Hi all,<br><br>I would like to ask about the current state of RMRS in PET. <br><br>The cfrom/cto of EPs are defined to be character spans. And I do get the correct cfrom/cto when using LKB alone. However, with the SVN PET compiled with recent LKB (from the logon cvs, with the patch for file name confliction of `rmrs/convert.lisp'), the cfrom/cto for eps seems to be token-based span, rather than the character span (see the attached outputs from PET). I get the same `token-based' span when I use the `tsdb::export-trees()' of the fine system to export RMRS in xml format from the treebank.
<br><br>It will be appreciated if anyone can explain to me the current state of RMRS development, especially for the use in PET and itsdb. Is it possible at all to get the character span cfrom/cto in PET and/or tsdb `export' functionality?
<br><br>Best,<br>Yi<br><br><br>-----begin-----<br>...<br>(1) `the dog barks' [0] --- 2 (0.00|0.01s) <7:58> (673.1K) [0.0s]<br>derivation[1] (0.4371):the dog barks <br><br><rmrs cfrom='-1' cto='-1'><br><label vid='1'/>
<br><ep cfrom='0' cto='3'><gpred>prop-or-ques_m_rel</gpred><label vid='1'/><var sort='e' vid='2'/></ep><br><ep cfrom='0' cto='2'><realpred lemma='the' pos='q'/><label vid='6'/><var sort='x' vid='7'/></ep>
<br><ep cfrom='1' cto='2'><realpred lemma='dog' pos='n' sense='1'/><label vid='10'/><var sort='x' vid='7'/></ep><br><ep cfrom='2' cto='3'><realpred lemma='bark' pos='v' sense='1'/><label vid='11'/><var sort='e' vid='2'/></ep>
<br><rarg><rargname>MARG</rargname><label vid='1'/><var sort='h' vid='3'/></rarg><br><rarg><rargname>RSTR</rargname><label vid='6'/><var sort='h' vid='8'/></rarg>
<br><rarg><rargname>BODY</rargname><label vid='6'/><var sort='h' vid='9'/></rarg><br><rarg><rargname>ARG1</rargname><label vid='11'/><var sort='x' vid='7'/></rarg>
<br><hcons hreln='qeq'><hi><var sort='h' vid='3'/></hi><lo><label vid='11'/></lo></hcons><br><hcons hreln='qeq'><hi><var sort='h' vid='8'/></hi><lo><label vid='10'/></lo></hcons>