font-name-of-aliased-font display *default-fallback-font*))) (weight (nth 3 default-fallback)) (slant (nth 4 default-fallback))) (loop for character-set from (1+ charset-number) for encoding being the hash-keys of (list-fonts-by-registry display) using (hash-value fonts) for fallback-font = (find-font-with-properties fonts weight slant) for default-font-match-string = (format nil "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-~A-~A" (first encoding) (second encoding)) do (format *debug-io* "~®istering installed font ~A for enc:~A~%" character-set encoding) do (unless (member encoding done-registries :test #'equal) (vector-push-extend (excl:string-to-native (format nil "~A-~A" (first encoding) (second encoding))) tk::*font-list-tags*) (load-1-charset character-set fallback-font `((:fix ,default-font-match-string) (:sans-serif ,default-font-match-string) (:serif ,default-font-match-string)))))) ))) (setup-stipples port display)) (defmethod text-style-mapping :around ((port xt-port) text-style &optional (character-set *standard-character-set*) window) (declare (ignore window)) (if character-set (let ((mapping (call-next-method))) (if (stringp mapping) (setf (text-style-mapping port text-style character-set) (find-named-font port mapping character-set)) mapping)) (let ((mappings nil)) (dotimes (c (length (slot-value port 'silica::mapping-table))) ; XXX: ugly. prettify. (let ((mapping (text-style-mapping port text-style c))) (when mapping (push (cons c mapping) mappings)))) (reverse mappings)))) (defmethod restart-port ((port xt-port)) (let ((process (port-process port))) (when process (clim-sys:destroy-process process)) (setq process (mp:process-run-function (list :name (format nil "CLIM Event Dispatcher for ~A" (port-server-path port)) :priority 1000 :initial-bindings `((excl:*locale* . ',excl:*locale*) ,@excl:*cl-default-special-bindings*)) #'port-event-loop port)) (setf (getf (mp:process-property-list process) :no-interrupts) t) (setf (port-process port) process))) (in-package :clim-utils) (eval-when (compile) (ff:def-foreign-call (_malloc "malloc") ((data :int)) :call-direct t :arg-checking nil :returning :foreign-address) (ff:def-foreign-call (_free "free") ((data (* :char) simple-string)) :call-direct t :strings-convert nil :arg-checking nil :returning :void)) (defun string-to-foreign (string &optional address) "Convert a Lisp string to a C string, by copying." (declare (optimize (speed 3)) (type string string) (type integer address)) (unless (stringp string) (excl::.type-error string 'string)) (if address (excl:string-to-native string :address address) (let* ((octets (excl:string-to-octets string :null-terminate t)) (length (length octets))) (declare (optimize (safety 0)) (type fixnum length)) (setf address (_malloc length)) (dotimes (i length) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (sys:memref-int address 0 i :unsigned-byte) (aref octets i))) #+clim-utils::extra-careful(let ((re-char-ed (excl:octets-to-string octets))) (assert (equal re-char-ed string) (re-char-ed string) "string isn't equal to re-chared octets~%~S~%~S!" string re-char-ed)))) #+clim-utils::extra-careful(let ((re-lisped (excl:native-to-string address))) (assert (equal re-lisped string) (re-lisped string) "string isn't equal to re-chared foreign mem ~%~S~%~S!" string re-lisped)) address)