0@@@@1@@wurlu-ngg-a yardi bungmaj-bulu@@@@1@3@eaglehawk.II.ACC 3.DU.A-RR-NF put old.person-DU.ACC // The two old women turned themselves into eaglehawks .@@ 10@@@@1@@Bagijbi ini janji@@@@1@3@bad.I.NOM this.I.SG.NOM dog.I.NOM // This dog ( male ) is no good ( i.e . it is nasty ) .@@ 20@@@@1@@Manku ngi-ngg-a bagijbi@@@@1@3@feel 1.SG.A-RR-NF bad.I.NOM // I ( male ) feel no good .@@ 30@@@@1@@Gurijbirna nana alanga@@@@1@3@good.II.NOM this.II.SG.NOM girl.II.NOM // This girl is good .@@ 40@@@@1@@Gurijbirna ngi-n mirra@@@@1@3@good.II.NOM 1.SG.S.PR-PROG sit // I ( female ) feel good .@@ 50@@@@1@@Gurijbi g-aji mirra@@@@1@3@good.I.NOM 3.SG.S-HAB.PST sit // He used to be a good boy .@@ 60@@@@1@@Bagijbi gi juruma@@@@1@3@feel.bad 3.SG.S.PR stomach.III.NOM // He feels no good in the stomach .@@ 70@@@@1@@Gurijbi g-u marala ngaji-ni@@@@1@4@feel.good 3.SG.S-FUT heart.IV.NOM see-LOC // She will be happy to see ( her ) . ( lit . Her heart will feel good seeing ( her ) )@@ 80@@@@1@@Mirra gi-n murrgu@@@@1@3@sit 3.SG.S.PR-PROG inside // She 's sitting inside .@@ 90@@@@1@@Guriny-mi ng-u gulug-ba@@@@1@3@good-FAC 1.SG.S-FUT sleep-FUT // I will sleep well .@@ 100@@@@1@@Guriny-ma ng-u@@@@1@2@good-FAC.FUT 1.SG.A-FUT // I will fix it .@@ 110@@@@1@@Gaj-ba gun-u ganjimi@@@@1@3@eat-FUT 3.SG.M.A-FUT finish // He will eat it all .@@ 120@@@@1@@Ganjima gun-u@@@@1@2@finish.FUT 3.SG.M.A-FUT // He 'll finish it .@@ 130@@@@1@@Barngala ngi-n mirra@@@@1@3@have.legs.crossed 1.SG.S.PR-PROG sit // I 'm sitting with my legs crossed .@@ 140@@@@1@@Jirrbali gi-n naniyaga gulugbi@@@@1@4@lie.on.stomach 3.SG.S.PR-PROG that.II.SG.NOM sleep // She 's sleeping on her stomach .@@ 150@@@@1@@Barngali-j-ba giliyaga@@@@1@2@have.crossed.legs-TH-FUT there // Sit down with your legs crossed over there !@@ 160@@@@1@@Jirrbali-j-ba@@@@1@1@lie.on.stomach-TH-FUT // Lie on your stomach !@@ 170@@@@1@@Darridarri irri-n mirra@@@@1@3@be.in.a.line 3.PL.S.NP-PROG sit // They 're sitting in a line .@@ 180@@@@1@@Darridarri girr garran-ba@@@@1@3@be.in.a.line PL.IMP stand-FUT // Stand in a line !@@ 190@@@@1@@Junmi wurlu-ngg-a jabarrini-ni@@@@1@3@cut 3.DU.A-RR-NF knife.I-LOC // They cut each other with a knife .@@ 200@@@@1@@Bardgu g-a jamba-nmanji@@@@1@3@fall 3.SG.S-PST ground.IV-ALL // He fell to the ground .@@ 210@@@@1@@Manku ngi-ngg-a baginga@@@@1@3@feel 1.SG.A-RR-NF bad.II.NOM // I feel no good .@@ 220@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-a alaji ilijbi@@@@1@4@see 1.SG.A-PST child.I.ACC alone.I.ACC // I saw the boy alone .@@ 230@@@@1@@Ngajbi ngi-ny-a munjungu-nu@@@@1@3@see 1.SG.A-2.O-PST shade.IV-LOC // I saw you in the shade .@@ 240@@@@1@@Ngijininima irri-ngg-i daguma-j-ba@@@@1@3@tomorrow 3.PL.A-RR-FUT hit-TH-FUT // Tomorrow they will fight ( each other ) .@@ 250@@@@1@@Yanybi ng-a marnugujama alag-uli-ja@@@@1@4@get 1.SG.A-PST conkerberry.III.ACC child-DU-DAT // I got the conkerberries for the two children .@@ 260@@@@1@@Mirra ngi ilijbirna@@@@1@3@sit 1.SG.S.PR alone.II.NOM // I 'm sitting alone .@@ 270@@@@1@@Junku g-a jalyu-nmanji jamba-nkanyi@@@@1@4@crawl 3.SG.S-PST bed.IV-ALL ground.IV-PERL // He crawled along the ground to the bed .@@ 280@@@@1@@Bungmaji g-a yarru manganymi-nka ngurra@@@@1@5@old.man.I.NOM 3.SG.S-PST go tucker.III-DAT 1.PL.INC.OBL // The old man has gone for tucker for us .@@ 290@@@@1@@Yabu gama gujiga-nmanji manganymi-nka@@@@1@4@have SG.IMP.AWY mother.II-ALL tucker.III-DAT // Take him to ( his ) mother for some tucker !@@ 300@@@@1@@Ngarlwi irri irra@@@@1@3@talk 3.PL.S.NP 3.PL.OBL // Theyi 're talking to themj/*i .@@ 310@@@@1@@Ngarlwi irri-ngg-a@@@@1@2@talk 3.PL.A-RR-NF // They 're talking to each other .@@ 320@@@@1@@Yabu ny-u nganga angarri-nka@@@@1@4@have.FUT 2.SG.A-FUT 2.SG.OBL corroboree.IV-DAT // You 'll keep it for yourself for a corroboree .@@ 330@@@@1@@Wugbardi ng-u gunju alangi-nka@@@@1@4@cook 1.SG.A-FUT meat.IV.ACC child.I-DAT // I will cook meat for the boy .@@ 340@@@@1@@Yangaji ini bagijbi@@@@1@3@meat.I.NOM this.I.SG.NOM bad.I.NOM // This meat is no good .@@ 350@@@@1@@Bagiga yana gunju@@@@1@3@bad.IV.NOM this.IV.SG.NOM meat.IV.NOM // This meat is no good .@@ 360@@@@1@@Aliyulu ng-a bulyungu wawunji@@@@1@4@find 1.SG.A-PST little.IV.ACC sugarbag.I.ACC // I found a little sugarbag .@@ 370@@@@1@@Yany-ba yaniyaga bayigina guguga-nka@@@@1@4@get-FUT that.IV.SG.ACC bag.II.ACC MM.II-DAT // Get that bag for granny !@@ 380@@@@1@@Aliyulu ng-a bulyingi wawunji@@@@1@4@find 1.SG.A-PST little.I.ACC sugarbag.I.ACC // I found a little sugarbag .@@ 390@@@@1@@Yany-ba naniyaga bayigina guguga-nka@@@@1@4@get-FUT that.II.SG.ACC bag.II.ACC MM.II-DAT // Get that bag for granny !@@ 400@@@@1@@Jiya-j-ba yana manganyma naniyaga@@@@1@4@give-TH-FUT this.IV.SG.ACC tucker.III.ACC that.II.SG.ACC // Give this tucker to that woman .@@ 410@@@@1@@Yaniyaga burnaringma ng-a nawu@@@@1@4@that.IV.SG.ACC wild.orange.III.ACC 1.SG.A-PST step.on // I stood on that ( wild ) orange .@@ 420@@@@1@@Ngarrga manganyma mamiyaga@@@@1@3@1.SG.POSS.IV.NOM tucker.III.NOM that.III.SG.NOM // That 's my tucker .@@ 430@@@@1@@Ngarrima manganyma mamiyaga@@@@1@3@1.SG.POSS.III.NOM tucker.III.NOM that.III.SG.NOM // That 's my tucker .@@ 440@@@@1@@Buguwama mamiyaga burnaringma@@@@1@3@big.III.NOM that.III.SG.NOM wild.orange.III.NOM // That 's a big orange .@@ 450@@@@1@@Garnguji juwarramba nayirrundurna@@@@1@3@many.I.NOM men.I.NOM women.II.NOM // Lots of men and women .@@ 460@@@@1@@Gunyini-nka gi bundurri-jbi@@@@1@3@other.I-DAT 3.SG.S.PR full-INCH // She 's pregnant with another ( child ) .@@ 470@@@@1@@Janji gama yabu@@@@1@3@dog.I.ACC SG.IMP.AWY take.FUT // Take that dog away !@@ 480@@@@1@@Gajbi ng-a jigama@@@@1@3@eat 1.SG.A-PST yam.III.ACC // I ate a/some bush yam ( s ) .@@ 490@@@@1@@Juwa-ni gan-ala ngarabi jaburru@@@@1@4@man.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-HAB.PST drink first // Men always drink first .@@ 500@@@@1@@Narunguji-ni irri-ng-a-n ngurra banymanymi@@@@1@4@car.IV-LOC 3.PL.A-1.O-NF-PROG 1.PL.INC.ACC pass.by.RDP // Cars were passing us ( all night ) .@@ 510@@@@1@@Aliyulu ng-a yagama janga ngarrga@@@@1@5@find 1.SG.A-PST that.IV.SG.ACC foot.IV.ACC 1.SG.POSS.IV.ACC // I found my ( two ) shoes .@@ 520@@@@1@@Wayani ngi-ma ninagiyawulija janyi-nka gubaji-wuli-ja@@@@1@5@look.for 1.SG.S-PST that.I.DU.DAT dog.I-DAT small-DU-DAT // I 've been looking for those two small dogs .@@ 530@@@@1@@Garndawuga ngiy-a wankurarri marrgulu@@@@1@4@one.IV.ACC 3.SG.NM.A-PST lay egg.IV.ACC // She laid one egg .@@ 540@@@@1@@Naniyawulu bungmaj-bulu wurlu-n yarru@@@@1@4@that.II.DU.NOM old.person-DU.NOM 3.DU.S.NP-PROG go // Those two old women are coming .@@ 550@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-a ilarra-wulu@@@@1@3@see 1.SG.A-PST eaglehawk-DU.ACC // I saw two eaglehawks .@@ 560@@@@1@@Yany-ba ng-u darranggu-wulu@@@@1@3@get-FUT 1.SG.A-FUT stick-DU.ACC // I 'll get two sticks .@@ 570@@@@1@@Jigama-yulu ny-a aliyulu@@@@1@3@yam.III-DU.ACC 2.SG.A-PST find // You found two yams .@@ 580@@@@1@@Jany-buli-ji wurlu-ng-a nyurrunyurru@@@@1@3@dog-DU-LOC 3.DU.A-1.O-NF chase // Two dogs chased me .@@ 590@@@@1@@Yanybi ng-a marnugujama bungmaj-buli-ja@@@@1@4@get 1.SG.A-PST conkerberry.III.ACC old.person-DU-DAT // I got all the conkerberries for the two old people .@@ 600@@@@1@@Gujarrawulu alag-ulu ngi yabu@@@@1@4@two.ACC child-DU.ACC 1.SG.A.PR have // I have two kids .@@ 610@@@@1@@Gujarrawulu marndag-bulu inuwuliyaga@@@@1@3@two.NOM white.person-DU.NOM that.I.DU.NOM // There are two white men .@@ 620@@@@1@@Gujarrarna nyilangunya ng-a yanybi@@@@1@4@two.II.ACC echidna.II.ACC 1.SG.A-PST get // I got two echidnas .@@ 630@@@@1@@Gujarri juguli gini-n yabu@@@@1@4@two.I.ACC boomerang.I.ACC 3.SG.M.A.PR-PROG have // He has two boomerangs .@@ 640@@@@1@@Gujarrawulu jigama ng-a yanybi@@@@1@4@two.ACC yam.III.ACC 1.SG.A-PST get // I got two yams .@@ 650@@@@1@@Juguli-yulu gujarri gini-n yabu@@@@1@4@boomerang-DU.ACC two.I.ACC 3.SG.M.A.PR-PROG have // He has two boomerangs ( or maybe : 'Boomerangs , he has two ( of them ) ' ) .@@ 660@@@@1@@Gujarrawulu ng-a yabu@@@@1@3@two.ACC 1.SG.A-PST have // I had two ( sticks ) .@@ 670@@@@1@@Gujarra ng-a aliyulu@@@@1@3@two.IV.ACC 1.SG.A-PST find // I found two ( eggs ) .@@ 680@@@@1@@Dirdibila iniyaga juguli@@@@1@3@clap.FUT that.I.SG.ACC boomerang.I.ACC // Clap the ( pair of ) boomerangs !@@ 690@@@@1@@Dirdibila yaniyaga danmuga@@@@1@3@clap.FUT that.IV.SG.ACC clapping.stick.IV.ACC // Clap the ( pair of ) clapping sticks !@@ 700@@@@1@@Ngaj-barli-marndarna nanagunya@@@@1@2@see-AGNT-PL.II.NOM this.II.PL.NOM // Those women are staring ( at me ) .@@ 710@@@@1@@Murrgun-balarna irri-n mirra ngarli-ni@@@@1@4@three-PL.II.NOM 3.PL.S.NP-PROG sit talk-LOC // The three women are sitting talking .@@ 720@@@@1@@Yabu ngi murrgunji alaji@@@@1@4@have 1.SG.A.PR three.I.ACC boy.I.ACC // I have three boys .@@ 730@@@@1@@Murrgun-balarna irri-n mirra ngarli-ni@@@@1@4@three-PL.II.NOM 3.PL.S.NP-PROG sit talk-LOC // The three women are sitting talking .@@ 740@@@@1@@Marndag-bali irr-a yarru garngujbali@@@@1@4@white.person-PL.I.NOM 3.PL.S-PST go many.I.NOM // A lot of white men went .@@ 750@@@@1@@Garnguji nyi-n yabu alaji@@@@1@4@many.I.ACC 2.SG.A.PR-PROG have boy.I.ACC // You have a lot of kids .@@ 760@@@@1@@Aliyulu ng-a garnguja darranggu@@@@1@4@find 1.SG.A-PST many.IV.ACC stick.IV.ACC // I found a lot of sticks .@@ 770@@@@1@@Garngunya nayirrurndurna irr-a yarru@@@@1@4@many.II.NOM women.II.NOM 3.PL.S-PST go // Many women went .@@ 780@@@@1@@Garnguji g-a ginganbi@@@@1@3@many.I.NOM 3.SG.S-PST drown // Many drowned .@@ 790@@@@1@@Garnguji ini gi-n yarru@@@@1@4@many.I.NOM this.I.SG.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG go // Many ( of them ) are going .@@ 800@@@@1@@Gannga ngirr-iba banjani Wambaya-rdarra@@@@1@4@return.FUT 1.PL.EXC.S-NP.AWY back wambaya-GROUP.NOM // All of us Wambaya people are going to go back ( home ) .@@ 810@@@@1@@Yarru irr-aji alaji-rdarra@@@@1@3@go 3.PL.S-HAB.PST boy.I-GROUP.NOM // All the boys used to go .@@ 820@@@@1@@Yanagunja darranggu-rdarra maliwa-rdarra@@@@1@3@this.IV.PL.NOM tree.IV-GROUP.NOM big.IV-GROUP.NOM // These trees are big . ( p.39 )@@ 830@@@@1@@Iniyagunji yangaji-rdarra maliyi-marndi@@@@1@3@that.I.PL.NOM meat.I-GROUP.NOM big-PL.I.NOM // Those kangaroos are big ones . ( Hale 1959:48 )@@ 840@@@@1@@Gurijbima mamagunyma jigama-rdarra@@@@1@3@good.III.NOM this.III.PL.NOM yam.III-GROUP.NOM // These yams are good . ( Hale 1959:51 )@@ 850@@@@1@@Garnguji-rdarra irri-n mirra narunguji-nka@@@@1@4@many.I-GROUP.NOM 3.PL.S.NP-PROG sit car.IV-DAT // A big group of people are sitting ( waiting ) for the bus .@@ 860@@@@1@@Yarru irr-aji garngunya-rdarra@@@@1@3@go 3.PL.S-HAB.PST many.II-GROUP.NOM // A big group ( of women ) used to go .@@ 870@@@@1@@Alaji gi-n yugu@@@@1@3@boy.I-NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG cry // The little boy is crying .@@ 880@@@@1@@Bungmanya g-a yandu nganga@@@@1@4@old.woman.II-NOM 3.SG.S-PST wait 2.SG.OBL // The old woman waited for you .@@ 890@@@@1@@Junmi-j-ba nyu-ng-u baba@@@@1@3@cut-TH-FUT 2.SG.A-1.O-FUT brother.I-NOM // Cut my ( hair ) , brother !@@ 900@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-a lunggaji gulug-barda@@@@1@4@see 1.SG.A-PST policeman.I-ACC sleep-INF // I saw the policeman sleeping .@@ 910@@@@1@@Waliyulu irr-a marrgulu@@@@1@3@find 3.PL.A-PST egg.IV-ACC // They found ( some ) eggs .@@ 920@@@@1@@Janmajardi wurlu-ng-a darranggu-wuli-ji@@@@1@3@trip.up 3.DU.A-1.O-NF stick-DU-LOC // The two sticks tripped me up .@@ 930@@@@1@@Daguma ng-a wurla darranggu-wuli-ji@@@@1@4@hit 1.SG.A-PST 3.DU.ACC stick-DU-LOC // I hit them with two sticks .@@ 940@@@@1@@Mirra ngi gayanga-ni darranggu-wuli-ji@@@@1@4@sit 1.SG.S.PR top-LOC stick-DU-LOC // I 'm sitting on top of two sticks .@@ 950@@@@1@@Ngabulu-nu ngiyi-ng-agba dawu murlu@@@@1@4@milk.IV-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-HYP bite eye.IV.ACC // The sap might sting my eyes .@@ 960@@@@1@@Darranggu-ni ngiyi-ng-a irrijabi@@@@1@3@stick.IV-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF scratch // The stick scratched me .@@ 970@@@@1@@Bungmaj-buli-ji wurl-aji daguma juwarramba@@@@1@4@old.person-DU-LOC 3.DU.A-HAB.PST hit men.I.ACC // The old women had been killing all the men .@@ 980@@@@1@@Barraala dunkala wurlu-n baba-wuli-ji@@@@1@4@white.cockatoo.II.ACC chase.away 3.DU.A.NP-PROG sibling-DU-LOC // The two brothers are disturbing the white cockatoos .@@ 990@@@@1@@Guguga-yi ngiy-a wugbardi ngarra@@@@1@4@MM.II-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-PST cook 1.SG.OBL // Grandmother cooked ( dinner ) for me .@@ 1000@@@@1@@Juguna-yi gin-amany yabu@@@@1@3@MB.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-PST.TWD bring // Uncle brought him .@@ 1010@@@@1@@Gujiga-yi gurlaganga-ni ngiyi-ny-a gurla yagu@@@@1@5@mother.II-LOC 2.DU.POSS.II-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-2.O-NF 2.DU.ACC leave // Your mother has left you two .@@ 1020@@@@1@@Bungmanyi-ni gini-ng-a jiyawu@@@@1@3@old.man.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF give // The old man gave it to me .@@ 1030@@@@1@@Gujarra-ni labirri-ni nyi jiyawu@@@@1@4@two.IV-LOC hand.IV-LOC 2.SG.A.PR give // You give it with two hands .@@ 1040@@@@1@@Dudiyarri-j-ba ngu-ny-u balamurru-nu@@@@1@3@spear-TH-FUT 1.SG.A-2.O-FUT spear.IV-LOC // I 'm going to spear you with a spear .@@ 1050@@@@1@@Daguma ng-a wurla darranggu-wuli-ji@@@@1@4@hit 1.SG.A-PST 3.DU.ACC stick-DU-LOC // I hit them ( two ) with two sticks .@@ 1060@@@@1@@Wunjugu ny-u nijbi Wambaya-ni@@@@1@4@how 2.SG.A-FUT sing wambaya-LOC // How do you say it in Wambaya ? ( lit . How do you sing ( it ) with Wambaya ? )@@ 1070@@@@1@@Gumayangu-ni wurl-aji andajarri galaa@@@@1@4@cave.IV-LOC 3.DU.A-HAB.PST hide bone..IV.ACC // They 'd been hiding ( all ) the bones in a cave .@@ 1080@@@@1@@Gulugbi g-a magi-ni@@@@1@3@sleep 3.SG.S-PST camp.IV-LOC // He slept at camp .@@ 1090@@@@1@@Mirrang-ba jamba-ni@@@@1@2@sit-FUT ground.IV-LOC // Sit on the ground !@@ 1100@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-a jangi galyurringini-ni@@@@1@4@see 1.SG.A-PST down water.I-LOC // I saw ( it ) under the water .@@ 1110@@@@1@@Mirra ng-uba gili darranggu-nu manjungu-nu@@@@1@5@sit 1.SG.S-NP.AWY here tree.IV-LOC shade.IV-LOC // I 'll sit under that tree in the shade .@@ 1120@@@@1@@Ngurraramba-ni ng-u gulug-ba@@@@1@3@night-LOC 1.SG.S-FUT sleep-FUT // I will sleep in/during the night .@@ 1130@@@@1@@Gannga ng-ulama garnumba-yarra-ni@@@@1@3@return 1.SG.S-NP.TWD wet.season-NEXT-LOC // I will come back next wet season .@@ 1140@@@@1@@Gujarra-ni ngi-n yandu nanga marndanyi-nka@@@@1@5@two.IV-LOC 1.SG.S.PR-PROG wait 3.SG.M.OBL white.man.I-DAT // I 've been waiting for the white man for two ( days ) .@@ 1150@@@@1@@Mirra ng-u ngankagunya-ni@@@@1@3@sit 1.SG.S-FUT this.II.PL-LOC // I 'll sit with these women .@@ 1160@@@@1@@Mirra ny-uba jajiliga-yi nganginga-ni@@@@1@4@sit 2.SG.S-NP.AWY D.II-LOC 2.SG.POSS.II-LOC // You 'll go and sit with your daughter .@@ 1170@@@@1@@Damangga-ni gin-a yidanyi namirra@@@@1@4@head.IV-LOC 3.SG.M-PST get stone.IV.ACC // He took a stone out of ( my ) head .@@ 1180@@@@1@@Mirra ngirri-n ngarli-ni@@@@1@3@sit 1.PL.EXC.S.NP-PROG talk-LOC // We 're sitting talking .@@ 1190@@@@1@@Inja darranggu iyarrgbi ngiyi-ny-a@@@@1@4@which.IV.NOM stick.IV.NOM scrape 3.SG.NM.A-2.O-NF // Which stick scraped you ? ( lit . Which stick , it scraped you ? )@@ 1200@@@@1@@Gagulinya ngarrirna murrgunji ngiyi-n yabu@@@@1@5@sister.II.NOM 1.SG.POSS.II.NOM three.I.ACC 3.SG.NM.A.PR-PROG have // My younger sister has three ( kids ) ( lit . My younger sister , she has three ( kids ) ) .@@ 1210@@@@1@@Yandu ngi ngarringa-nka gujiga-nka@@@@1@4@wait 1.SG.S.PR 1.SG.POSS.II-DAT mother.II-DAT // I 'm waiting for my mother .@@ 1220@@@@1@@Ayani g-a nganga@@@@1@3@look.for 3.SG.S-PST 2.SG.OBL // He looked for you .@@ 1230@@@@1@@Yanybi ng-a marnugujama bungmaj-buli-ja@@@@1@4@get 1.SG.A-PST conkerberry.III.ACC old.person-DU-DAT // I got conkerberries for the two old people .@@ 1240@@@@1@@Gulug-ba gurl baba-wuli-ja ngarrinybi-yulu@@@@1@4@sleep-FUT DU.IMP sibling-DU-DAT mate-DU.NOM // You two sleep ( as ) mates for ( your ) brothers . ( i.e . sleep along with them )@@ 1250@@@@1@@Angbard-a gurl baba-wuli-janka ngaba wurlu gulug-ba@@@@1@6@build-FUT DU.IMP sibling-DU-DAT THEN 3.DU.S.NP sleep-FUT // Make ( a windbreak ) for ( your ) brothers so that they can sleep .@@ 1260@@@@1@@Gajbi wurlu ganjimi alag-uli-janka@@@@1@4@eat 3.DU.A.NP finish child-DU-DAT // They eat all ( the food ) for the two children .@@ 1270@@@@1@@Juwa-nka gi-n ayani babanya@@@@1@4@man.I-DAT 3.SG.S.PR-PROG look.for sister.II.NOM // ( My ) sister 's looking for a man .@@ 1280@@@@1@@Durra ngi-n janyi-nka@@@@1@3@be.frightened 1.SG.S.PR-PROG dog.I-DAT // I 'm frightened of the dog .@@ 1290@@@@1@@Durra ngi-n@@@@1@2@be.frightened 1.SG.S.PR-PROG // I 'm frightened .@@ 1300@@@@1@@Janganja gini-ng-a ngurra yangadi-nka wagalamarrini-ni@@@@1@5@ask 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF 1.PL.INC.ACC meat.I-DAT crow.I-LOC // The crow 's asking us for meat .@@ 1310@@@@1@@Andajarri irr-a alangi-nka@@@@1@3@hide 3.PL.A-PST boy.I-DAT // They hid ( it ) from the boy .@@ 1320@@@@1@@Andajarri irr-a@@@@1@2@hide 3.PL.A-PST // They hid ( it ) .@@ 1330@@@@1@@Naniyaga jiya-j-barlirna danya-nka ngurla@@@@1@4@that.II.SG.NOM give-TH-AGNT.II.NOM clothes.IV-DAT 1.DU.EXC.OBL // She always gives us clothes .@@ 1340@@@@1@@Naniyaga jiya-j-barlirna danya-nka@@@@1@3@that.II.SG.NOM give-TH-AGNT.II.NOM clothes.IV-DAT // She always gives clothes .@@ 1350@@@@1@@Bungmanya g-a mirra barla-ngunya ngarra@@@@1@5@old.woman.II.NOM 3.SG.S-PST sit fight-PROP.II.NOM 1.SG.OBL // ( That ) old woman was cross with me .@@ 1360@@@@1@@Yarru g-any ngangaba-nka@@@@1@3@go 3.SG.S-PST.AWY wood.IV-DAT // He 's gone for firewood .@@ 1370@@@@1@@Gannga ny-ulama gijilulu-nka@@@@1@3@return.FUT 2.SG.S-NP.TWD money.IV-DAT // You 'll come back for money .@@ 1380@@@@1@@Ngankagunyani irri-ng-a nyurrunyurru daguma-ji-nka@@@@1@4@this.II.PL.LOC 3.PL.A-1.O-NF chase hit-TH-DAT // The women chased me to fight ( me ) .@@ 1390@@@@1@@Wugbardi-j-ba ng-u manganyma gujiga-nka@@@@1@4@cook-TH-FUT 1.SG.A-FUT tucker.III.ACC mother.II-DAT // I will cook some dinner for ( my ) mother .@@ 1400@@@@1@@Yanybi ng-a marnugujama alag-uli-ja@@@@1@4@get 1.SG.A-PST conkerberry.III.ACC child-DU-DAT // I got the conkerberries for the two kids .@@ 1410@@@@1@@Yabu ny-uba nunaga marndanyi-nka@@@@1@4@take.FUT 2.SG.A-NP.AWY this.I.SG.DAT white.man.I-DAT // You 'll take it for the white man .@@ 1420@@@@1@@Didbidbunga ngirri-ngg-a-n gijilulu-nka bungmanya-nka@@@@1@4@argue.with 1.PL.EXC.A-RR-NF-PROG money.IV-DAT old.woman.II-DAT // We 're arguing with each other about the old woman 's money .@@ 1430@@@@1@@Ngarlwi irri-n bungmanya-nka@@@@1@3@talk 3.PL.S.NP-PROG old.woman.II-DAT // They 're talking about the old woman .@@ 1440@@@@1@@Manngurru ngi-ngg-a maliwa-nka jarrawaja-nka@@@@1@4@be.ashamed 1.SG.A-RR-NF big.IV-DAT trousers.IV-DAT // I 'm embarrassed about his big trousers .@@ 1450@@@@1@@Gulug-ba gurl ngijininima-nka@@@@1@3@sleep-FUT DU.IMP tomorrow-DAT // Sleep ( here ) until tomorrow .@@ 1460@@@@1@@Yagu ng-a marndiji-nka@@@@1@3@leave 1.SG.A-PST later-DAT // I left ( it ) until later .@@ 1470@@@@1@@Alangi-nka yana jalyu@@@@1@3@boy.I-DAT this.IV.SG.NOM bed.IV.NOM // This is the boy 's bed .@@ 1480@@@@1@@Ngarlwi ngi ngarringa-nka guguga-nka ngarlana@@@@1@5@talk 1.SG.S.PR 1.SG.POSS.II-DAT MM.II-DAT language.IV.ACC // I speak my grandmother 's language .@@ 1490@@@@1@@Mirra ngi gujinganjanga-mbili alangi-nka@@@@1@4@sit 1.SG.S.PR mother.II-COMIT boy.I-DAT // I 'm sitting with the boy 's mother .@@ 1500@@@@1@@Mirra ngi jalyu-ni bungmanyi-nka@@@@1@4@sit 1.SG.S.PR bed.IV-LOC old.man.I-DAT // I 'm sitting on the old man 's bed .@@ 1510@@@@1@@Yarru ngurlu-n ginki garngunyi-nka@@@@1@4@go 1.DU.EXC.S.NP-PROG there many.I-DAT // We 're going to that group ( of people ) over there .@@ 1520@@@@1@@Ngurluwani ngurlu yarru nganggi-nmanji barrawu-nmanji@@@@1@5@1.DU.EXC.NOM 1.DU.EXC.S.NP go 2.SG.POSS.IV-ALL house.IV-ALL // We two are going to your house .@@ 1530@@@@1@@Bardgu g-a murlu-nmanji@@@@1@3@fall 3.SG.S-PST eye.IV-ALL // It fell into my eye .@@ 1540@@@@1@@Yarru gama guguga-nmanji@@@@1@3@go.FUT SG.IMP.AWY MM.II-ALL // Go to grandmother !@@ 1550@@@@1@@Garnguja ng-a yardi manganyma nganggarrgi-nmanji@@@@1@5@many.IV.ACC 1.SG.A-PST put tucker.III.ACC mouth.IV-ALL // I put too much food in my mouth .@@ 1560@@@@1@@Burlugardi ngi-n galyurringini-nmanji@@@@1@3@soak 1.SG.A.PR-PROG water.I-ALL // I 'm soaking in it water .@@ 1570@@@@1@@Yarru g-amany gagarra-ngani@@@@1@3@go 3.SG.S-PST.TWD east-ABL // He came from the east .@@ 1580@@@@1@@Ilanji gin-a dulanymi jangi-ngani@@@@1@4@cooked.I.ACC 3.SG.M.A-PST raise down-ABL // He took out the cooked one from underneath .@@ 1590@@@@1@@Yarru ng-amany magi-nnga@@@@1@3@go 1.SG.S-PST.TWD camp.IV-ABL // I came from camp .@@ 1600@@@@1@@Milarra gi-n bardbi murlu-nnga@@@@1@4@tears.IV.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG run eye.IV-ABL // Tears are falling from his eyes .@@ 1610@@@@1@@Ngirra irr-a ngarrgi-nnga magi-nnga@@@@1@4@steal 3.PL.A-PST 1.SG.POSS.IV-ABL camp.IV-ABL // They stole it from my camp .@@ 1620@@@@1@@Dulanymi nyi-ng-any gulugi-nnga@@@@1@3@raise 2.SG.A-1.O-PST.AWY sleep-ABL // You woke me up ( from sleeping ) .@@ 1630@@@@1@@Milarra gi-n bardbi wara-nkanyi@@@@1@4@tears.IV.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG run face.IV-PERL // Tears are running down ( his ) face .@@ 1640@@@@1@@Galami-nkanyi nyi-n ngarlwi@@@@1@3@nose.IV-PERL 2.SG.S.PR-PROG talk // You 're talking through ( your ) nose !@@ 1650@@@@1@@Junku g-a jalyu-nmanji jamba-nkanyi@@@@1@4@crawl 3.SG.S-PST bed.IV-ALL ground.IV-PERL // He crawled along the ground to the bed .@@ 1660@@@@1@@Ginkanyi ngurr-uba garugi-nkanyi yarru@@@@1@4@this.way 1.PL.INC.S-NP.AWY bush.IV-PERL go.FUT // We 'll go this way through the bush .@@ 1670@@@@1@@Ngajirri-nkanyi ny-u gannga@@@@1@3@cold-PERL 2.SG.S-FUT return.FUT // You 'll come back during the cold ( season ) !@@ 1680@@@@1@@Garranbi g-a warnda-nkanyi@@@@1@3@stand 3.SG.S-PST grass.IV-PERL // He stood among the grass .@@ 1690@@@@1@@Mirra ngi-n gujiga-mbili irdina-mbili@@@@1@4@sit 1.SG.S.PR-PROG mother.II-COMIT father.I-COMIT // I 'm sitting with my mother and father .@@ 1700@@@@1@@Gulugbi g-a marndanyi-mbili@@@@1@3@sleep 3.SG.S-PST white.man.I-COMIT // She slept with a white man .@@ 1710@@@@1@@Mirra ng-u ngankagunya-ni@@@@1@3@sit 1.SG.S-FUT this.II.PL-LOC // I 'll sit with those women .@@ 1720@@@@1@@Alangi-nmarndi ngiyi-ng-agba ngurra dawu@@@@1@4@child.I-CAUSAL 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-HYP 1.PL.INC.ACC bite // She ( the dog ) might bite us because of the kids ( who are teasing it ) .@@ 1730@@@@1@@Gayina-nmarndi gini-ny-a daguma@@@@1@3@what.IV-CAUSAL 3.SG.M.A-2.O-PST hit // What caused him to hit you ?@@ 1740@@@@1@@Nayidanga-ni guyala nguy-udi ngajbi juwa-niganka@@@@1@5@woman.II-LOC NEG 3.SG.NM.A-NACT.PR see man.I-GEN.IV // Women ca n't see ( the dance ) , ( it ) belongs to men .@@ 1750@@@@1@@Yana balamurru bungmanyi-niganka@@@@1@3@this.IV.SG.NOM spear.IV.NOM old.man.I-GEN.IV // This spear belongs to the old man .@@ 1760@@@@1@@Yarru ngi bungmanya-naganka magi-nmanji@@@@1@4@go 1.SG.S.PR old.woman.II-GEN.IV camp.IV-ALL // I 'm going to the old woman 's camp .@@ 1770@@@@1@@Ayani ngi magi-nka bungmanya-naganka@@@@1@4@look.for 1.SG.S.PR camp.IV-DAT old.woman.II-GEN.IV // I 'm looking for the old woman 's camp .@@ 1780@@@@1@@Mirra ngi alangi-niganka-ni jalyu-ni@@@@1@4@sit 1.SG.S.PR boy.I-GEN.IV-LOC bed.IV-LOC // I 'm sitting on the boy 's bed .@@ 1790@@@@1@@Babana-nya jajilinya ngurrugarna@@@@1@3@brother.I-GEN.II daughter.II.NOM 1.PL.INC.POSS.II.NOM // Our brother 's daughter .@@ 1800@@@@1@@Gujiga-nji iniya janji@@@@1@3@M.II-GEN.I that.I.SG.NOM dog.I.NOM // That 's mother 's dog .@@ 1810@@@@1@@Gujinga-nyi-ni janyi-ni gini-ng-a dawu@@@@1@4@M.II-GEN.I-LOC dog.I-LOC 3.SG.M-1.O-PST bite // Mother 's dog bit me .@@ 1820@@@@1@@Wurrudbanyi ngiy-a maganja murlu-ngunya-ni@@@@1@4@pull 3.SG.NM.A-PST digging.stick.IV.ACC eye-PROP.II-LOC // The one that could see got the yam stick .@@ 1830@@@@1@@Nanawulu nayida-wulu gijilulu-nguj-bulu@@@@1@3@this.II.DU.NOM woman-DU.NOM money-PROP-DU.NOM // These two women have money .@@ 1840@@@@1@@Ngirriyani manganyma-nguj-balarna@@@@1@2@1.PL.EXC.NOM tucker.III-PROP-PL.II.NOM // We 've got tucker .@@ 1850@@@@1@@Ilarra-wulu gunyarna murlu-ngunya gunyarna murlu-wajarna@@@@1@5@eaglehawk-DU.NOM other.II.NOM eye-PROP.II.NOM other.II.NOM eye-PRIV.II.NOM // Two eaglehawks : one with sight , one blind .@@ 1860@@@@1@@Bardgu g-a ilirri-ngunya@@@@1@3@fall 3.SG.S-PST blood-PROP.II.NOM // She fell down bleeding .@@ 1870@@@@1@@Yana gunju gurija-nguja@@@@1@3@this.IV.SG.NOM meat.IV.NOM fat-PROP.IV.NOM // This meat 's fatty .@@ 1880@@@@1@@Yaniyaga darranggu manganyma-nguja@@@@1@3@that.IV.SG.NOM tree.IV.NOM tucker.III-PROP.IV.NOM // That tree 's got fruit .@@ 1890@@@@1@@Guda-nguja maga@@@@1@2@stone-PROP.IV.NOM country.IV.NOM // ( It 's ) stony country .@@ 1900@@@@1@@Yandu ngi-n bungmanya-nka gijilulu-ngunya-nka@@@@1@4@wait 1.SG.S.PR-PROG old.woman.II-DAT money-PROP.II-DAT // I 'm waiting for the old woman with money .@@ 1910@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-a buguwa narunguja garlangg-uja@@@@1@5@see 1.SG.A-PST big.IV.ACC car.IV.ACC sand-PROP.IV.ACC // I saw a big truck with sand ( in it ) .@@ 1920@@@@1@@Bungmaji iniyaga g-uba yarru balamurru-nguji@@@@1@5@old.man.I.NOM that.I.SG.NOM 3.SG.S-NP.AWY go.FUT spear-PROP.I.NOM // That old man will go with a spear .@@ 1930@@@@1@@Alaji buguwa-nguji darranggu-nguji@@@@1@3@boy.I.NOM big.IV-PROP.I.NOM stick-PROP.I.NOM // The boy has a big stick .@@ 1940@@@@1@@Yarru ng-a bayigi-ngunya ngarrirna-ngunya@@@@1@4@go 1.SG.S-PST bag-PROP.II.NOM 1.SG.POSS.II-PROP.II.NOM // I went ( taking ) my bag .@@ 1950@@@@1@@Yabu gini-n buguwa darranggu@@@@1@4@have 3.SG.M.A.PR-PROG big.IV.ACC stick.IV.ACC // He has a big stick .@@ 1960@@@@1@@Alaji darranggu-nguji@@@@1@2@boy.I.NOM stick-PROP.I.NOM // The boy has a stick .@@ 1970@@@@1@@Ngirriyani gijilulu-waja-marndarna@@@@1@2@1.PL.EXC.NOM money-PRIV-PL.II.NOM // We ( women ) have no money .@@ 1980@@@@1@@Ngarrirna babanya juwa-ajarna@@@@1@3@1.SG.POSS.II.NOM sister.II.NOM man-PRIV.II.NOM // My sister does n't have a man / My sister is single .@@ 1990@@@@1@@Yarru g-a manganyma-aji@@@@1@3@go 3.SG.S-PST tucker.III-PRIV.I.NOM // He went off without any tucker .@@ 2000@@@@1@@Yandu ngi-n murlu-wajanga-nka@@@@1@3@wait 1.SG.S.PR-PROG eye-PRIV.II-DAT // I 'm waiting for the blind woman .@@ 2010@@@@1@@Mirra irr-a nguwi-yaja-ni@@@@1@3@sit 3.PL.S-PST water-PRIV.IV-LOC // They lived in the desert .@@ 2020@@@@1@@Alaji buguwa-aji darranggu-waji@@@@1@3@boy.I.NOM big.IV-PRIV.I.NOM stick-PRIV.I.NOM // The boy does n't have a big stick .@@ 2030@@@@1@@Yangula gini yabu buguwa darranggu@@@@1@5@NEG 3.SG.M.A.PR have big.IV.ACC stick.IV.ACC // He does n't have a big stick .@@ 2040@@@@1@@Alaji darranggu-waji@@@@1@2@boy.I.NOM stick-PRIV.I.NOM // The boy does n't have a big stick .@@ 2050@@@@1@@Ngawurniji langan-bajarna@@@@1@2@1.SG.NOM climb-PRIV.II.NOM // I ca n't climb ( that tree ) ( II ) .@@ 2060@@@@1@@Iniyaga dawi-j-baji@@@@1@2@that.I.SG.NOM bite-TH-PRIV.I.NOM // That ( dog ) wo n't bite ( I ) .@@ 2070@@@@1@@Aliyulu ng-u gurijbi ngaya daguma-j-baji@@@@1@5@find 1.SG.A-FUT good.I.ACC 3.SG.F.OBL hit-TH-PRIV.I.ACC // I 'm going to find her a good ( man ) , who does n't hit .@@ 2080@@@@1@@Nananga ngiyi ngarl-wajarna@@@@1@3@care.for 3.SG.NM.A.PR talk-PRIV.II.ACC // She looks after the mute woman .@@ 2090@@@@1@@Manku-j-baja maga@@@@1@2@hear-TH-PRIV.IV.NOM camp.IV.NOM // ( It is a ) noisy camp .@@ 2100@@@@1@@Bardbi gi-n gunya-nkanyi mardumaj-baji@@@@1@4@run 3.SG.S.PR-PROG other-PERL chase-PRIV.I.NOM // He runs into another place , ( you ) ca n't chase ( him ) .@@ 2110@@@@1@@Manku-j-baji@@@@1@1@hear-TH-PRIV.I.NOM // ( He is ) deaf .@@ 2120@@@@1@@Guyala ng-uda ngajbi manggur-inya ngawurniji@@@@1@5@NEG 1.SG.A-NACT.PST see plains-ORIG.II.NOM 1.SG.NOM // I 've never seen ( that animal ) , I 'm from the plains country .@@ 2130@@@@1@@Murlurr-inji buringi@@@@1@2@turpentine.tree-ORIG.I.NOM witchetty.grub.I.NOM // Witchetty grubs ( live in ) turpentine trees .@@ 2140@@@@1@@Gagarr-inji@@@@1@1@east-ORIG.I.NOM // ( He 's ) from the east .@@ 2150@@@@1@@Ngawurniji manyingil-inya iniyaga gardaal-inji@@@@1@4@1.SG.NOM gutta.percha-ORIG.II.NOM that.I.SG.NOM gidgee-ORIG.I.NOM // I 'm from Gutta Percha country ( Anthony Lagoon ) and he 's from Gidgee country ( Brunette Downs ) .@@ 2160@@@@1@@Ngawurniji guyalinya@@@@1@2@1.SG.NOM lacking.II.NOM // I do n't have ( any ) / I 've got nothing !@@ 2170@@@@1@@Guyalinji ngi-n yarru ngawurniji galyurringi-yaji@@@@1@5@lacking.I.NOM 1.SG.S.PR-PROG go 1.SG.NOM water-PRIV.I.NOM // I 'm going with nothing , no water .@@ 2180@@@@1@@Guyalinya gijilulu-nka@@@@1@2@lacking.II.NOM money.IV-DAT // ( She 's ) got no money .@@ 2190@@@@1@@Guyalinja darranggu-nka@@@@1@2@lacking.IV.NOM tree.IV-DAT // ( That country ) has no trees .@@ 2200@@@@1@@Guyaliny-balarna@@@@1@1@lacking-PL.II.NOM // ( Those women ) have got nothing .@@ 2210@@@@1@@Ngajbi gin-a ganggu yarru-warda@@@@1@4@see 3.SG.M.A-PST FF.I.ACC go-INF // He saw ( his ? ) grandfather walking ( along ) .@@ 2220@@@@1@@Ngajbi gin-a ganggu-liji yarru-warda@@@@1@4@see 3.SG.M.A-PST FF.I-REFL.POSS.ACC go-INF // He saw his grandfather walking ( along ) .@@ 2230@@@@1@@Garnguji juwa irri gulug-ba@@@@1@4@many.I.NOM man.I.NOM 3.PL.S.NP sleep-FUT // They sleep with many men .@@ 2240@@@@1@@Gabi irr-a manngurru@@@@1@3@NEG 3.PL.S-PST be.ashamed // They do n't have any shame .@@ 2250@@@@1@@Gulug-ba barnga-liji gugu-liji barnga-liji@@@@1@4@sleep-FUT cousin.I-REFL.POSS.NOM MMB.I-REFL.POSS.NOM cousin.I-REFL.POSS.NOM // ( They ) sleep with their cousins , their great-uncles , their cousins . ( aux elided )@@ 2260@@@@1@@Ngaj-ba g-u baba-liji@@@@1@3@see-FUT 3.SG.A-FUT brother.I-REFL.POSS.ACC // She 'll see her brother .@@ 2270@@@@1@@Ngaj-ba g-u baba ngayanji@@@@1@4@see-FUT 3.SG.A-FUT brother.I.ACC 3.SG.F.POSS.I.ACC // She 'll see her brother .@@ 2280@@@@1@@Gurda ngiyi-ngg-a@@@@1@2@be.sick 3.SG.NM.A-RR-NF // She 's sick .@@ 2290@@@@1@@Yarru=miji g-ulama marndiji@@@@1@3@go.FUT=INFER 3.SG.S-NP.TWD later // She might come later .@@ 2300@@@@1@@Gulu-liji ng-a didima yarru g-ulama ginmanji@@@@1@6@son.I-REFL.POSS.ACC 1.SG.A-PST tell go.FUT 3.SG.S-NP.TWD this.way // I told ( her ) son ( to tell her ) to come ( lit . I told her son ( that ) she will come ) .@@ 2310@@@@1@@Yugu-lumi-j-barli-marndarna@@@@1@1@cry-CAUS-TH-AGNT-PL.II.NOM // Women who make ( him ) cry ( re a group of drunken women who scared a baby ) .@@ 2320@@@@1@@Iniyaga wugbardi-j-barli ngurra@@@@1@3@that.I.SG.NOM cook-TH-AGNT.I.NOM 1.PL.INC.OBL // He 's a cook for us/ he 's our cook .@@ 2330@@@@1@@Daguma-j-barlini-ni gini-ng-a daguma@@@@1@3@hit-TH-AGNT.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF hit // The `` cheeky '' man hit me .@@ 2340@@@@1@@Ayani ngi-n ngarl-warlinga-nka@@@@1@3@look.for 1.SG.S.PR-PROG talk-AGNT.II-DAT // I 'm looking for the talkative woman .@@ 2350@@@@1@@Janji ng-a daguma dawi-j-barli@@@@1@4@dog.I.ACC 1.SG.A-PST hit bite-TH-AGNT.I.ACC // I hit that 'biting ' dog . ( given as a translation for ' I hit the dog that bit me ' )@@ 2360@@@@1@@Ngawurniji aliyulu-j-barlirna mayinanyi-nka@@@@1@3@1.SG.NOM find-TH-AGNT.II.NOM goanna.I-DAT // I found the goanna . ( lit . I am the finder of the goanna . )@@ 2370@@@@1@@Naniyaga jiya-j-barlirna danya-nka ngurla@@@@1@4@that.II.SG.NOM give-TH-AGNT.II.NOM clothes.IV-DAT 1.DU.EXC.OBL // She always gives us clothes .@@ 2380@@@@1@@Naniyaga jiya-j-barlirna danya-nka@@@@1@3@that.II.SG.NOM give-TH-AGNT.II.NOM clothes.IV-DAT // She always gives clothes .@@ 2390@@@@1@@Ngankagunyani irri-ng-a nyurrunyurru@@@@1@3@this.II.PL.LOC 3.PL.A-1.O-NF chase // Those ( women ) chased me .@@ 2400@@@@1@@Mirra ng-u ngankagunyani@@@@1@3@sit 1.SG.S-FUT this.II.PL.LOC // I 'll sit with these women .@@ 2410@@@@1@@ngangaba-ni ngiyi-ng-a irrijabi@@@@1@3@this.IV.SG.NOM wood.IV-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF scratch // This stick scratched me .@@ 2420@@@@1@@Mirrang-ba ng-u ngankagunyambili@@@@1@3@sit-FUT 1.SG.S-FUT this.II.PL.COMIT // I 'm going to sit down with these women .@@ 2430@@@@1@@Mirrang-ba ng-u ninkigunyimbili@@@@1@3@sit-FUT 1.SG.S-FUT this.I.PL.COMIT // I 'm going to sit down with these men .@@ 2440@@@@1@@Ninagarna gujinganjarra injani@@@@1@3@this.I.SG.POSS.II.NOM mother.II.NOM where // Where is this ( boy 's ) mother ?@@ 2450@@@@1@@Irda nganaganji injani@@@@1@3@father.I.NOM this.II.SG.POSS.I.NOM where // Where is this ( boy 's ) father ?@@ 2460@@@@1@@Dirdibulyi ninagangga buwarraja@@@@1@3@peewee.I.NOM this.I.SG.POSS.IV.NOM dreaming.IV.NOM // The Peewee dreaming . ( Fn about demonstrative being possessive )@@ 2470@@@@1@@Alaji nganaganjiyaga@@@@1@2@boy.I.NOM that.II.SG.POSS.I.NOM // That woman 's little boy .@@ 2480@@@@1@@Ngankiyaga janya-ni ngiyi-ng-a dawu@@@@1@4@that.II.SG.LOC dog.II-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF bite // That ( female ) dog bit me .@@ 2490@@@@1@@Mama burnaringma ng-a nawu@@@@1@4@this.III.SG.ACC wild.orange.III.ACC 1.SG.A-PST step.on // I sat on this orange .@@ 2500@@@@1@@Daguma irri-ngg-a inigunji@@@@1@3@hit 3.PL.A-RR-NF this.I.PL.NOM // These ones are fighting .@@ 2510@@@@1@@Ngarl-warlirna nanamayaga@@@@1@2@talk-AGNT.II.NOM that.II.SG.NOM // That woman 's a chatterbox .@@ 2520@@@@1@@Ngangaba yana gi-n najbi@@@@1@4@fire.IV.NOM this.IV.SG.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG burn // `` There 's a fire burning ( there ) . ''@@ 2530@@@@1@@Indirra wurrudbanyi-j-ba ngujari-j-ba yana@@@@1@4@root.IV.ACC pull-TH-FUT break-TH-FUT this.IV.SG.ACC // Pull up the root , ( and ) break it .@@ 2540@@@@1@@Garndarndawuga barrawu g-aji mirra@@@@1@4@few.IV.NOM house.IV.NOM 3.SG.S-HAB.PST sit // There used to be a few houses .@@ 2550@@@@1@@Yana irr-a yardi garnguja@@@@1@4@this.IV.SG.ACC 3.PL.A-PST put many.IV.ACC // ( Now ) they 've built lots of them .@@ 2560@@@@1@@Bunjunymi wurlu-n inuwulu wurlu-n gulugbi@@@@1@5@sneak.up 3.DU.A.NP-PROG this.I.DU.NOM 3.DU.S.NP-PROG sleep // They sneak up on the two boys ( who ) are sleeping .@@ 2570@@@@1@@Indilyawurna g-a bardbi@@@@1@3@curlew.II.NOM 3.SG.S-PST run // The curlew ran .@@ 2580@@@@1@@Bardbi g-a@@@@1@2@run 3.SG.S-PST // She ran .@@ 2590@@@@1@@Ninkiyaga gin-a nyurrunyurru banjangani@@@@1@4@that.I.SG.LOC 3.SG.M.A-PST chase behind // The ( moon ) chased after her .@@ 2600@@@@1@@Jinkiji-yulu bulyingi igima bugayirna nagarna@@@@1@5@star-DU.NOM little.I.NOM big.II.NOM // Two stars : the little one 's a man and the big one 's a woman .@@ 2610@@@@1@@Munji wurl-a@@@@1@2@hide 3.DU.S-PST // They hide .@@ 2620@@@@1@@Ngajbi wurl-a nagawulu duwa@@@@1@4@see 3.DU.A-PST get.up // They watch the two ( ladies ) get up .@@ 2630@@@@1@@Dirragbi g-a jarlu-nmanji igima burriiji@@@@1@5@jump 3.SG.S-PST arm.IV-ALL bird.sp.I.NOM // The bird jumped on his arm .@@ 2640@@@@1@@Dudiyarri wurl-a nagawulu bungmaj-bulu@@@@1@4@spear 3.DU.A-PST old.person-DU.ACC // They speared the two old ladies .@@ 2650@@@@1@@Aliyulu ng-a yagama janga ngarrga@@@@1@5@find 1.SG.A-PST shoe.IV.ACC 1.SG.POSS.IV.ACC // I found my shoes .@@ 2660@@@@1@@Naniyawulu nagawulu baraj-bulu duwa wurlu-n@@@@1@5@that.II.DU.NOM old.person-DU.NOM get.up 3.DU.S.NP-PROG // The two old ladies are getting up .@@ 2670@@@@1@@Gannga g-a alalangmi-ji-nnga Jabiru@@@@1@4@return 3.SG.S-PST hunt-TH-ABL // The Jabiru returned from hunting .@@ 2680@@@@1@@Wugbugbardi gin-a yangaji@@@@1@3@cook.RDP 3.SG.M.A-PST meat.I.ACC // He cooked some meat .@@ 2690@@@@1@@Gulug-ardi gini-ngg-a@@@@1@2@sleep-CAUS 3.SG.M.A-RR-NF // He lay down .@@ 2700@@@@1@@Gulugbi g-a yandu yangaji nanga naj-barda@@@@1@6@sleep 3.SG.S-PST mind meat.I.ACC 3.SG.M.OBL burn-INF // He slept , ( and ) looked after his meat that was cooking .@@ 2710@@@@1@@Igima g-a yarru@@@@1@3@3.SG.S-PST go // ( The Barnanggi ) came ( out of the water ) .@@ 2720@@@@1@@Gayina=miji irr-a didima@@@@1@3@something.IV.ACC=INFER 3.PL.A-PST tell // They ( must have ) told him something / I do n't know what they told him@@ 2730@@@@1@@Gayina irr-a didima@@@@1@3@something.IV.ACC 3.PL.A-PST tell // They told him something . / What did they tell him ?@@ 2740@@@@1@@Gayinini-ni gin-a wurrudbanyi irra ginganj-ardi@@@@1@5@someone.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-PST pull 3.PL.ACC drown-CAUS // Someone pulled them down and drowned ( them ) .@@ 2750@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-uba irra@@@@1@3@see 1.SG.A-NF.AWY 3.PL.ACC // I 'm going to go and see them .@@ 2760@@@@1@@Gayina irri ngarra ngarl-wa magi-nka@@@@1@5@something.IV.ACC 3.PL.S.NP 1.SG.OBL talk-FUT camp.IV-DAT // They 're going to tell me something about my country .@@ 2770@@@@1@@Gayini-yuli-ji alag-uli-ji wurlu-ny-a yurndu@@@@1@4@which-DU-LOC child-DU-LOC 3.DU.A-2.SG-NF hit // Which two kids hit you ?@@ 2780@@@@1@@Gayina-ni ng-u daguma@@@@1@3@what.IV-LOC 1.SG.A-FUT hit // With what will hit ( him ) ?@@ 2790@@@@1@@Inigunji irr-a gayini-gunji gulugbi@@@@1@4@this.I.PL.NOM 3.PL.S-PST who-PL.I.NOM sleep // Who are these people sleeping ( here ) ?@@ 2800@@@@1@@Gayinirna ngangirna gujinya@@@@1@3@who.II.NOM 2.SG.POSS.II.NOM mother.II.NOM // Who 's your mother ?@@ 2810@@@@1@@Gayinini-nka gi-n ayani lunggaji@@@@1@4@who.I-DAT 3.SG.S.PR-PROG look.for policeman.I.NOM // Which boy is the policeman looking for ?@@ 2820@@@@1@@Gayini-gunji g-a yarru@@@@1@3@which-PL.I.NOM 3.SG.S-PST go // Which mob went ?@@ 2830@@@@1@@Gayina yurula nyamirniji@@@@1@3@what.IV.NOM name.IV.NOM 2.SG.NOM // What 's your name ?@@ 2840@@@@1@@( 4-261 )@@@@1@3@what.I.ACC 3.PL.A.NP-PROG bark.at // What are they barking at ?@@ 2850@@@@1@@Gayina ngiyi-ny-a didima@@@@1@3@what.IV.ACC 3.SG.NM.A-2.O-NF tell // What did she tell you ?@@ 2860@@@@1@@Yana narunguja gayinagangga@@@@1@3@this.IV.SG.NOM car.IV.NOM whose.IV.NOM // Whose car is this ?@@ 2870@@@@1@@Alaji gi yugu gayinanka@@@@1@4@boy.I.NOM 3.SG.S.PR cry for.something // The boy is crying for something .@@ 2880@@@@1@@Gayinanka gi-n yugu nanama@@@@1@4@why 3.SG.S.PR-PROG cry that.II.SG.NOM // Why is she crying ?@@ 2890@@@@1@@Gayinanka nyi-n gami@@@@1@3@why 2.SG.S.PR-PROG laugh // Why are you laughing ?@@ 2900@@@@1@@Gayinanka irri-ngg-a daguma@@@@1@3@why 3.PL.A-RR-NF hit // Why are they fighting ?@@ 2910@@@@1@@Gayinanka=miji g-a yugu@@@@1@3@for.something=INFER 3.SG.S-PST cry // I do n't know why she cried .@@ 2920@@@@1@@Injani g-a yarru alaji@@@@1@4@where 3.SG.S-PST go boy.I.NOM // Where did the boy go ?@@ 2930@@@@1@@Injani darranggu ngarrga@@@@1@3@where stick.IV.NOM 1.SG.POSS.IV.NOM // Where is my stick ?@@ 2940@@@@1@@Injani=miji g-a yarru@@@@1@3@somewhere=INFER 3.SG.S-PST go // I do n't know where she 's gone .@@ 2950@@@@1@@Inja darranggu ny-a aliyulu@@@@1@4@which.IV.ACC stick.IV.ACC 2.SG.A-PST find // Which stick did you find ?@@ 2960@@@@1@@Injannga ini julaji gi-n ngarra bardbi@@@@1@6@where.from this.I.SG.NOM bird.I.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG 1.SG.OBL run // Where is this bird coming ( to me ) from ?@@ 2970@@@@1@@Injannga nanawulu nayida-wulu@@@@1@3@where.from this.II.DU.NOM woman-DU.NOM // Where are these two women from ?@@ 2980@@@@1@@Yangulu ny-amany yarru@@@@1@3@when 2.SG.S-PST.TWD go // When did you arrive ?@@ 2990@@@@1@@Yangulu g-uba yarru gujinya@@@@1@4@when 3.SG.S-NP.AWY go.FUT mother.II.NOM // When will you go , mother ?@@ 3000@@@@1@@Yangulanja ngarlana nyi nyamirniji ngarlwi@@@@1@5@how.many.IV.ACC language.IV.ACC 2.SG.S.PR 2.SG.NOM talk // How many languages do you speak ?@@ 3010@@@@1@@Yangulanji nyi yabu alaji@@@@1@4@how.many.I.ACC 2.SG.A.PR have boy.I.ACC // How many children do you have ?@@ 3020@@@@1@@Wunjugu irr-ala ngarlwi@@@@1@3@how 3.PL.S-HAB.NP talk // How do they always say it ?@@ 3030@@@@1@@Wunjugu=miji irr-a ginganbi garnguji-rdarra@@@@1@4@somehow=INFER 3.PL.S-PST drown many.I-GROUP.NOM // Somehow they all drowned ( but I do n't know how ) .@@ 3040@@@@1@@Ngurruwani ngurr-ala nijbi wunjugu@@@@1@4@1.PL.INC.NOM 1.PL.EXC.S-HAB.NP sing how // How do we say it ?@@ 3050@@@@1@@Ngirriyani ngirri-n mirra@@@@1@3@1.PL.EXC.NOM 1.PL.EXC.S.NP-PROG sit // We 're sitting here .@@ 3060@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-a irra@@@@1@3@see 1.SG.A-PST 3.PL.ACC // I watched them .@@ 3070@@@@1@@Ardbi irri-n ngarra@@@@1@3@call.out 3.PL.S.NP-PROG 1.SG.OBL // They 're calling out to me .@@ 3080@@@@1@@Daguma ng-a igima gurla@@@@1@4@hit 1.SG.A-PST that.one.I.SG.ACC 2.DU.OBL // I killed him for you ( two ) .@@ 3090@@@@1@@Alaji gi-n mirra ngarri-yili@@@@1@4@boy.I.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG sit 1.SG.OBL-COMIT // The boy lives with me .@@ 3100@@@@1@@Mirrang-ba ng-u ngangi-yili@@@@1@3@sit-FUT 1.SG.S-FUT 2.SG.OBL-COMIT // I 'll sit with you .@@ 3110@@@@1@@Mawula g-a irriga-yili@@@@1@3@play 3.SG.S-PST 3.PL.OBL-COMIT // He played with them .@@ 3120@@@@1@@Yarru g-u mirndiga-yili@@@@1@3@go.FUT 3.SG.S-FUT 1.DU.INC.OBL-COMIT // He 'll go with us .@@ 3130@@@@1@@Yabu gama irriga-yili-nmanji@@@@1@3@take.FUT SG.IMP.AWY 3.PL.OBL-COMIT-ALL // Take it to them !@@ 3140@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-a nangi-marndi alangmiminji@@@@1@4@see 1.SG.A-PST 3.SG.M-PL.I.ACC children.I.ACC // I saw his children .@@ 3150@@@@1@@Wugbardi ng-a manganyma ngarringa-nka gujiga-nka@@@@1@5@cook 1.SG.A-PST tucker.III.ACC 1.SG.POSS.II-DAT mother.II-DAT // I cooked tucker for my mother .@@ 3160@@@@1@@Ngayanga-ni janya-ni ngiyi-ng-a dawu@@@@1@4@3.SG.F.POSS.II-LOC dog.II-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF bite // Her dog ( female ) bit me .@@ 3170@@@@1@@Iniyawulu gurlugan-bulu alag-ulu@@@@1@3@that.I.DU.NOM 2.DU.POSS-DU.NOM child-DU.NOM // There are your ( dual ) two children .@@ 3180@@@@1@@Junmi nyi-ng-a ngarrga nyungga@@@@1@4@cut 2.SG.A-1.O-NF 1.SG.POSS.IV.ACC hair.IV.ACC // You cut my hair !@@ 3190@@@@1@@Yana ngarrga labirra@@@@1@3@this.IV.SG.NOM 1.SG.POSS.IV.NOM hand.IV.NOM // This is my hand .@@ 3200@@@@1@@Gajbi gin-a manganyma ngarra@@@@1@4@eat 3.SG.M.A-PST tucker.III.ACC 1.SG.OBL // He ate my tucker .@@ 3210@@@@1@@Yarru irr-agba nganga magi-nmanji@@@@1@4@go 3.PL.S-HYP 2.SG.OBL camp.IV-ALL // They might go to your camp .@@ 3220@@@@1@@Lurdbi irr-a ngarra barrawu@@@@1@4@pound 3.PL.A-PST 1.SG.OBL house.IV.ACC // They bashed on my door . ( lit . house )@@ 3230@@@@1@@Garnguji=miji irri-n mirra@@@@1@3@many.I.NOM=INFER 3.PL.S.NP-PROG sit // There must be a big group ( of people ) .@@ 3240@@@@1@@Bungmaj-buli-ji ngankawuliji wurl-aji daguma juwarramba@@@@1@5@old.person-DU-LOC this.II.DU.LOC 3.DU.A-HAB.PST hit men.I.ACC // ( because ) These two old ladies had been killing all the boys .@@ 3250@@@@1@@Daguma wurl-aji giliyaga wurl-aji daguma juwarramba@@@@1@6@hit 3.DU.A-HAB.PST there 3.DU.A-HAB.PST eat men.I.ACC // They 'd been killing them ( and ) eating the boys there .@@ 3260@@@@1@@Garnguji wurl-aji daguma@@@@1@3@many.I.ACC 3.DU.A-HAB.PST hit // They 'd been killing a lot of them .@@ 3270@@@@1@@Janganja iniyaga gagulu ngangi@@@@1@4@ask.FUT that.I.SG.ACC y.brother.I.ACC 2.SG.POSS.I.ACC // Ask your brother !@@ 3280@@@@1@@Inuwulu gujarrawulu wurl-uba yarru@@@@1@4@this.I.DU.NOM two.NOM 3.DU.S-NP.AWY go.FUT // These two will go .@@ 3290@@@@1@@Nganki ngayanga-ni ngiy-a aliyulu garndawugi iniyaga@@@@1@6@this.II.SG.LOC 3.SG.F.POSS.II-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-PST find one.I.ACC that.I.SG.ACC // This ( daughter ) of hers has that one ( son ) .@@ 3300@@@@1@@Garndawugini-ni bugayini-ni galalarrinyi-ni gini-ng-a dawu@@@@1@5@one.I-LOC big.I-LOC dog.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF bite // One big dog bit me .@@ 3310@@@@1@@Ayani ngi ninaga galalarrinyi-nka bugayini-nka@@@@1@5@look.for 1.SG.S.PR this.I.SG.DAT dog.I-DAT big.I-DAT // I 'm looking for the big dog .@@ 3320@@@@1@@Ngarri-yulu gujarrawulu alag-ulu@@@@1@3@1.SG.POSS-DUAL.NOM two.NOM child-DU.NOM // My two children .@@ 3330@@@@1@@Ngajbi g-a gujarrawulu marndag-bulu inuwuliyaga@@@@1@5@see 3.SG.A-PST two.ACC white.person-DU.ACC that.I.DU.ACC // He saw those two white men .@@ 3340@@@@1@@Ngawurniji ng-uba yarru@@@@1@3@1.SG.NOM 1.SG.S-NP.AWY go.FUT // I 'll go .@@ 3350@@@@1@@Yandu ngi ngaya@@@@1@3@wait 1.SG.S.PR 3.SG.F.OBL // I 'm waiting for her .@@ 3360@@@@1@@Garngunya gin-aji yabu garirda-rdarra garndawugini-ni@@@@1@5@many.II.ACC 3.SG.M.A-HAB.PST have wife.II-GROUP.ACC one.I-LOC // One ( man ) used to have many wives .@@ 3370@@@@1@@Ngaragana-nguji ngiy-a gujinganjanga-ni jiyawu ngabulu@@@@1@5@grog-PROP.I.ACC 3.SG.NM.A-PST mother.II-LOC give milk.IV.ACC // ( His ) mother gave ( him ) milk with grog in it .@@ 3380@@@@1@@Dirdibulyini-nmanji g-amany magi-nmanji yarru@@@@1@4@peewee.I-ALL 3.SG.S-P.TWD camp.IV-ALL go // She came to Peewee 's camp .@@ 3390@@@@1@@Babaga-yi nyi-n jundurra mirnda bajbaga yardi@@@@1@6@sister.II-LOC 2.SG.A.PR-PROG dust.IV.ACC 1.DU.INC.OBL big.IV.ACC put // Sister you 're making lots of dust for us .@@ 3400@@@@1@@Garidi-ni bungmanyi-ni gin-amany yanybi@@@@1@4@husband.I-LOC old.man.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-P.TWD get // ( Her ) old man husband came and got ( her ) .@@ 3410@@@@1@@Ngarri bungmaji jugu g-a yarru mawula-ji-nka@@@@1@6@1.SG.POSS.I.NOM old.man.I.NOM MB.I.NOM 3.SG.S-PST go play-TH-DAT // My old man uncle came to play ( cards ) .@@ 3420@@@@1@@Yabu ng-aji lagurra juruma@@@@1@4@have 1.SG.A-HAB.PST hole.IV.ACC stomach.III.ACC // I used to have a deep stomach ( i.e . I was very thin ) .@@ 3430@@@@1@@Yandu irri ngaya bulungunga-nka@@@@1@4@wait 3.PL.S.NP 3.SG.F.OBL young.woman.II-DAT // They wait for her , the young woman .@@ 3440@@@@1@@Yangula g-a yarru naniyaga mujuju-ngunya irriga-yili-nmanji juwa-nmanji@@@@1@7@NEG 3.SG.S-PST go that.II.SG.NOM menstruation-PROP.II.NOM 3.PL.OBL-COMIT-ALL man.I-ALL // That menstruating woman ca n't go near them , the men .@@ 3450@@@@1@@Jawaranya ng-u yidanyi ngaba ng-u yardi yaniya cool drink ninaka nanga jugini-nka@@@@1@12@billycan.II.ACC 1.SG.A-FUT get THEN 1.SG.A-FUT put that.IV.SG.ACC this.I.SG.DAT 3.SG.M.OBL boy.I-DAT // I 'm going to get the billycan and put that cold drink ( in it ) for this boy .@@ 3460@@@@1@@Daguma ng-a ngangi janji@@@@1@4@hit 1.SG.A-PST 2.SG.POSS.I.ACC dog.I.ACC // I hit your dog .@@ 3470@@@@1@@Nyami ngi-ny-a daguma labirra@@@@1@4@2.SG.ACC 1.SG.A-2.O-NF hit hand.IV.ACC // I hit your hand .@@ 3480@@@@1@@Langanjardi-j-ba ngu-ngg-u janga@@@@1@3@hang.up-TH-FUT 1.SG.A-RR-FUT foot.IV.NOM // I 'll put my feet up ( on the back of the chair ) .@@ 3490@@@@1@@Warima gini-ng-a labirra@@@@1@3@hold 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF hand.IV.ACC // He held my hand .@@ 3500@@@@1@@Janga ng-a ngajbi yarru-warda mayinanji@@@@1@5@foot.IV.ACC 1.SG.A-PST see go-INF goanna.I.ACC // I saw the goanna 's tracks going along .@@ 3510@@@@1@@Gayina nyamirniji yurula@@@@1@3@what.IV.NOM 2.SG.NOM name.IV.NOM // What 's your name ?@@ 3520@@@@1@@Didima ngiyi-ng-a marranya@@@@1@3@tell 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF yarn.IV.ACC // She told me a yarn .@@ 3530@@@@1@@Jiyawu ngi-ny-a danya@@@@1@3@give 1.SG.A-2.O-NF clothes.IV.ACC // I gave you clothes .@@ 3540@@@@1@@Yandu ng-a nganga@@@@1@3@wait 1.SG.S-PST 2.SG.OBL // I waited for you .@@ 3550@@@@1@@Daguma ng-a@@@@1@2@hit 1.SG.A-PST // I hit him .@@ 3560@@@@1@@Yarru ng-uba@@@@1@2@go.FUT 1.SG.S-NP.AWY // I will go .@@ 3570@@@@1@@Yarru ng-amany@@@@1@2@go 1.SG.S-P.TWD // I came .@@ 3580@@@@1@@Mirra ny-ala@@@@1@2@sit 2.SG.S-HAB.NP // You always sit .@@ 3590@@@@1@@Ngajbi ngi-ny-a@@@@1@2@see 1.SG.A-2.O-NF // I saw you .@@ 3600@@@@1@@Darranggu-nu ngiyi-ng-a irrijabi@@@@1@3@stick.IV-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF scratch // The stick scratched me .@@ 3610@@@@1@@Jiya-j-ba ngu-ny-u gijilulu@@@@1@3@give-TH-FUT 1.SG.A-2.SG-FUT money.IV.ACC // I will give you ( sg ) money .@@ 3620@@@@1@@Jiya-j-ba ngu-ny-u gurla gijilulu@@@@1@4@give-TH-FUT 1.SG.A-2.O-FUT 2.DU.ACC money.IV.ACC // I will give you two some money .@@ 3630@@@@1@@Daguma gini-ng-a ngirra@@@@1@3@hit 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF 1.PL.EXC.ACC // He hit us .@@ 3640@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-a wurla@@@@1@3@see 1.SG.A-PST 3.DU.ACC // I saw them ( two ) .@@ 3650@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-a alag-ulu@@@@1@3@see 1.SG.A-PST child-DU.ACC // I saw the two children .@@ 3660@@@@1@@Alag-ulu ngi-n yandu wurla@@@@1@4@child-DU.ACC 1.SG.A.PR-PROG mind 3.DU.ACC // I 'm minding the two children .@@ 3670@@@@1@@Baraj-bali gun-uba irra yabu@@@@1@4@old.man-PL.I.ACC 3.SG.M.A-NP.AWY 3.PL.ACC take // He takes all the old men .@@ 3680@@@@1@@Guyala ngurr-uji ngajbi irra@@@@1@4@NEG 1.PL.INC.A-NACT.PR see 3.PL.ACC // We 've never seen them .@@ 3690@@@@1@@Ngajbi ngurr-uba yana ngangaba najbi gi-n@@@@1@6@see 1.PL.INC.A-NP.AWY this.IV.SG.ACC fire.IV.ACC burn 3.SG.S.PR-PROG // `` Let 's go and look at the fire that 's burning . ''@@ 3700@@@@1@@Yarru irr-a ngaj-bi nanawulu ilarra-wulu buyunku-nu wurlu-n mirra@@@@1@8@go 3.PL.S-PST see this.II.DU.ACC eaglehawk-DU.ACC middle-LOC 3.DU.S.NP-PROG sit // They went and ( they ) saw the two eaglehawks ( who ) were sitting in the middle ( of their camp ) .@@ 3710@@@@1@@Bungmanyi-ni gun-u nij-ba nayida g-u gajurra@@@@1@6@old.man.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-FUT sing-FUT woman.II.NOM 3.SG.S-FUT dance.FUT // The men will sing ( while ) the women dance .@@ 3720@@@@1@@Ngarringga irr-a narunguja@@@@1@3@take.from 3.PL.A-PST car.IV.ACC // They 've taken ( her ) car . ( when explaining that my car had been sent on a truck to Adelaide )@@ 3730@@@@1@@Gurda ngiyi-ngg-a@@@@1@2@be.sick 3.SG.NM.A-RR-NF // She is sick .@@ 3740@@@@1@@Daguma-j-ba irri-ngg-i@@@@1@2@hit-TH-FUT 3.PL.A-RR-FUT // They all will fight .@@ 3750@@@@1@@Daguma-j-ba wurlu-ngg-u@@@@1@2@hit-TH-FUT 3.DU.A-RR-FUT // They two will fight .@@ 3760@@@@1@@Janji gini-ngg-a wagardbi@@@@1@3@dog.I.NOM 3.SG.M.A-RR-NF wash // The dog is washing himself .@@ 3770@@@@1@@Alag-bulu wurlu-ngg-a nyurrunyurru@@@@1@3@child-DU.NOM 3.DU.A-RR-NF chase // The two children are chasing each other .@@ 3780@@@@1@@Ayani ngurlu-ngg-a@@@@1@2@look.for 1.DU.EXC.A-RR-NF // We 're looking for each other .@@ 3790@@@@1@@Ayani ngi nganga@@@@1@3@look.for 1.SG.S.PR 2.SG.OBL // I 'm looking for you .@@ 3800@@@@1@@Wugbardi ng-u gunju alangi-nka@@@@1@4@cook 1.SG.A-FUT meat.IV.ACC boy.I-DAT // I will cook meat for the boy .@@ 3810@@@@1@@Ngajbi gini-ng-a-n mirnda@@@@1@3@see 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF-PROG 1.DU.INC.ACC // He 's watching us two .@@ 3820@@@@1@@Ngajbi gini-ng-a-n@@@@1@2@see 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF-PROG // He 's watching me .@@ 3830@@@@1@@Bardbi mirnd-a@@@@1@2@run 1.DU.INC.S-PST // We ran .@@ 3840@@@@1@@Bardbi ng-a@@@@1@2@run 1.SG.S-PST // I ran .@@ 3850@@@@1@@Bardbi mirndi@@@@1@2@run 1.DU.INC.S.PR // We run .@@ 3860@@@@1@@Bardbi ngi@@@@1@2@run 1.SG.S.PR // I run .@@ 3870@@@@1@@Bardba murndu@@@@1@2@run-FUT 1.DU.INC.S-FUT // We will run .@@ 3880@@@@1@@Bardba ngu@@@@1@2@run-FUT 1.SG.S-FUT // I will run .@@ 3890@@@@1@@Bardbi ngurlu@@@@1@2@run 1.DU.EXC.S.NP // We run .@@ 3900@@@@1@@Bardba ngurlu@@@@1@2@run-FUT 1.DU.EXC.S.NP // We we will run .@@ 3910@@@@1@@Bardbi ngurla@@@@1@2@run 1.DU.EXC.S-PST // We ran .@@ 3920@@@@1@@Bardgu gi@@@@1@2@fall 3.SG.S-PR // He/she/it is falling .@@ 3930@@@@1@@Bardgu ga@@@@1@2@fall 3.SG.S-PST // He/she/it fell .@@ 3940@@@@1@@Bardgujba gu@@@@1@2@fall-TH-FUT 3.SG.S-FUT // He/she/it will fall .@@ 3950@@@@1@@Bardbi ngurra@@@@1@2@run 1.PL.INC.S-PST // We ran .@@ 3960@@@@1@@Bardbi ngurru@@@@1@2@run 1.PL.INC.S-NP // We 're running .@@ 3970@@@@1@@Bard-ba ngurr@@@@1@2@run-FUT 1.PL.INC.S-NP // We will run .@@ 3980@@@@1@@Ngajba nguyunyu@@@@1@2@see-FUT 3.SG.NM.A-2.O-FUT // She will see you .@@ 3990@@@@1@@Ngajba nguyunggu@@@@1@2@see-FUT 3.SG.NM.A-RR-FUT // She will see herself .@@ 4000@@@@1@@Ngajbi ngiyinya@@@@1@2@see 3.SG.NM.A-2.O-NF // She is looking at you/ She saw you .@@ 4010@@@@1@@Ngajbi ngiyingga@@@@1@2@see 3.SG.NM.A-RR-NF // She is looking at herself / She saw herself .@@ 4020@@@@1@@Bardganyijba irringi@@@@1@2@follow-TH-FUT 3.PL.A-1.O-FUT // They will follow me .@@ 4030@@@@1@@Bardganyi irringa@@@@1@2@follow 3.PL.A-1.O-NF // They are following me / They followed me .@@ 4040@@@@1@@Wugbardi gini@@@@1@2@cook 3.SG.M.A-PR // He is cooking it .@@ 4050@@@@1@@Wugbardi gina@@@@1@2@cook 3.SG.M.A-PST // He cooked it .@@ 4060@@@@1@@Wugbardijba gunu@@@@1@2@cook-TH-FUT 3.SG.M.A-FUT // He will cook it .@@ 4070@@@@1@@Ngarabi ngurra@@@@1@2@drink 1.PL.INC.A-PST // We drank it .@@ 4080@@@@1@@Ngarabi ngurru@@@@1@2@drink 1.PL.INC.A-NP // We 're drinking it .@@ 4090@@@@1@@Ngaraba ngurru@@@@1@2@drink-FUT 1.PL.INC.A-NP // We will drink it .@@ 4100@@@@1@@Marndija ngiyingaji nyurrunyurru@@@@1@3@long.ago 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-HAB.PST chase // She used to chase me a long time ago .@@ 4110@@@@1@@Jiyawu ngirraji marndanga nyanyalu@@@@1@4@give 1.PL.EXC.A-HAB.PST white.woman.II.ACC tea.IV.ACC // We 'd give tea to the white lady .@@ 4120@@@@1@@Janganja girringala@@@@1@2@ask 2.PL.A-1.O-HAB.NP // You always ask me ( for tobacco ) .@@ 4130@@@@1@@Manku nganyala girra@@@@1@3@hear 1.SG.A-2.O-HAB.NP 2.PL.ACC // I will always be thinking about you .@@ 4140@@@@1@@Bardbi irrin@@@@1@2@run 3.PL.S.NP-PROG // They 're running .@@ 4150@@@@1@@Gajbi ginin@@@@1@2@eat 3.SG.M.A.PR-PROG // He 's eating .@@ 4160@@@@1@@Bardganyi gininyan nganybulanyinini@@@@1@3@follow 3.SG.M.A-2.O-NF-PROG cat.I-LOC // The cat keeps following you .@@ 4170@@@@1@@Banymanymi irri-ng-a-n ngurra narunguji-ni@@@@1@4@pass.by.RDP 3.PL.A-1.O-NF-PROG 1.PL.INC.ACC car.IV-LOC // Cars were passing by us ( all night ) .@@ 4180@@@@1@@Mirra irri-n jamba-ni@@@@1@3@sit 3.PL.S.NP-PROG ground.IV-LOC // They 're sitting on the ground . ( For one speaker , plain irri would be bad )@@ 4190@@@@1@@Girundajbi nyi-n@@@@1@2@sweat 2.SG.S.PR-PROG // You 're sweating . ( For one speaker , plain nyi would be bad . )@@ 4200@@@@1@@Nyurrunyurru ngiyi-ng-a@@@@1@2@chase 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF // She 's chasing me .@@ 4210@@@@1@@Daguma irri-ngg-a@@@@1@2@fight 3.PL.A-RR-NF // They 're fighting .@@ 4220@@@@1@@Guyala ngu-ngg-udi gurda@@@@1@3@NEG 1.SG.A-RR-NACT.PR be.sick // I never get sick .@@ 4230@@@@1@@Didima nyu-ng-uda@@@@1@2@tell 2.SG.A-1.O-NACT.PST // You should have told me .@@ 4240@@@@1@@Guyala g-udi nagarna mirra magi-ni@@@@1@5@NEG 3.SG.S-NACT.PR that.one.II.SG.NOM sit camp.IV-LOC // She ca n't sit at the camp .@@ 4250@@@@1@@Durnanjarri irri-ng-uja ngurra durnajana-ni@@@@1@4@cover 3.PL.A-1.O-NACT.PST 1.PL.INC.ACC blanket.IV-LOC // They would have covered us with a blanket .@@ 4260@@@@1@@Guyala wurlu-ngg-uji daguma@@@@1@3@NEG 3.DU.A-RR-NACT.PR hit // They never fight with each other .@@ 4270@@@@1@@Guyala gunu-ny-udi manku@@@@1@3@NEG 3.SG.M.A-2.O-NACT.PR hear // He is n't listening to you .@@ 4280@@@@1@@Wugbardi gun-uja manganyma gujinganjanga-nka@@@@1@4@cook 3.SG.M.A-NACT.PST tucker.III.ACC mother.II-DAT // He should have cooked some tucker for his mother .@@ 4290@@@@1@@Gambanga-ni ng-udi mirra@@@@1@3@sun.II-LOC 1.SG.S-NACT.PR sit // I want to sit in the sun ( but ca n't ) .@@ 4300@@@@1@@Junku g-uda gayangga@@@@1@3@crawl 3.SG.S-NACT.PST high // He wanted to crawl up ( onto the chair ) .@@ 4310@@@@1@@Ngangirna banjirna mardima yunumarrga ngiyi-ng-agba mirnda gajigajirra@@@@1@7@2.SG.POSS.II.NOM cousin.II.NOM chase this.way 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-HYP 1.DU.INC.ACC quickly // Your cousin might join us soon . ( lit . ... might follow us this way ... )@@ 4320@@@@1@@Angbardi irr-agba barrawu ngirra yarru ngirr-iba@@@@1@6@build 3.PL.A-HYP house.IV.ACC 1.PL.EXC.OBL go 1.PL.EXC.S-NP.AWY . // They might build a house for us , ( then ) we 'll go .@@ 4330@@@@1@@Guyala irr-agba yarru@@@@1@3@NEG 3.PL.S-HYP go // They wo n't go .@@ 4340@@@@1@@Yangula gin-agba guriny-mi milama@@@@1@4@NEG 3.SG.M.A-HYP good-FAC again // He wo n't be able to fix it again .@@ 4350@@@@1@@Yangula ngu-ny-u daguma@@@@1@3@NEG 1.SG.A-2.O-FUT hit // I 'm not going to hit you .@@ 4360@@@@1@@Alyu lingba-j-ba@@@@1@2@NEG.IMP bogey-TH-FUT // Do n't swim !@@ 4370@@@@1@@Ginganbi ny-agba@@@@1@2@drown 2.SG.S-HYP // You might drown !@@ 4380@@@@1@@Narunguji-ni ngiyi-ny-agba nawu@@@@1@3@car.IV-LOC 3.SG.M.A-2.O-HYP step.on // A car might run you over . ( lit . A car might step on you . )@@ 4390@@@@1@@Yangula gunu-ng-agba yagu@@@@1@3@NEG 3.SG.M.A-1.O-HYP leave // He wo n't leave me .@@ 4400@@@@1@@Gurda ngi-ngg-agba banjangani nanga@@@@1@4@be.sick 1.SG.A-RR-HYP behind 3.SG.M.OBL // ( he 's worried ) I might get sick behind him .@@ 4410@@@@1@@Dulanymi nyi-ng-gany gulugi-nnga@@@@1@3@raise 2.SG.A-1.O-PST.AWY sleep-ABL // You woke me up . ( lit : You raised me away from sleeping )@@ 4420@@@@1@@Yabu nyu-ng-guba ngirra narunguji-ni@@@@1@4@take.FUT 2.SG.A-1.O-NP.AWY 1.PL.EXC.ACC car.IV-LOC // Will you take us in your car ?@@ 4430@@@@1@@Yarru ngirr-iba@@@@1@2@go.FUT 1.PL.EXC.S-NP.AWY // We 'll go .@@ 4440@@@@1@@Marndiji irr-ilama gannga@@@@1@3@later 3.PL.S-NP.TWD return.FUT // They 'll come back later .@@ 4450@@@@1@@Iligirri-nmanji ngurr-uba yarru@@@@1@3@river.IV-ALL 1.PL.INC.S-NP.AWY go.FUT // We 're all going down to the river .@@ 4460@@@@1@@Lingba-lingba ngurr-uba@@@@1@2@RDP-bogey 1.PL.INC.S-NP.AWY // We 're going to swim .@@ 4470@@@@1@@Ngajbi wurlu-ng-amany ngurra ngarl-warda@@@@1@4@see 3.DU.A-1.O-PST.TWD 1.PL.INC.ACC talk-INF // They came to watch us talking .@@ 4480@@@@1@@Gannga murnd-ulama ngarli-nka@@@@1@3@return.FUT 1.DU.INC.S-NP.TWD talk-DAT // We will come back to talk .@@ 4490@@@@1@@Mawula girri@@@@1@2@play PL.IMP.AWY // Go and play !@@ 4500@@@@1@@Yabu ga@@@@1@2@bring.FUT SG.IMP.TWD // Bring it here !@@ 4510@@@@1@@Yarru ngurlu nganggi-nmanji barrawu-nmanji@@@@1@4@go 1.DU.EXC.S.NP 2.SG.POSS.IV-ALL house.IV-ALL // We two are going to your house .@@ 4520@@@@1@@Gannga g-a ngurraramba-ni@@@@1@3@return 3.SG.S-PST night-LOC // He came back last night .@@ 4530@@@@1@@Ngarri alaji gi-n mirra ngarri-yili@@@@1@5@1.SG.POSS.I.NOM boy.I.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG sit 1.SG.OBL-COMIT // My son lives with me .@@ 4540@@@@1@@Manku-ji-nka irri-n yarru@@@@1@3@hear-TH-DAT 3.PL.S.NP-PROG go // They are coming to listen .@@ 4550@@@@1@@Gujiga-nka manganyma ngi-n wugbardi@@@@1@4@mother.II-DAT tucker.III.ACC 1.SG.A.PR-PROG cook // My mother I 'm cooking tucker for .@@ 4560@@@@1@@Nyilangunya yanybi ngirr-aji@@@@1@3@echidna.II.ACC get 1.PL.EXC.A-HAB.PST // Echidna we used to get .@@ 4570@@@@1@@Wirrilgarra bardbi g-a banjangani@@@@1@4@cockatiel.II.NOM run 3.SG.S-PST behind // Wirrilgarra ran behind ( him ) .@@ 4580@@@@1@@Ngawu ng-a gulugbi ngiyi-ng-a dulanymi@@@@1@5@1.SG.NOM 1.SG.S-PST sleep 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF raise // I was sleeping ( and ) she woke me up .@@ 4590@@@@1@@Bulungurna ng-aji yarru alalangmi-ji-ni ngurl-aji yarru nana bungmanya@@@@1@8@young.woman.II.NOM 1.SG.S-HAB.PST go hunt-TH-LOC 1DU.EXC.S-HAB.PST go this.II.SG.NOM old.woman.II.NOM // As a young woman I used to go hunting , this old woman and I used to go ( hunting ) .@@ 4600@@@@1@@Aliyulu ng-a alaji gulug-barda@@@@1@4@find 1.SG.A-PST boy.I.ACC sleep-INF // I found the boy sleeping .@@ 4610@@@@1@@Iligirra yana buyurru@@@@1@3@river.IV.NOM this.IV.SG.NOM dry.IV.NOM // This river is dry .@@ 4620@@@@1@@Bardbi wurl-a ngurraramba-ni yagu wurla alaji gulug-barda@@@@1@7@run 3.DU.S-PST night-LOC leave boy.I.ACC sleep-INF // They ran ( away ) during the night ( and they ) left the little boy sleeping .@@ 4630@@@@1@@Bardbi wurl-a ngurraramba-ni yagu alaji gulug-barda@@@@1@6@run 3.DU.S-PST night-LOC leave boy.I.ACC sleep-INF // They ran ( away ) during the night ( and they ) left the little boy sleeping .@@ 4640@@@@1@@Angbardi ngirr-a manjungu nguya ngirra jamba wugbardi ngirra mayinanji@@@@1@9@build 1.PL.EXC.A-PST shade.IV.ACC dig ground.IV.ACC cook goanna.I.ACC // We built a shade , ( and we ) dug ( a hole in ) the ground ( and we ) cooked the goanna .@@ 4650@@@@1@@Angbardi ngirr-a manjungu nguya jamba wugbardi mayinanji@@@@1@7@build 1.PL.EXC.A-PST shade.IV.ACC dig ground.IV.ACC cook goanna.I.ACC // We built a shade , ( and we ) dug ( a hole in ) the ground ( and we ) cooked the goanna .@@ 4660@@@@1@@Duga-j-ba@@@@1@1@sit.down-TH-FUT // Sit down !@@ 4670@@@@1@@Laji-j-ba@@@@1@1@be.quiet-TH-FUT // Shut up !@@ 4680@@@@1@@Gaj-ba@@@@1@1@eat-FUT // Eat !@@ 4690@@@@1@@Gaj-ba mama manganyma@@@@1@3@eat-FUT this.III.SG.ACC tucker.III.ACC // Eat this tucker !@@ 4700@@@@1@@Ngarl-wa gurl@@@@1@2@talk-FUT DU.IMP // You two talk !@@ 4710@@@@1@@Ngaj-ba girr@@@@1@2@see-FUT PL.IMP // You lot watch ( him ) !@@ 4720@@@@1@@Durnanjarri-j-ba nyi-ng@@@@1@2@cover-TH-FUT 2.SG.A-1.O // Cover me !@@ 4730@@@@1@@Manganyma girri-ng jiya-j-ba@@@@1@3@tucker.III.ACC 2.PL.A-1.O give-TH-FUT // Give me ( some ) tucker !@@ 4740@@@@1@@Ngaj-ba nyi-ng-a@@@@1@2@see-FUT 2.SG.A-1.O-NF // Watch me !@@ 4750@@@@1@@Didima-j-ba gurlu-ng-a ngirra@@@@1@3@tell-TH-FUT 2.DU.A-1.O-NF 1.PL.EXC.ACC // Tell us !@@ 4760@@@@1@@Garndani-j-ba nyi-ngg-a@@@@1@2@shield-TH-FUT 2.SG.A-RR-NF // Shield yourself !@@ 4770@@@@1@@Daguma gunu-ny-u ninki@@@@1@3@hit-NF 3.SG.M.A-2.O-FUT this.I.SG.LOC // He 's going to hit you !@@ 4780@@@@1@@Yarru ga ginmanji ngaba murnd-u ngarl-wi@@@@1@6@go.FUT SG.IMP.TWD this.way THEN 1.DU.INC.S-FUT talk-NF // Come here so that we can talk !@@ 4790@@@@1@@Alyu nyi-ng-a daguma@@@@1@3@NEG.IMP 2.SG.A-1.O-NF hit-NF // Do n't hit me !@@ 4800@@@@1@@Bard-bi gama@@@@1@2@run-NF SG.IMP.AWY // Run over there !@@ 4810@@@@1@@Jiya-j-ba nyu-ng-u manganyma@@@@1@3@give-TH-FUT 2.SG.A-1.O-FUT tucker.III.ACC // You will give me some tucker . / Give me some tucker ( polite ) .@@ 4820@@@@1@@Angbardi-j-ba irri ngirra barrawu@@@@1@4@build-TH-FUT 3.PL.A.NP 1.PL.EXC.OBL house.IV.ACC // They 're going to build ( new ) houses for us .@@ 4830@@@@1@@Jiya-j-ba nyi-ng-a manganyma@@@@1@3@give-TH-FUT 2.SG.A-1.O-NF tucker.III.ACC // Give me some tucker !@@ 4840@@@@1@@Ngarl-wa gujinganjanga-nka@@@@1@2@talk-FUT mother.II-DAT // Talk to your mother !@@ 4850@@@@1@@Alyu junmi@@@@1@2@NEG.IMP cut.NF // Do n't cut it !@@ 4860@@@@1@@Alyu junmi-j-ba@@@@1@2@NEG.IMP cut-TH-FUT // Do n't cut it !@@ 4870@@@@1@@Alyu nyi-ng-a daguma@@@@1@3@NEG.IMP 2.SG.A-1.O-NF hit.NF // Do n't hit me !@@ 4880@@@@1@@Alyu nyi-ng-a daguma-j-ba@@@@1@3@NEG.IMP 2.SG.A-1.O-NF hit-TH-FUT // Do n't hit me !@@ 4890@@@@1@@Wugbardi gama@@@@1@2@cook.NF SG.IMP.AWY cook-TH-FUT // Go and cook it !@@ 4900@@@@1@@Wugbardi-j-ba gama@@@@1@2@cook.NF SG.IMP.AWY cook-TH-FUT // Go and cook it !@@ 4910@@@@1@@Gaj-bi girrama@@@@1@2@eat-NF PL.IMP.TWD eat-FUT // Come and eat !@@ 4920@@@@1@@Gaj-ba girrama@@@@1@2@eat-NF PL.IMP.TWD eat-FUT // Come and eat !@@ 4930@@@@1@@Yarru gama ginmanji@@@@1@3@go.FUT SG.IMP.TWD this.way // Come over here !@@ 4940@@@@1@@Yarru g-ulama ginmanji@@@@1@3@go.FUT 3.SG.S-NP.TWD this.way // He will come over here .@@ 4950@@@@1@@Yabu ga gujinganjanga-nmanji@@@@1@3@take.FUT SG.IMP.AWY mother.II-ALL // Take her to ( her ) mother !@@ 4960@@@@1@@Yabu gunu-uba gujinganjanga-nmanji@@@@1@3@take.FUT 3.SG.M.A-NP.AWY mother.II-ALL // He will take her to ( her ) mother .@@ 4970@@@@1@@Yarru ng-u marndiji@@@@1@3@go.FUT 1.SG.S-FUT later // I 'll go later .@@ 4980@@@@1@@Yabu ny-u garnguji alaji@@@@1@4@have.FUT 2.SG.A-FUT many.I.ACC boy.I.ACC // You 'll have lots of kids .@@ 4990@@@@1@@Yangula irr-agba jiyawu@@@@1@3@NEG 3.PL.A-HYP give.NF // They will not give it to him .@@ 5000@@@@1@@Yangula ng-agba ngara-bi ngijininima@@@@1@4@NEG 1.SG.A-HYP drink-NF tomorrow // I will not drink tomorrow .@@ 5010@@@@1@@Ngaj-bi ngi-ny-a yarru-warda@@@@1@3@see-NF 1.SG.A-2.O-PST go-INF // I saw you walking along .@@ 5020@@@@1@@Dawu gini-ng-a banggulyini-ni gulug-barda@@@@1@4@bite.NF 3.SG.M.A-1.O-PST mosquito.I-LOC sleep-INF // A mosquito bit me while ( I was ) sleeping .@@ 5030@@@@1@@Gannga ng-ulama ngaj-barda gurla@@@@1@4@return.FUT 1.SG.S-NP.TWD see-INF 2.DU.OBL // I will come back to see you two .@@ 5040@@@@1@@Yarru ng-uba magi-nmanji gulug-barda@@@@1@4@go.FUT 1.SG.S-NP.AWY camp.IV-ALL sleep-INF // I 'm going home to sleep .@@ 5050@@@@1@@Mawula-j-i-nka g-amany yarru@@@@1@3@play-TH-EP-DAT 3.SG.S-PST.TWD go.NF // He came to play .@@ 5060@@@@1@@Yabu ngiy-a gijilulu jiya-j-i-nka marndangi-nka@@@@1@5@have.NF 3.SG.NM.A-PST money.IV.ACC give-TH-EP-DAT white.man.I-DAT // She got money to give to the white man .@@ 5070@@@@1@@Ini juguli banjarri-j-i-nka@@@@1@3@this.I.SG.NOM boomerang.I.NOM throw-TH-EP-DAT // This boomerang is for throwing .@@ 5080@@@@1@@Ini juguli daguma-j-i-nka@@@@1@3@this.I.SG.NOM boomerang.I.NOM hit-TH-EP-DAT // This boomerang is for fighting .@@ 5090@@@@1@@Marrajini-nka ng-uba yarru alalangmi-j-i-ni@@@@1@4@kangaroo.I-DAT 1.SG.S-NP.AWY go.FUT hunt-TH-EP-LOC // I 'm going hunting for kangaroos .@@ 5100@@@@1@@Ngurruwani ngurru-n mirra gili ngarl-i-ni@@@@1@5@1.PL.INC.NOM 1.PL.INC.S.NP-PROG sit.NF here talk-EP-LOC // We 're sitting here talking .@@ 5110@@@@1@@Ngirra-j-i-ni irr-agba yarru@@@@1@3@steal-TH-EP-LOC 3.PL.S-HYP go.NF // They might go stealing ( his water ) .@@ 5120@@@@1@@Bard-bi g-a nagarna durra-j-i-ni wirrilgarra@@@@1@5@run-NF 3.SG.S-PST that.one.II.SG.NOM be.frightened-TH-EP-LOC cockatiel.II.NOM // The cockatiel ran away frightened .@@ 5130@@@@1@@Gannga g-amany alalangmi-j-i-nnga@@@@1@3@return.NF 3.SG.S-PST.TWD hunt-TH-EP-ABL // He returned from hunting .@@ 5140@@@@1@@Alangi-ni gini-ng-a dagu-raguma banduma@@@@1@4@boy.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF RDP-hit.NF back.III.ACC // The boy kept hitting my back ( because I was choking ) .@@ 5150@@@@1@@Dawu-rawu-j-ba gun-u gili magi-ni@@@@1@4@RDP-cut-TH-FUT 3.SG.M.A-FUT here camp.IV-LOC // He 's going to cut ( all the wood ) here in the camp .@@ 5160@@@@1@@Barrawu-rdarra gini-n ngajbi-ngaj-bi@@@@1@3@house.IV-GROUP.ACC 3.SG.M.A.PR-PROG RDP-see-NF // He 's inspecting all the houses .@@ 5170@@@@1@@Alaji gi-n yugu-yugu narunguji-nka@@@@1@4@boy.I.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG RDP-cry.NF car.IV-DAT // The boy is crying and crying for ( his toy ) car .@@ 5180@@@@1@@Wugbugbardi =miji irri-n mayinanji@@@@1@4@cook.RDP.NF=INFER 3.PL.A.NP-PROG goanna.I.ACC // They must be still cooking the goanna .@@ 5190@@@@1@@Nyaga-nyagaj-bi ngi-n@@@@1@2@RDP-be.tired-NF 1.SG.S.PR-PROG // I 'm really tired .@@ 5200@@@@1@@Ngajbi-ngaj-bi gin-a gayirra@@@@1@3@RDP-see-NF 3.SG.M.A-PST cooking.site.IV.ACC // He looked around the cooking site .@@ 5210@@@@1@@Ngajbi-ngaj-bi gin-a@@@@1@2@RDP-see-NF 3.SG.M.A-PST // He looked around .@@ 5220@@@@1@@Ngajbi-ngaj-bi ng-u janga-nka gunyi-nka@@@@1@4@RDP-see-NF 1.SG.A-FUT foot.IV-DAT other.I-DAT // I 'll look around for someone else 's tracks .@@ 5230@@@@1@@Gulug-ardi ng-u ini alaji@@@@1@4@sleep-CAUS.NF 1.SG.A-FUT this.I.SG.ACC boy.I.ACC // I 'm going to put this boy to bed .@@ 5240@@@@1@@Ngaba g-u gurijbi gannga-yirrima irri@@@@1@5@THEN 3.SG.S-FUT feel.good return-CAUS.FUT 3.PL.A.NP // When she is better they 'll bring her back .@@ 5250@@@@1@@Yurndu irri-n jugulini-ni julaji bardgu-jirrimi@@@@1@5@hit.NF 3.PL.A.NP-PROG boomerang.I-LOC bird.I.ACC fall-CAUS.NF // They hit the bird with a boomerang ( and ) make ( it ) fall .@@ 5260@@@@1@@Yugu-lumi ngiy-a alaji@@@@1@3@cry-CAUS.NF 3.SG.NM.A-PST boy.I.ACC // She made the boy cry .@@ 5270@@@@1@@Gayinini-ni=miji gin-a ard-barra@@@@1@3@someone.I-LOC=INFER 3.SG.M.A-PST call-TRANS.NF // Someone must have called her .@@ 5280@@@@1@@Nguwaj-barra ngi-n naniyaga@@@@1@3@jealous-TRANS.NF 1.SG.A.PR-PROG that.II.SG.ACC // `` I 'm jealousing her '' . ( i.e . I am jealous of her )@@ 5290@@@@1@@Ngarl-ajarra wurl-a@@@@1@2@talk-TRANS.NF ? 3.DU.A ? -PST // They chatted .@@ 5300@@@@1@@Dingbari-j-babu ngiy-a gayangga wardangarringa-ni@@@@1@4@fly.off-TH-OP 3.SG.NM.A-PST high moon.II-LOC // The moon flew off with ( the sun 's baby ) up ( into the sky ) .@@ 5310@@@@1@@Mawula-j-babu ngiy-a ganjimi@@@@1@3@play-TH-OP 3.SG.NM.A-PST finish.NF // She played all her money away .@@ 5320@@@@1@@Ngarri balamurru gin-a bard-babu@@@@1@4@1.SG.POSS.I.ACC spear.IV.ACC 3.SG.M.A-PST run-OP // He ran off with my spear .@@ 5330@@@@1@@Yabu gan-ala gunyarna alalangmi-ji-ni gannga-bu gan-ala yagu@@@@1@7@take.NF 3.SG.M.A-HAB.NP other.II.ACC hunt-TH-LOC return-OP 3.SG.M.A-HAB.NP leave.NF // He takes one ( of his wives ) hunting , then he comes back with her ( and ) leaves her ( then the next day he takes another one hunting ) .@@ 5340@@@@1@@Mambulya-j-bi ng-a nganjala ngarli-nka@@@@1@4@soft-INCH-NF 1.SG.S-PST tongue.IV.ACC talk-DAT // My tongue has become ( too ) soft to talk ( clearly ) .@@ 5350@@@@1@@Gaj-ba girri bundurri-j-ba@@@@1@3@eat-FUT PL.IMP.AWY full-INCH-FUT // Go and eat ( and ) get full !@@ 5360@@@@1@@Nagarna g-a jaburra-j-bi barla-nka@@@@1@4@that.one.II.SG.NOM 3.SG.S-PST first-INCH-NF fight-DAT // The woman started to fight .@@ 5370@@@@1@@Gunyini-nka gi bundurri-j-bi@@@@1@3@other.I-DAT 3.SG.S.PR full-INCH-NF // She 's pregnant with another ( child ) .@@ 5380@@@@1@@Ngunybuluguni-ni gun-u guriny-ma@@@@1@3@doctor.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-FUT good-FAC.FUT // The doctor 's going to make ( her ) better .@@ 5390@@@@1@@Abajabaja-mi gini-ng-a ngara-barlini-ni@@@@1@3@crazy-FAC.NF 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF drink-AGNT.I-LOC // ( That ) drunk is making me crazy .@@ 5400@@@@1@@Yarduga-mi nguyu-ny-u mijangga-ni@@@@1@3@strong-FAC.NF 3.SG.NM.A-2.O-FUT medicine.IV-LOC // The medicine will make you strong .@@ 5410@@@@1@@Mambulya-mi ngiy-a jamba@@@@1@3@soft-FAC.NF 3.SG.NM.A-PST ground.IV.ACC // ( The rain ) softened the ground .@@ 5420@@@@1@@Iligirra yana buyurru@@@@1@3@river.IV.NOM this.IV.SG.NOM dry.IV.NOM // This river is dry .@@ 5430@@@@1@@Bulyungurna ngarrirna gagulinya ngawurniji bayida bugayirna@@@@1@6@little.II.NOM 1.SG.POSS.II.NOM y.sister.II.NOM 1.SG.NOM e.sister.II.NOM big.II.NOM // My younger sister is little , ( but ) I , the elder sister , am big .@@ 5440@@@@1@@Gurijbirna marndanga ngirrigarna maliyirna@@@@1@4@good.II.NOM white.woman.II.NOM 1.PL.EXC.POSS.II.NOM boss.II.NOM // Our boss was a good white lady .@@ 5450@@@@1@@Igima manggur-inji garrgalyi-galyi@@@@1@3@that.one.I.SG.NOM plains-ORIG.I.NOM plains.lizard.I.NOM-RDP // The plains lizard is from the plains country .@@ 5460@@@@1@@Ngaj-barli-marndarna nanagunya@@@@1@2@see-AGNT-PL.II.NOM this.II.PL.NOM // Those women are staring . ( lit . Those women are 'starers ' . )@@ 5470@@@@1@@Iniyaga dawi-j-baji@@@@1@2@that.I.SG.NOM bite-TH-PRIV.I.NOM // That ( dog ) wo n't bite . ( lit . That ( dog ) is a 'non-biter ' . )@@ 5480@@@@1@@Gurda-j-bajarna@@@@1@1@be.sick-TH-PRIV.II.NOM // ( She 's ) never sick .@@ 5490@@@@1@@Gunju-waji-rdarra@@@@1@1@meat-PRIV.I-GROUP.NOM // ( They 're ) all skinny .@@ 5500@@@@1@@Iniya yangaji garnawuma wirdgiwirdgima@@@@1@4@that.I.SG.NOM meat.I.NOM long.III.NOM tail.III.NOM // That kangaroo has a long tail . ( Hale 1959:51 )@@ 5510@@@@1@@Ngarli-nka yanama@@@@1@2@talk-DAT that.IV.SG.NOM // That 's for talking . ( i.e . a tape recorder )@@ 5520@@@@1@@Yagama bujili yardi-ji-nka guriji-nka@@@@1@4@that.one.IV.SG.NOM bottle.IV.NOM put-TH-DAT fat.IV-DAT // That bottle is for putting ( goanna ) fat ( in ) .@@ 5530@@@@1@@Ngawurniji gijilulu-wajarna@@@@1@2@1.SG.NOM money-PRIV.II.NOM // I 've got no money . ( lit . I am money-lacking . )@@ 5540@@@@1@@Bulinja-nguji ini galyurringi@@@@1@3@algae-PROP.I.NOM this.I.SG.NOM water.I.NOM // This water 's got algae in it ! ( lit . This water is algae-having )@@ 5550@@@@1@@Wawunyg-uji gurijbi ngabulu-nguji@@@@1@3@sugar.bag-PROP.I.NOM good.I.NOM milk-PROP.I.NOM // It 's good with milk and sugar .@@ 5560@@@@1@@Ngawurniji guyalinya@@@@1@2@1.SG.NOM lacking.II.NOM // I have nothing ! ( when asked for money )@@ 5570@@@@1@@Guyalinji manganymi-nka@@@@1@2@lacking.I.NOM bread.III-DAT // ( He ) has no bread .@@ 5580@@@@1@@Guyalinja darranggu-nka yaniyaga maga@@@@1@4@lacking.IV.NOM tree.IV-DAT that.IV.SG.NOM camp.IV.NOM // That country has no trees .@@ 5590@@@@1@@Guyalinja yana janga-nka@@@@1@3@lacking.IV.NOM this.IV.SG.NOM foot.IV-DAT // There are no tracks here .@@ 5600@@@@1@@Bulyingi nyamirniji ngarra ngawurniji bugayi@@@@1@5@little.I.NOM 2.SG.NOM 1.SG.OBL 1.SG.NOM big.I.NOM // You 're littler than me , ( I 'm big ) .@@ 5610@@@@1@@Bamarra ngaba spoon@@@@1@3@mouth.IV.NOM THEN spoon // ( His ) mouth is like a spoon .@@ 5620@@@@1@@Bungmanya-nka yaniyaga warnu@@@@1@3@old.woman.II-DAT that.IV.SG.NOM tobacco.IV.NOM // That tobacco belongs to the old woman .@@ 5630@@@@1@@Bungmanya-naganka yaniyaga warnu@@@@1@3@old.woman.II-GEN.IV that.IV.SG.NOM tobacco.IV.NOM // That tobacco belongs to the old woman .@@ 5640@@@@1@@Yana ngarrga@@@@1@2@this.IV.SG.NOM 1.SG.POSS.IV.NOM // This ( money ) is mine !@@ 5650@@@@1@@Janji iniyaga jalyu-ni@@@@1@3@dog.I.NOM that.I.SG.NOM bed.IV-LOC // The dog 's on the bed !@@ 5660@@@@1@@Garnguji-rdarra injani=miji alaji-rdarra@@@@1@3@many.I-GROUP.NOM where=INFER boy.I-GROUP.NOM // The kids are somewhere , I do n't know where .@@ 5670@@@@1@@Damangga ngangi-yili-nmanji@@@@1@2@head.IV.NOM 2.SG.OBL-COMIT-ALL // ( His ) head is near ( i.e . is pointing towards ) you .@@ 5680@@@@1@@Garnguji julaji-rdarra gayangga darranggu-ni jibilyawurna-rdarra jangi galyurringini-ni@@@@1@7@many.I.NOM bird.I-GROUP.NOM high tree.IV-LOC duck.II-GROUP.NOM down water.I-LOC // There are lots of birds up in the trees and lots of ducks down in the water .@@ 5690@@@@1@@Garnguji warnnganji@@@@1@2@many.I.NOM fly.I.NOM // There 's lots of flies ( in here ) !@@ 5700@@@@1@@Guyalinja nyanyalu-nka@@@@1@2@lacking.IV.NOM tea.I-DAT // There 's no tea .@@ 5710@@@@1@@Yangula ng-a yarru alanga gunya-ni@@@@1@5@NEG 1.SG.S-PST go girl.II.NOM other.IV-LOC // I did n't move to another ( place ) ( as a ) little girl .@@ 5720@@@@1@@Mirra ng-a gandawugi-ni@@@@1@3@Sit 1.SG.S-PST one.IV-LOC // I lived in one ( place ) .@@ 5730@@@@1@@Mirra ngirr-aji nganaarra-ni@@@@1@3@sit 1.PL.EXC.S-HAB.PST Brunette.Downs-LOC // We stayed at Brunette Downs .@@ 5740@@@@1@@Yarru g-amany irda ngarradi g-a anki mirra@@@@1@7@go 3.SG.S-PST.TWD father.I.NOM 1.SG.POSS.I.NOM 3.SG.S-PST alive.I.NOM sit // He came ( when ) my father was still alive .@@ 5750@@@@1@@Ngarrga gi-n mirra garnaa@@@@1@4@1.SG.POSS.IV.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG sit long.IV.NOM // My ( hair ) is still long !@@ 5760@@@@1@@Garnaa g-u mirra irrilyi@@@@1@4@long.IV.NOM 3.SG.S-FUT sit fingernail.IV.NOM // The fingernail will become ( i.e . grow ) long ( but it 's short now ) .@@ 5770@@@@1@@Gurijbi g-aji mirra ngara-baji@@@@1@4@good.I.NOM 3.SG.S-HAB.PST sit drink-PRIV.I.NOM // He used to be good ( and ) not drink ( but now he drinks all the time ) .@@ 5780@@@@1@@Bungmanya g-a mirra barla-ngunya ngarra@@@@1@5@old.woman.II.NOM 3.SG.S-PST sit fight-PROP.II.NOM 1.SG.OBL // ( That ) old woman was cross with me .@@ 5790@@@@1@@Ngawu ng-u bungmanya mirra@@@@1@4@1.SG.NOM 1.SG.S-FUT old.woman.II.NOM sit // I will ( live to ) be an old woman .@@ 5800@@@@1@@Ini gi-n galyurringi mirra@@@@1@4@this.I.SG.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG water.I.NOM sit // This is WATER !@@ 5810@@@@1@@Gurijbi ini alaji@@@@1@3@good.I.NOM this.I.SG.NOM boy.I.NOM // This boy is good . ( i.e . in terms of behaviour/temperament , etc . )@@ 5820@@@@1@@Bagijbi ini alaji@@@@1@3@bad.I.NOM this.I.SG.NOM boy.I.NOM // This boy is bad . ( i.e . in terms of behaviour/temperament , etc . )@@ 5830@@@@1@@Alaji gi gurijbi mirra@@@@1@4@boy.I.NOM 3.SG.S.PR good.I.NOM sit // The boy feels good .@@ 5840@@@@1@@Alaji gi bagijbi mirra@@@@1@4@boy.I.NOM 3.SG.S.PR bad.I.NOM sit // The boy feels bad .@@ 5850@@@@1@@Ngarrangarra gi-n jalanyi@@@@1@3@be.hot 3.SG.S.PR-PROG today // It 's hot today .@@ 5860@@@@1@@Ngajirri gi-n jalanyi@@@@1@3@be.cold 3.SG.S.PR-PROG today // It 's cold today .@@ 5870@@@@1@@Barnamuluma ngiyi-ngg-a-n@@@@1@2@flash.lightening 3.SG.NM.A-RR-NF-PROG // There was lightening .@@ 5880@@@@1@@Nyagajbi ngi@@@@1@2@be.tired 1.SG.S.PR // I 'm tired .@@ 5890@@@@1@@Baji gi-n bayiginga-ni jangi@@@@1@4@grow 3.SG.S.PR-PROG bag.II-LOC down // He ( the baby kangaroo ) grows up down there in the pouch .@@ 5900@@@@1@@Bardgu g-a@@@@1@2@fall 3.SG.S-PST // He fell .@@ 5910@@@@1@@Ardbi irri-n nganga@@@@1@3@call.out 3.PL.S.NP-PROG 2.SG.OBL // They 're calling out to you .@@ 5920@@@@1@@Ardbi irri-n@@@@1@2@call.out 3.PL.S.NP-PROG // They 're calling out .@@ 5930@@@@1@@Gami gi-n ngarra@@@@1@3@smile 3.SG.S.PR-PROG 1.SG.OBL // He smiling at me .@@ 5940@@@@1@@Gami gi-n@@@@1@2@smile 3.SG.S.PR-PROG // He smiling .@@ 5950@@@@1@@Durra ngi janyi-nka@@@@1@3@be.frightened 1.SG.S.PR dog.I-DAT // I 'm frightened of the dog .@@ 5960@@@@1@@Durra ngi@@@@1@2@be.frightened 1.SG.S.PR // I 'm frightened .@@ 5970@@@@1@@Gunyini-nka gi bundurri-jbi@@@@1@3@other.I-DAT 3.SG.S.PR full-INCH // She 's pregnant with another ( child ) . ( Ex had gunyini-nka in parens , but without it , aux would be in first position , so I 'm not sure what the parens mean - ERB )@@ 5980@@@@1@@Garrajbi gi-n yarru-nka@@@@1@3@want 3.SG.S.PR-PROG go-DAT // She wants to go .@@ 5990@@@@1@@Dabudaburri gi-n nganga manku-nka@@@@1@4@be.unable 3.SG.S.PR-PROG 2.SG.OBL hear-DAT // He ca n't hear you .@@ 6000@@@@1@@Gurijbi ngi gannga-nka@@@@1@3@feel.good 1.SG.S.PR return-DAT // I 'm happy to be going back .@@ 6010@@@@1@@Dabudaburri nyi nganggi-nka ngarlana-nka@@@@1@4@be.no.good.at 2.SG.S.PR 2.SG.POSS.IV-DAT language.IV-DAT // You 're no good at your own language !@@ 6020@@@@1@@Dabudaburri ngi@@@@1@2@be.no.good 1.SG.S.PR // I feel weak/no good .@@ 6030@@@@1@@Gudijbi g-a iniyaga yugu-ji-nka@@@@1@4@forget 3.SG.S-PST that.I.SG.NOM cry-TH-DAT // He forgot about crying . ( re a child who stopped crying to play )@@ 6040@@@@1@@Aradajbi gi-n mawula-ni@@@@1@3@be.busy 3.SG.S.PR-PROG play-LOC // She 's busy playing ( cards ) .@@ 6050@@@@1@@Gannga g-a alalangmi-ji-nnga Jabiru@@@@1@4@return 3.SG.S-PST hunt-TH-ABL jabiru.NOM // The Jabiru returned from hunting .@@ 6060@@@@1@@Ngarrga gi-n mirra garnaa@@@@1@4@1.SG.POSS.IV.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG be long.IV.NOM // My ( hair ) is still long !@@ 6070@@@@1@@Gurijbi g-aji mirra ngara-baji@@@@1@4@good.I.NOM 3.SG.S-HAB.PST be drink-PRIV.I.NOM // He used to be good ( and ) not drink ( but now he drinks all the time ) .@@ 6080@@@@1@@Ngawu ng-u bungmanya mirra@@@@1@4@1.SG.NOM 1.SG.S-FUT old.woman.II.NOM be // I will ( live to ) be an old woman .@@ 6090@@@@1@@Ngarlwi ngurru-n@@@@1@2@talk 1.PL.INC.S.NP-PROG // We 're talking .@@ 6100@@@@1@@Ngarlwi gi ngarlana@@@@1@3@talk 3.SG.S.PR language.IV.ACC // He talks language .@@ 6110@@@@1@@Ngarlwi ngi-n nganga@@@@1@3@talk 1.SG.S.PR-PROG 2.SG.OBL // I 'm talking to you .@@ 6120@@@@1@@Ngarlwi wurl-aji jingulu irra gujinya irda@@@@1@6@talk 3.DU.S-HAB.PST 3.PL.OBL mother.II.NOMfather.I.NOM // My mother and father always spoke Jingulu to them .@@ 6130@@@@1@@Janga irr-aji yarru marndija narunguja-aji@@@@1@5@foot.IV.NOM 3.PL.S-HAB.PST go long.ago car-PRIV.I.NOM // They used to walk in the old days , ( they ) did n't have cars .@@ 6140@@@@1@@Murlu gi-n mirra@@@@1@3@eye.IV.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG sit // He 's awake .@@ 6150@@@@1@@Gurda ngiyi-ngg-a bungmanya@@@@1@3@be.sick 3.SG.NM.A-RR-NF old.woman.II.NOM // The old woman is sick .@@ 6160@@@@1@@Jagina gini-ngg-a@@@@1@2@lie.on.back 3.SG.M.A-RR-NF // He lay on his back with one leg across the other .@@ 6170@@@@1@@Manku ngi-ngg-a gurijbirna@@@@1@3@hear 1.SG.A-RR-NF good.II.NOM // I feel good .@@ 6180@@@@1@@Yardi gini-ngg-a barnanggi@@@@1@3@put 3.SG.M.A-RR-NF bird.sp.I.NOM // He turned himself into a barnanggi .@@ 6190@@@@1@@Juwa-nka gi-n ayani babanya@@@@1@4@man.I-DAT 3.SG.S.PR-PROG look.for sister.II.NOM // ( My ) sister 's looking for a man .@@ 6200@@@@1@@Bungmaji g-a yandu nganga@@@@1@4@old.man.I.NOM 3.SG.S-PST wait 2.SG.OBL // The old man waited for you .@@ 6210@@@@1@@Laji wurlu-n ngarra iguwulu@@@@1@4@be.absent 3.DU.S.NP-PROG 1.SG.OBL that.one.I.DU.NOM // They 've been gone from me for a long time .@@ 6220@@@@1@@Gami gi-n ngarra@@@@1@3@smile 3.SG.S.PR-PROG 1.SG.OBL // He smiling at me .@@ 6230@@@@1@@Gami gi-n@@@@1@2@smile 3.SG.S.PR-PROG // He smiling .@@ 6240@@@@1@@Durra ngi janyi-nka@@@@1@3@be.frightened 1.SG.S.PR dog.I-DAT // I 'm frightened of the dog .@@ 6250@@@@1@@Durra ngi@@@@1@2@be.frightened 1.SG.S.PR // I 'm frightened .@@ 6260@@@@1@@Ayani ngi nganga@@@@1@3@look.for 1.SG.S.PR 2.SG.OBL // I 'm looking for you .@@ 6270@@@@1@@Ayani ngurlu-ngg-a@@@@1@2@look.for 1.DU.EXC.A-RR-NF // We 're looking for each other .@@ 6280@@@@1@@Wugbardi ngurlu-ngg-a@@@@1@2@cook 1.DU.EXC.A-RR-NF // We 're cooking each other . ( Example in text is starred to show that it ca n't mean 'We 're cooking for each other ' . )@@ 6290@@@@1@@Gurdumi irri-ng-a ngurra@@@@1@3@be.noisy 3.PL.A-1.O-NF 1.PL.INC.ACC // They 're too noisy for us .@@ 6300@@@@1@@Wugbardi ngiy-a manganyma@@@@1@3@cook 3.SG.NM.A-PST bread.III.ACC // She cooked some bread .@@ 6310@@@@1@@Lurrgbanyi irri-ng-agba@@@@1@2@grab 3.PL.A-1.O-HYP // They might grab me .@@ 6320@@@@1@@Muju-mujumi gin-a galaa-rdarra@@@@1@3@RDP-put.together 3.SG.M.A-PST bone.IV-GROUP.ACC // He joined all the bones together .@@ 6330@@@@1@@Yangulu irr-a ganjimi mawula-ji-ni@@@@1@4@when 3.PL.A-PST finish play-TH-LOC // When did they finish playing ?@@ 6340@@@@1@@Ngirra irr-agba ngarra@@@@1@3@steal 3.PL.A-HYP 1.SG.OBL // They might steal it from me .@@ 6350@@@@1@@Ngirra irr-agba@@@@1@2@steal 3.PL.A-HYP // They might steal it .@@ 6360@@@@1@@Andajarri irr-a nganga@@@@1@3@hide 3.PL.A-PST 2.SG.OBL // They hid it from you .@@ 6370@@@@1@@Andajarri irr-a@@@@1@2@hide 3.PL.A-PST // They hid it .@@ 6380@@@@1@@Juwa gurijbi ngaba gunu-ng-u inma barli-ngunya-nka@@@@1@6@man.I.NOM good.I.NOM THEN 3.SG.M.A-1.O-FUT side.with fight-PROP.I-DAT // A man is good ( to have ) so that he can side with me against a `` cheeky '' woman .@@ 6390@@@@1@@Juwa gurijbi ngaba gunu-ng-u inma@@@@1@5@man.I.NOM good.I.NOM THEN 3.SG.M.A-1.O-FUT side.with // A man is good ( to have ) so that he can side with me .@@ 6400@@@@1@@Didbidbunga ngirri-ngg-a-n gijilulu-nka bungmanya-nka@@@@1@4@argue.with 1.PL.EXC.A-RR-NF-PROG money.IV-DAT old.woman.II-DAT // We 're arguing with each other about the old woman 's money .@@ 6410@@@@1@@Didbidbunga ngirri-ngg-a-n@@@@1@2@argue.with 1.PL.EXC.A-RR-NF-PROG // We 're arguing with each other .@@ 6420@@@@1@@Ngaj-ba gurl garrinyma baba-wuli-janka@@@@1@4@see-FUT DU.IMP road.III.ACC sibling-DU-DAT // ( You two ) watch the road for your two brothers .@@ 6430@@@@1@@Ngajbi-ngajbi ng-u janga-nka gunyini-nka@@@@1@4@RDP-see 1.SG.A-FUT track.IV-DAT other.I-DAT // He looked around ( the ground ) for another 's tracks .@@ 6440@@@@1@@Juwa-ni gini-n nijbi jawala@@@@1@4@man.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A.PR-PROG sing name.of.ceremony.ACC // The man is singing the jawala ceremony .@@ 6450@@@@1@@Ngarlu ngirr-aji wangarra@@@@1@3@dance 1.PL.EXC.A-HAB.PST corroboree.IV.ACC // We used to dance corroborees .@@ 6460@@@@1@@Darranggu gin-a ngarringga alaji@@@@1@4@stick.IV.ACC 3.SG.M.A-PST take.from boy.I.ACC // He took the stick from the boy .@@ 6470@@@@1@@Jiyawu ngirr-aji nyanyalu marndanga@@@@1@4@give 1.PL.EXC.A-HAB.PST tea.I.ACC white.woman.II.ACC // We used to give tea to the white woman .@@ 6480@@@@1@@Jiyawu gini-ng-a manganyma@@@@1@3@give 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF tucker.III.ACC // He gave me some tucker .@@ 6490@@@@1@@Dirndirrinymi gin-aji ngarlana irdina-yi@@@@1@4@teach 3.SG.M.A-HAB.PST language.IV.ACC father.I-LOC // ( My ) father used to teach ( him ) language .@@ 6500@@@@1@@Janganja girri-ng-ala warnu-nka@@@@1@3@ask 2.PL.A-1.O-HAB.NP tobacco.IV-DAT // You mob always ask me for tobacco .@@ 6510@@@@1@@Ngirra irr-agba ngarra@@@@1@3@steal 3.PL.A-HYP 1.SG.OBL // They might steal it ( from me ) .@@ 6520@@@@1@@Didbidbunga ngirri-ngg-a-n gijilulu-nka bungmanya-nka@@@@1@4@argue.with 1.PL.EXC.A-RR-NF-PROG money.IV-DAT old.woman.II-DAT // We 're arguing about the old woman 's money .@@ 6530@@@@1@@Janganja irri-ny-i nyunmi-j-ba irra@@@@1@4@ask 3.PL.A-2.O-FUT refuse-TH-FUT 3.PL.ACC // ( When ) they ask you ( for tobacco ) , knock them back !@@ 6540@@@@1@@Garnguja ng-a yardi manganyma ngangarrgi-nmanji@@@@1@5@many.IV.ACC 1.SG.A-PST put tucker.III.ACC mouth.IV-ALL // I put too much food in my mouth .@@ 6550@@@@1@@Bulugardi ngi-n galyurringini-nmanji@@@@1@3@soak 1.SG.A.PR-PROG water.I-ALL // I 'm soaking it in water .@@ 6560@@@@1@@Guyala ng-udi garnarnda gunyanga-nmanji@@@@1@4@NEG 1.SG.A-NACT.PR send other.II-ALL // I wo n't send her to another ( girl ) .@@ 6570@@@@1@@Ilyirrga gin-aji yardi gayangga-ni@@@@1@4@leaf.IV.NOM 3.SG.M.A-HAB.PST put high-LOC // He 'd put the leaves on top .@@ 6580@@@@1@@Yardi ng-a@@@@1@2@put 1.SG.A-PST // I put it down .@@ 6590@@@@1@@Bulugardi ngi-n@@@@1@2@soak 1.SG.A.PR-PROG // I 'm soaking it .@@ 6600@@@@1@@Wara-nmanji gini-ngg-a yardi bulinja@@@@1@4@face.IV-ALL 3.SG.M.A-RR-NF put algae.IV.ACC // He put algae on his face .@@ 6610@@@@1@@Yangula ny-a jundurra bajbaga yardi@@@@1@5@NEG 2.SG.A-PST dust.IV.ACC big.IV.ACC make // You did n't make much dust .@@ 6620@@@@1@@Didima ngiyi-ng-a marranya@@@@1@3@tell 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF yarn.IV.ACC // She told me a yarn .@@ 6630@@@@1@@Buwarraja ngiy-a didima ngarra@@@@1@4@dreaming.IV.ACC 1.SG.A-PST tell 1.SG.OBL // She told me a dreaming story .@@ 6640@@@@1@@Buwarraja ng-a didima alangi-nka@@@@1@4@dreaming.IV.ACC 1.SG.A-PST tell boy.I-DAT // I told the boy a dreaming story .@@ 6650@@@@1@@Wardangarringa-ni ngiy-a didima ngaragi-nka@@@@1@4@moon.II-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-PST tell drink-DAT // The moon told ( the sun ) to drink .@@ 6660@@@@1@@Ngarringa-ni guguga-yi ngiyi-ng-a dirndirrinymi ngarli-nka@@@@1@5@1.SG.POSS.II-LOC MM.II-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF teach talk-DAT // My grandmother taught me to speak ( Binbinka ) .@@ 6670@@@@1@@Garnarnda gini-ng-a lingba-lingba-ji-nka@@@@1@3@send 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF RDP-swim-TH-DAT // He let me go swimming ( lit . He sent me to swim ) .@@ 6680@@@@1@@Najbi gi-n manganyma@@@@1@3@burn 3.SG.S.PR-PROG bread.III.NOM // The bread is burning .@@ 6690@@@@1@@Gambanga-ni ngiyi-ng-a-n najbi@@@@1@3@sun.II-LOC 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF-PROG burn // The sun is burning me .@@ 6700@@@@1@@Barndanyi gi-n@@@@1@2@swear 3.SG.S.PR-PROG // He 's swearing !@@ 6710@@@@1@@Barndanyi ngiyi-ng-a@@@@1@2@swear 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF // She swore at me .@@ 6720@@@@1@@Daguma irr-a janji alangmiminyi-ni@@@@1@4@hit 3.SG.A-PST dog.I.ACC children.I-LOC // The children hit the dog .@@ 6730@@@@1@@Daguma irri-ngg-a alangmiminji@@@@1@3@hit 3.PL.A-RR-NF children.I.NOM // The children are hitting themselves/each other .@@ 6740@@@@1@@Ngarlwi irri-n ngarra nanagunya@@@@1@4@talk 3.SG.S.NP-PROG 1.SG.OBL this.II.PL.NOM // The women are talking to me .@@ 6750@@@@1@@Ngarlwi irri-ngg-a-n nanagunya@@@@1@3@talk 3.PL.A-RR-NF-PROG this.II.PL.NOM // The women are talking to each other .@@ 6760@@@@1@@Janji gini-ngg-a wagardbi@@@@1@3@dog.I.NOM 3.SG.M.A-RR-NF wash // The dog is washing himself .@@ 6770@@@@1@@Jiyawu wurlu-ngg-a gijilulu@@@@1@3@give 3.DU.A-RR-NF money.IV.ACC // They 're giving each other money .@@ 6780@@@@1@@Gajbi irr-a ganjimi@@@@1@3@eat 3.PL.A-PST finish // They ate ( it ) all .@@ 6790@@@@1@@Ngarl-wa guriny-mi@@@@1@2@talk-FUT good-FAC // Talk properly !@@ 6800@@@@1@@Gayini g-a yarru ginkanyi nanganangali@@@@1@5@what.I.NOM 3.SG.S-PST go this.way sneak.away // Who was it that snuck off this way ?@@ 6810@@@@1@@Jirrbali gi-n naniyaga gulugbi@@@@1@4@lie.on.stomach 3.SG.S.PR-PROG that.II.SG.NOM sleep // She 's sleeping on her stomach .@@ 6820@@@@1@@Mirra ngi barngala@@@@1@3@sit 1.SG.S.PR have.crossed.legs // I 'm sitting with my legs crossed .@@ 6830@@@@1@@Durra gi-n ngirra irr-agba jananmi narunguja@@@@1@6@be.frightened 3.SG.S.PR-PROG steal 3.PL.A-HYP take.off car.IV.ACC // He 's frightened ( that ) they might strip ( things ) off the car .@@ 6840@@@@1@@Guruburr-ardi ng-a daguma@@@@1@3@be.unconscious-CAUS 1.SG.A-PST hit // I knocked him out ( by hitting ) .@@ 6850@@@@1@@Nawunawu ngu-ngg-u dirndiny-mi@@@@1@3@stretch 1.SG.A-RR-FUT straight-FAC // I 'll stretch my legs ( by straightening them ) .@@ 6860@@@@1@@Yugu-yugu-lumi gin-a irra bard-babu@@@@1@4@cry-RDP-CAUS 3.SG.M.A-PST 3.PL.ACC run-OP // He took them away ( from their mothers ) and made them cry .@@ 6870@@@@1@@Gayinini-ni gin-a wurrudbanyi irra ginganj-ardi@@@@1@5@what.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-PST pull 3.PL.ACC drown-CAUS // Something pulled them ( under the water ) , ( and ) drowned ( them ) .@@ 6880@@@@1@@Ilijbirna g-a gulugbi@@@@1@3@alone.II.NOM 3.SG.S-PST sleep // She slept alone .@@ 6890@@@@1@@Yangula ng-a yarru alanga banggajarra-ni@@@@1@5@NEG 1.SG.S-PST go girl.II.NOM another.place-LOC // I did n't go to another place as a girl [ i.e . I grew up in just the one place ] .@@ 6900@@@@1@@Bardgu g-a ilirri-ngunya@@@@1@3@fall 3.SG.S-PST blood-PROP.II.NOM // She fell down bleeding .@@ 6910@@@@1@@Gurda-j-baji gi-n yugu@@@@1@3@be.sick-TH-PRIV.I.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG cry // He 's crying without being sick .@@ 6920@@@@1@@Bundurri gi-n mirra gurijbi@@@@1@4@full.I.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG sit good.I.NOM // He 's happy ( when he 's ) full .@@ 6930@@@@1@@Ngarabi gin-aji ilijbini-ni nunku=nima@@@@1@4@drink 3.SG.M.A-HAB.PST alone.I-LOC that.I.SG.LOC=JUST // He used to drink ( it ) all himself .@@ 6940@@@@1@@Gurdanymila gini-ng-a-n yandu@@@@1@3@sick.one.II.ACC 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF-PROG look.after // He looks after me , the sick one .@@ 6950@@@@1@@Bugayirna ngabulu-ngunya yagu ng-a ngarri irda@@@@1@6@big.II.NOM breast-PROP.II.NOM leave 1.SG.A-PST 1.SG.POSS.I.ACC father.I.ACC // ( When I was ) grown up , having breasts , I left my father .@@ 6960@@@@1@@Bagijbi ngi-n juruma@@@@1@3@feel.bad 1.SG.S.PR-PROG stomach.IV.NOM // I feel sick in the stomach .@@ 6970@@@@1@@Warima gini-ng-a labirra@@@@1@3@hold 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF hand.IV.ACC // He held my hand .@@ 6980@@@@1@@Manku ngi-ngg-a baginga@@@@1@3@feel 1.SG.A-RR-NF bad.II.NOM // I feel no good .@@ 6990@@@@1@@Gajbi murnd-u yana manganyma@@@@1@4@eat 1.DU.INC.A-FUT this.IV.SG.ACC tucker.III.ACC // Can we eat some of this food ?@@ 7000@@@@1@@Yagu ny-a nagarna ngayijinya ngangirna@@@@1@5@leave 2.SG.A-PST that.one.II.SG.ACC FM.II.ACC 2.SG.POSS.II.ACC // Did you drop your grandmother off ( at the hospital ) ?@@ 7010@@@@1@@Yana ngarrga@@@@1@2@this.IV.SG.NOM 1.SG.POSS.IV.NOM // Is this mine ?@@ 7020@@@@1@@Wayi ny-uda ilinga@@@@1@3@NEG.INT 2.SG.A-NACT.PST hear // Are n't you listening ? / Why are n't you listening ?@@ 7030@@@@1@@Wayi ny-uda yabu balamurru@@@@1@4@NEG.INT 2.SG.A-NACT.PST have spear.IV.ACC // Do n't you have a spear ? ( Hale 1959:31 )@@ 7040@@@@1@@Wayi ny-udi ngarlwi Wambaya@@@@1@4@NEG.INT 2.SG.S-NACT.PR talk // Can you talk Wambaya ? ( Hale 1959:31 )@@ 7050@@@@1@@Wayi ny-udi yabu guyiga@@@@1@4@NEG.INT 2.SG.A-NACT.PR have fire.IV.ACC // Have you got firewood ? ( Chadwick 1978:99 )@@ 7060@@@@1@@Gayina-ni ng-u daguma@@@@1@3@what.IV-LOC 1.SG.A-FUT hit // With what will I hit ( him ) ?@@ 7070@@@@1@@Inigunji irr-a gayini-gunji gulugbi@@@@1@4@this.I.PL.NOM 3.PL.S-PST who-PL.I.NOM sleep // Who are these people sleeping ( here ) ?@@ 7080@@@@1@@Gayinini-nka gi-n ayani lunggaji@@@@1@4@who.I-DAT 3.SG.S.PR-PROG look.for policeman.I.NOM // Which boy is the policeman looking for ?@@ 7090@@@@1@@Gayinanka gi-n yugu nanama@@@@1@4@why 3.SG.S.PR-PROG cry that.II.SG.NOM // Why is she crying ?@@ 7100@@@@1@@Injani darranggu ngarrga@@@@1@3@where stick.IV.NOM 1.SG.POSS.IV.NOM // Where is my stick ?@@ 7110@@@@1@@Yangulu g-uba yarru gujinya@@@@1@4@when 3.SG.S-NP.AWY go.FUT mother.II.NOM // When will you go , mother ?@@ 7120@@@@1@@Yangulanja ngarlana nyi nyamirniji ngarlwi@@@@1@5@how.many.IV.ACC language.IV.ACC 2.SG.S.PR 2.SG.NOM talk // How many languages do you speak ?@@ 7130@@@@1@@Ngurruwani ngurr-ala nijbi wunjugu@@@@1@4@1.PL.INC.NOM 1.PL.EXC.S-HAB.NP sing how // How do we say it ?@@ 7140@@@@1@@Guyala ng-uda gajbi manganyma@@@@1@4@NEG 1.SG.A-NACT.PST eat tucker.III.ACC // I could n't eat any dinner .@@ 7150@@@@1@@Guyala ngurr-uji ngajbi irra@@@@1@4@NEG 1.PL.INC.A-NACT.PR see 3.PL.ACC // We never see them .@@ 7160@@@@1@@Yangula irri-ng-a jiyawu@@@@1@3@NEG 3.PL.A-1.O-NF give // They did n't give me ( my country ) .@@ 7170@@@@1@@Yangula irri-n nananga guri-guriny-mi@@@@1@4@NEG 3.PL.A.NP-PROG care.for RDP-good-FAC // They 're not looking after her properly .@@ 7180@@@@1@@Yangula gurl-agba ganmami@@@@1@3@NEG 2.DU.S-HYP get.close // You ca n't get close .@@ 7190@@@@1@@Guyala ng-agba yandu bungmanya-nka@@@@1@4@NEG 1.SG.S-HYP wait old.woman.II-DAT // I 'm not going to wait for the old woman .@@ 7200@@@@1@@Yangula nga-ngg-agba duga-jirrimi@@@@1@3@NEG 1.SG.A-RR-HYP sit.down-CAUS // I 'm not going to sit ( myself ) down .@@ 7210@@@@1@@Yangula ngu-ny-u daguma@@@@1@3@NEG 1.SG.A-2.O-FUT hit // I 'm not going to hit you .@@ 7220@@@@1@@Guyala ng-udi garnarnda gunyanga-nmanji@@@@1@4@NEG 1.SG.A-NACT.PR send other.II-ALL // I wo n't send her to another ( girl ) .@@ 7230@@@@1@@Guyala ng-udi yarru@@@@1@3@NEG 1.SG.S-NACT.PR go // I 'm not going .@@ 7240@@@@1@@Yangula ng-u yarru@@@@1@3@NEG 1.SG.S-FUT go // I 'm not going .@@ 7250@@@@1@@Guyala ng-uda gajbi manganyma@@@@1@4@NEG 1.SG.A-NACT.PST eat tucker.III.ACC // I could n't eat tea ( because I kept vomiting ) .@@ 7260@@@@1@@Guyala wurlu-ny-uda manku@@@@1@3@NEG 3.DU.A-2.O-NACT.PST hear // They did n't hear you ( because they were sleeping ) .@@ 7270@@@@1@@Guyala ng-udi ilinga@@@@1@3@NEG 1.SG.A-NACT.PR remember // I ca n't remember ( it ) .@@ 7280@@@@1@@Guyala ng-udi ngunjulanyi@@@@1@3@NEG 1.SG.A-NACT.PR lift // I ca n't lift ( it ) .@@ 7290@@@@1@@Yangula ngi-ny-a-n ngajbi nyamirniji@@@@1@4@NEG 1.SG.A-2.O-PST-PROG see 2.SG.ACC // I was n't looking at you .@@ 7300@@@@1@@Yangula ng-a banjarri@@@@1@3@NEG 1.SG.A-PST throw // I did n't throw it .@@ 7310@@@@1@@Yangula irri-ng-a jiyawu@@@@1@3@NEG 3.PL.A-1.O-PST give // They did n't give me ( my country ) .@@ 7320@@@@1@@Guyala ng-udi ganarnda gunyanga-nmanji@@@@1@4@NEG 1.SG.A-NACT.PR send other.II-ALL // I wo n't send her to another ( girl ) .@@ 7330@@@@1@@Guyala inama ngangi jugu inama ngangi gugu@@@@1@7@NEG that.I.SG.NOM 2.SG.POSS.I.NOM MB.I.NOM that.I.SG.NOM 2.SG.POSS.I.NOM MMB.I.NOM // That 's not your uncle , that 's your great uncle .@@ 7340@@@@1@@Yana janga yangula ngarrga@@@@1@4@this.IV.SG.NOM foot.IV.NOM NEG 1.SG.POSS.IV.NOM // That 's not my foot .@@ 7350@@@@1@@Daguma-j-ba nyi-ng-a@@@@1@2@hit-TH-FUT 2.SG.A-1.O-NF // Hit me !@@ 7360@@@@1@@Daguma-j-ba nyi-ng@@@@1@2@hit-TH-FUT 2.SG.A-1.O // Hit me !@@ 7370@@@@1@@Alyu nyi-ng-a daguma@@@@1@3@NEG.IMP 2.SG.A-1.O-NF hit // Do n't hit me !@@ 7380@@@@1@@Alyu nyi-ng-a daguma-j-ba@@@@1@3@NEG.IMP 2.SG.A-1.O-NF hit-TH-FUT // Do n't hit me !@@ 7390@@@@1@@Ngara-ba ini galyurringi@@@@1@3@drink-FUT this.I.SG.ACC water.I.ACC // Drink the water !@@ 7400@@@@1@@Alyu ngarabi ini galyurringi@@@@1@4@NEG.IMP drink this.I.SG.ACC water.I.ACC // Do n't drink the water !@@ 7410@@@@1@@Alyu ngara-ba ini galyurringi@@@@1@4@NEG.IMP drink-FUT this.I.SG.ACC water.I.ACC // Do n't drink the water !@@ 7420@@@@1@@Jiya-j-ba irra warnu@@@@1@3@give-TH-FUT 3.PL.ACC tobacco.IV.ACC // Give them ( some ) tobacco !@@ 7430@@@@1@@Alyu irra warnu jiyawu@@@@1@4@NEG.IMP 3.PL.ACC tobacco.IV.ACC give // Do n't give them ( any ) tobacco !@@ 7440@@@@1@@Alyu irra warnu jiya-j-ba@@@@1@4@NEG.IMP 3.PL.ACC tobacco.IV.ACC give-TH-FUT // Do n't give them ( any ) tobacco !@@ 7450@@@@1@@Yugu-waji mirrang-ba g-u inama ayigurrajbi ngaji-ni ngurra@@@@1@7@cry-PRIV.I.NOM sit-FUT 3.SG.S-FUT that.I.SG.NOM all.day see-LOC 1.PL.INC.ACC // He does n't cry , he 'll ( just ) sit there all day looking at us .@@ 7460@@@@1@@Baralala ng-a mirra gulug-bajarna@@@@1@4@all.night1.SG.S-PST sit sleep-PRIV.II.NOM // I could n't sleep all night ( lit . I was sleepless all night ) .@@ 7470@@@@1@@Guyalinya ngawurniji manganymi-nka@@@@1@3@lacking.II.NOM 1.SG.NOM tucker.III-DAT // I 've got no tucker .@@ 7480@@@@1@@Guyala gaguluna-nka gagulinya ngi yabu@@@@1@5@NEG y.brother.I-DAT y.sister.II.ACC 1.SG.A.PR have // No brothers , ( but ) I have a younger sister .@@ 7490@@@@1@@Jiyawu irr-a manganyma guyala@@@@1@4@give 3.PL.A-PST tucker.III.ACC NEG // They did n't give her any breakfast . ( lit . They gave her no breakfast )@@ 7500@@@@1@@Nanagunyani irr-aji ngarabi ngawurniji guyala@@@@1@5@this.II.PL.LOC 3.PL.A-HAB.PST drink 1.SG.NOM NEG // They ( my friends ) used to drink , but not me .@@ 7510@@@@1@@Ngangaba yana gi-n najbi@@@@1@4@fire.IV.NOM this.IV.SG.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG burn // There 's a ( big ) fire burning ( over there ) .@@ 7520@@@@1@@Garnguji=miji irri-n mirra@@@@1@3@many.I.NOM=INFER 3.PL.S.NP-PROG sit // There must be a big group ( of people ) .@@ 7530@@@@1@@Mugunjana=miji gi-n mirra@@@@1@3@louse.II.NOM=INFER 3.SG.S.PR-PROG sit // It must be a louse ( because I keep scratching my head ) .@@ 7540@@@@1@@Ngajirri=miji gi-n@@@@1@2@be.cold=INFER 3.SG.S.PR-PROG // He must be cold ( because he 's only wearing shorts ) .@@ 7550@@@@1@@Gurijbirna=miji gi-n mirra@@@@1@3@good.II.NOM=INFER 3.SG.S.PR-PROG sit // She might be feeling better . ( In response to the question 'Do you think MN will be better yet ? ' )@@ 7560@@@@1@@Wugbardi=miji irri-n@@@@1@2@cook=INFER 3.PL.A.NP-PROG // Perhaps they 're cooking . ( In response to an inquiry as to some people 's whereabouts . )@@ 7570@@@@1@@Gayinirna=miji nayida ng-u yany-ba agardi-nka@@@@1@5@what.II.ACC=INFER woman.II.ACC 1.SG.A-FUT get-FUT wash-DAT // I do n't know which girl I 'll get to wash ( my clothes ) .@@ 7580@@@@1@@Wunjugu=miji irr-a ginganbi garnguji-rdarra@@@@1@4@somehow=INFER 3.PL.S-PST drown many.I-GROUP.NOM // Somehow they all drowned ( but I do n't know how ) .@@ 7590@@@@1@@Darrgulumi irr-a ngarra banjangani gayinini-ni=miji@@@@1@5@crack 3.PL.A-PST 1.SG.OBL behind someone.I-LOC=INFER // Someone must have let the water out behind me .@@ 7600@@@@1@@Gunju=nima ngiyi-ng-a jiyawu@@@@1@3@meat.IV.ACC=JUST 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF give // She only gave me meat .@@ 7610@@@@1@@Guyalinja manganymi-nka@@@@1@2@lacking.IV.NOM bread.III-DAT // There 's no bread .@@ 7620@@@@1@@Daguma irri-ngg-a nagagunya nujungama=nima igigunji nujungama=nima@@@@1@6@hit 3.PL.A-RR-NF that.one.II.SG.NOM alone=JUST that.one.I.SG.NOM alone=JUST // They fought each other ; the women with the women and the men with the men .@@ 7630@@@@1@@Ngurraramba=nima ngirr-aji duwa@@@@1@3@nighttime=JUST 1.PL.EXC.S-HAB.PST get.up // It was still dark ( when ) we 'd get up .@@ 7640@@@@1@@Yarru=nima irri-n bibi@@@@1@3@go=JUST 3.PL.S.NP-PROG little.while // They 'll be still going for a little while yet ( i.e . it 's a long way ) .@@ 7650@@@@1@@Gayangga=nima gambada@@@@1@2@high=JUST sun.II.NOM // The sun is still high ( i.e . it 's not afternoon yet ) .@@ 7660@@@@1@@Mirndiyani=nima mirndi-n mirra@@@@1@3@1.PL.INC.NOM=JUST 1.PL.INC.S.PR-PROG sit // There 's just you and me here .@@ 7670@@@@1@@Ngarrga=nima warnu=nima ngi di-didija@@@@1@4@1.SG.POSS.IV.ACC=JUST tobacco.IV.ACC=JUST 1.SG.A.PR RDP-carry // I carry around my own tobacco .@@ 7680@@@@1@@Mirra g-a gili=nima-yaga@@@@1@3@sit 3.SG.S-PST here=JUST-remote // I stayed right there .@@ 7690@@@@1@@Bardgu-j-ba=minyi g-u galyurrungurna@@@@1@3@fall-TH-FUT=AGAIN 3.SG.S-FUT rain.II.NOM // It 'll rain again .@@ 7700@@@@1@@Gannga=minyi g-ulama@@@@1@2@return.FUT=AGAIN 3.SG.S-NP.TWD // She 'll come back again .@@ 7710@@@@1@@Gulugi-nka=minyi gi-n yugu@@@@1@3@sleep-DAT=AGAIN 3.SG.S.PR-PROG cry // He 's crying to go back to sleep ( i.e . because he 's tired ) .@@ 7720@@@@1@@Bungmanya ngi-n mirra gubi@@@@1@4@old.woman.II.NOM 1.SG.S.PR-PROG sit EXCLAM // I 'm getting old .@@ 7730@@@@1@@Gajbi irri-n garngunyi-ni gubi@@@@1@4@eat 3.PL.A.NP-PROG many.I-LOC EXCLAM // There 's too many of them eating ( all ) the food .@@ 7740@@@@1@@Gayina gubi irr-ala yardi@@@@1@4@what.IV.ACC EXCLAM 3.PL.A-HAB.NP put // What do they call it ? ( The speaker was trying to remember a particular word in another language . )@@ 7750@@@@1@@Ngayijinya ngangirna bungmanya gubi@@@@1@4@FM.II.NOM 2.SG.POSS.II.NOM old.woman.II.NOM EXCLAM // ( Call her ) your grandmother , she 's too old ( to be your daughter ) !@@ 7760@@@@1@@Yarru g-a ginmanji ngaba murnd-u ngarlwi@@@@1@6@go 3.SG.S-PST this.way THEN 1.DU.INC.S-FUT talk // She came here so that we can talk .@@ 7770@@@@1@@Yardi-j-ba ngurru magi-nmanji ngaba nguy-u marndanga-ni nananga-j-ba@@@@1@7@put-TH-FUT 1.PL.INC.A.NP camp.I-ALL THEN 3.SG.NM.A-FUT white.woman.II-LOC care.for-TH-FUT // We 're going to put her in a home so that the white woman will take care of her .@@ 7780@@@@1@@Gajigajirra gani gannga ngaba ngurru janganja@@@@1@6@quickly 3.SG.S.PR return THEN 1.PL.INC.A.PR ask // She 'll come back soon and then we 'll ask ( her to play the tape ) .@@ 7790@@@@1@@Yardi nguy-u ngurra ngaba ngurru-ngg-u manku ngarli-ni ngarlana@@@@1@8@put 3.SG.NM.A-FUT 1.PL.INC.OBL THEN 1.PL.INC.A-RR-FUT hear talk-LOC language.IV.ACC // She 'll put ( the tape ) on for us and then we 'll hear ourselves talking language . ( fn : gani is Gudanji form of the aux )@@ 7800@@@@1@@Ngaba ny-uda yarru banganiga didima nyi-ng-uda@@@@1@6@THEN 2.SG.S-NACT.PST go this.way tell 2.SG.A-1.O-NACT.PST // Then you should have come ( and ) told me .@@ 7810@@@@1@@Ngaba g-u gurijbi gannga-yirrima irri@@@@1@5@THEN 3.SG.S-FUT feel.good return-CAUS.FUT 3.PL.A.NP // When she is better they 'll bring her back .@@ 7820@@@@1@@Nana ngiyi-ngg-a-n manku gurijbirna ngaba ngi-n ngawurniji gurijbirna mirra@@@@1@9@this.II.SG.NOM 3.SG.NM.A-RR-NF-PROG hear good.II.NOM THEN 1.SG.S.PR-PROG 1.SG.NOM good.II.NOM sit // She feels really good , like I feel good ( now ) too .@@ 7830@@@@1@@Ngarrangarra ngi-n ngaba nyamirniji@@@@1@4@be.hot 1.SG.S.PR-PROG THEN 2.SG.NOM // I 'm hot like you .@@ 7840@@@@1@@Buja gi-n ngaba Vicks@@@@1@4@smell 3.SG.S.PR-PROG THEN // It smells like Vicks .@@ 7850@@@@1@@Corner-ni bangani ng-ala-n mirra gaji gini gajbi maga@@@@1@8@corner-LOC here 1.SG.S-HAB.NP-PROG sit LEST3.SG.M.A.PR eat ground.IV.ACC // I always sit here on the corner ( of the verandah ) in case he eats dirt . ( i.e . so that she can watch her toddler grandson and prevent him from eating the dirt . )@@ 7860@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-u irra gijilulu gaji irri warrawarra@@@@1@7@see 1.SG.A-FUT 3.PL.OBL money.IV.ACC LEST 3.PL.S.PR drunk // I 'm going to go see what money they 've got in case they 're drunk ( and therefore spend it all ) .@@ 7870@@@@1@@Alyu lingba-j-ba@@@@1@2@NEG.IMP bogey-TH-FUT // Do n't swim !@@ 7880@@@@1@@Ginganbi ny-agba@@@@1@2@drown 2.SG.S-HYP // You might drown !@@ 7890@@@@1@@Ilagbi ngi nganga ngabayi nyi-ng-a majbi@@@@1@6@frightened 1.SG.S.PR 2.SG.OBL LEST 2.SG.A-1.O-NF hit // I 'm afraid you might hit me . ( Hale 1959:55 )@@ 7900@@@@1@@Ngabayi ng-uda yabu balamurru dudiyarri ng-uda iniya marndija=nima@@@@1@8@LEST. ? 1.SG.A-NACT.PST have spear.IV.ACC spear 1.SG.A-NACT.PST that.I.SG.ACC before=JUST // If I had had a spear , I would have speared him then . ( Hale 1959:54 )@@ 7910@@@@1@@Marda ngi-ma gubaji ngarlwi ngi-ma ngarrga ngarlana Wambaya@@@@1@8@WHEN 1.SG.S-PST small.I.NOM talk 1.SG.S-PST1.SG.POSS.IV.ACC language.IV.ACC // When I was young , I spoke my language Wambaya . ( Hale 1959:55 ) ( fn : -ma is the Gudanji past tense marker )@@ 7920@@@@1@@Marda ngu-ny-u ngajbi jiyawu ngu-ny-u manganyma@@@@1@6@WHEN 1.SG.A-2.O-FUT see give 1.SG.A-2.O-FUT tucker.III.ACC // When I see you I 'll give you some food . ( Hale 1959:55 )@@ 7930@@@@1@@Guyalinja ngabulu-nka duwa gi@@@@1@4@lacking.IV.NOM milk.IV-DAT get.up 3.SG.S.PR // ( When ) there 's no more milk , he leaves .@@ 7940@@@@1@@Ngarli-ni irri-ng-a ngurra abajabaja-mi@@@@1@4@talk-LOC 3.PL.A-1.O-NF 1.PL.INC.ACC crazy-FAC // They make us confused ( when they 're ) talking . ( re trying to work when surrounded by a noisy group of people . )@@ 7950@@@@1@@Bungmaji gi-n mirra yandu-ji-ni barrawu@@@@1@5@old.man.I.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG sit mind-TH-LOC house.IV.ACC // The old man 's staying ( here ) looking after the house .@@ 7960@@@@1@@Nganki ngiy-a lurrgbanyi wardangarringa-ni alaji gulug-barda@@@@1@6@this.II.SG.LOC 3.SG.NM.A-PST grab moon.II-LOC child.I.ACCsleep-INF // The moon grabbed her sleeping child .@@ 7970@@@@1@@Ilinga-j-ba nguyu-ny-u gurla ngarl-warda@@@@1@4@hear-TH-FUT 3.SG.NM.A-2.O-FUT 2.DU.ACC talk-INF // She will listen to you two talking .@@ 7980@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-a gaj-barda@@@@1@3@see 1.SG.A-PST eat-INF // I saw him eating .@@ 7990@@@@1@@Bungmanyi-ni gun-u nij-ba nayida g-u gajurra@@@@1@6@old.man.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-FUT sing-FUT woman.II.NOM 3.SG.S-FUT dance.FUT // The men will sing ( while ) the women dance .@@ 8000@@@@1@@Gannga g-amany alalangmi-ji-nnga@@@@1@3@return 3.SG.S-PST.TWD hunt-TH-ABL // He returned from hunting .@@ 8010@@@@1@@Gumarra g-u nyagaj-ba yarru-nnga@@@@1@4@calf.IV.NOM 3.SG.S-FUT be.tired-FUT go-ABL // His calves will be tired from walking .@@ 8020@@@@1@@Yarru ng-amany ngaji-nka ngaya@@@@1@4@go 1.SG.S-PST.TWD see-DAT 3.SG.F.OBL // I came to see her .@@ 8030@@@@1@@Yabu ngiy-a gijilulu jiya-ji-nka marndangi-nka@@@@1@5@have 3.SG.NM.A-PST money.IV.ACC give-TH-DAT white.man.I-DAT // She had money to give to the white man .@@ 8040@@@@1@@Yabu ng-amany ngarli-nka@@@@1@3@bring 1.SG.A-PST.TWD talk-DAT // I brought him to talk .@@ 8050@@@@1@@Ngarringa-ni guguga-yi ngiyi-nga-ma dirndirrimi ngarli-nka Binbinka@@@@1@6@1.SG.POSS.II.LOC MM.II.LOC 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-PST teach talk-DAT Binbinka // My grandmother taught me to speak Binbinka . ( fns : ngiyi-nga-ma is Gudanji form of the auxiliary ; Binbinka is not inflected with dative case , probably for phonological reasons )@@ 8060@@@@1@@Duwa g-a gijilulu-nka ayani-ji-nka@@@@1@4@get.up 3.SG.S-PST money.IV-DAT look.for-TH-DAT // He left to look for money .@@ 8070@@@@1@@Dulanymi ngiy-a nganki gulug-barda@@@@1@4@raise 3.SG.NM.A-PST this.II.SG.LOC sleep-INF // She woke him from sleep .@@ 8080@@@@1@@Nyurrunyurru gini-n dawu-j-barda@@@@1@3@chase 3.SG.M.A.PR-PROG bite-TH-INF // He 's chasing her to bite ( her ) .@@ 8090@@@@1@@Yarru g-any yany-barda manganymi-nka@@@@1@4@go 3.SG.S-NP.AWY get-INF tucker.III-DAT // He 's gone to get some tucker .@@ 8100@@@@1@@Ngaragi-nka galyurringi-nka wurl-any yarru@@@@1@4@drink-DAT water.I-DAT 3.DU.S-PST.AWY go // They went to drink some water .@@ 8110@@@@1@@Naj-barda ngirr-aji yandu mayinanji@@@@1@4@burn-INF 1.PL.EXC.A-HAB.PST care.for goanna.I.ACC // We 'd mind the goanna ( while it was ) cooking .@@ 8120@@@@1@@Murrgu irri mirra gaji-ni nagagunya@@@@1@5@inside 3.PL.S.NP sit eat-LOC that.one.II.PL.NOM // The women are sitting inside eating .@@ 8130@@@@1@@Janga ng-a ngajbi yarru-warda mayinanji@@@@1@5@foot.IV.ACC 1.SG.A-PST see go-INF goanna.I.ACC // I saw goanna tracks going along .@@ 8140@@@@1@@Ilinga ngi-n ngarl-warda gujinya ngarrirna@@@@1@5@hear 1.SG.A.PR-PROG talk-INF mother.II.ACC1.SG.POSS.II.ACC // I can hear my mother talking .@@ 8150@@@@1@@Bardbi g-a nagarna durra-ji-ni wirrilgarra@@@@1@5@run 3.SG.S-PST that.one.II.SG.NOM be.frightened-TH-LOC cockatiel.II.NOM // Cockatiel ran away frightened .@@ 8160@@@@1@@Ganarnda gini-ng-a lingba-lingba-ji-nka@@@@1@3@send 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF RDP-swim-TH-DAT // He let me go swimming/ he sent me to swim .@@ 8170@@@@1@@Gayinirna=miji nayida ng-u yany-ba agardi-nka@@@@1@5@what.II.ACC=INFER woman.II.ACC 1.SG.A-FUT get-FUT wash-DAT // I do n't know which girl I 'll get to wash my clothes .@@ 8180@@@@1@@Ilarri irri ngarabi daguma irri-ngg-i@@@@1@5@grog.I ? .ACC 3.PL.A.NP drink hit 3.PL.A-RR-FUT // When they drink grog , they 'll fight./They 'll drink grog ( and then ) they 'll fight .@@ 8190@@@@1@@Yarru g-amany irda ngarradi g-a anki mirra@@@@1@7@go 3.SG.S-PST.TWD father.I.NOM 1.SG.POSS.I.NOM 3.SG.S-PST alive.I.NOM sit // He came ( when ) my father was alive .@@ 8200@@@@1@@Ngajbi ng-a alaji yarru ng-a magi-nmanji@@@@1@6@see 1.SG.A-PST boy.I.ACC go 1.SG.S-PST camp.IV-ALL // I saw the boy ( when ) I went to camp .@@ 8210@@@@1@@Ngilwi wurl-a ginbila ngajbi irra mawulaj-barda@@@@1@6@be.OK 3.DU.S-PST here see 3.PL.ACC play-INF // Were they ( du ) OK here while watching them all play ?@@ 8220@@@@1@@Yana jaga ngi-n murri daguma gini-ng-a@@@@1@6@this.IV.SG.NOM leg.IV.NOM 1.SG.S.PR-PROG be.sore hit 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF // My leg is hurting ( because ) he hit me .@@ 8230@@@@1@@Guyala ng-udi gulugbi bungmanya nana gi-n bawurrbi@@@@1@7@NEG 1.SG.S-NACT.PR sleep old.woman.II.NOM this.I.SG.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG snore // I ca n't sleep ( because ) the old woman is snoring .@@ 8240@@@@1@@Gugbarimi gini-ng-a nguwajbi g-a magi-ni nangi-ni@@@@1@6@choke 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF be.jealous 3.SG.S-PST camp.IV-LOC 3.SG.M.POSS.IV-LOC // He choked me ( because ) he was jealous for his country .@@ 8250@@@@1@@Gannga g-ulama igima bungmaji janganja ngurru@@@@1@6@return.FUT 3.SG.S-NP.TWD that.one.I.SG.NOM old.man.I.NOM ask 1.PL.INC.A.NP // ( When ) the old man comes back , we 'll ask ( him ) .@@ 8260@@@@1@@Narunguja g-u bardbi ngawu ng-u gulug-ba@@@@1@6@car.IV.NOM 3.SG.S-FUT run 1.SG.NOM 1.SG.S-FUT sleep-FUT // ( When ) the bus starts moving , I 'll fall asleep .@@ 8270@@@@1@@Guyalinja ngabulu-nka duwa gi@@@@1@4@lacking.IV.NOM milk.IV-DAT get.up 3.SG.S.PR // When there 's no more milk , he leaves .@@ 8280@@@@1@@Ngajbi g-a yaniyaga burruburru yugu g-a@@@@1@6@see 3.SG.A-PST that.IV.SG.ACC paper.IV.ACC cry 3.SG.S-PST // When he read the paper , he ( started ) crying .@@ 8290@@@@1@@Yurndu-j-ba ny-u banjanganinma nyurrunyurru gunu-ny-u@@@@1@5@hit-TH-FUT 2.SG.A-FUT tail.III.ACC chase 3.SG.M.A-2.O-FUT // If you hit his tail , he 'll chase you .@@ 8300@@@@1@@Yabu ng-uda gijilulu jiyawu ng-uda@@@@1@5@have 1.SG.A-NACT.PST money.IV.ACC give 1.SG.A-NACT.PST // If I 'd had the money I would have given ( it to her ) .@@ 8310@@@@1@@Durra ngi-n marawunjini-nka dawu-j-barlini-nka@@@@1@4@be.frightened 1.SG.S.PR-PROG spider.I-DAT bite-TH-AGNT.I-DAT // I 'm frightened of that spider which bites .@@ 8320@@@@1@@Yabu ga ngarra iniyaga alaji yugu-waji@@@@1@6@bring.FUT SG.IMP.TWD 1.SG.OBL that.I.SG.ACC boy.I.ACC cry-PRIV.I.ACC // Bring me that boy who does n't cry !@@ 8330@@@@1@@Injani nagarna nayida bajijurndu ng-a ngawurniji@@@@1@6@where that.one.II.SG.NOM woman.II.NOM bring.up 1.SG.A-PST 1.SG.ERG // Where 's that woman that I brought up ?@@ 8340@@@@1@@Daguma ng-u janji dawu gini-ng-a@@@@1@5@hit 1.SG.A-FUT dog.I.ACC bite 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF // I 'm going to hit the dog that bit me .@@ 8350@@@@1@@Yarru irr-a ngajbi nanawulu ilarra-wulu buyunku-nu wurlu-n mirra@@@@1@8@go 3.PL.S-PST see this.II.DU.ACC eaglehawk-DU.ACC middle-LOC 3.DU.S.NP-PROG sit // They went ( and they ) saw the two eaglehawks ( who ) were sitting in the middle ( of their camp ) .@@ 8360@@@@1@@Ngaj-ba gurl baba-wuli-janka yarru wurlu-n@@@@1@5@see-FUT DU.IMP brother-DU-DAT go 3.DU.S.NP-PROG // You watch ( the road ) for your two brothers coming .@@ 8370@@@@1@@Bunjunymi wurlu-n inuwulu wurlu-n gulugbi@@@@1@5@sneak.up 3.DU.A.NP-PROG this.I.DU.ACC 3.DU.S.NP-PROG sleep // They 're sneaking up on the two boys who are sleeping .@@ 8380@@@@1@@Inama ngarradi alaji=nima nyi-n yabu@@@@1@5@that.I.SG.NOM 1.SG.POSS.I.ACC child.I.ACC=JUST 2.SG.A.PR-PROG have // That 's my child ( that ) you 've got !@@ 8390@@@@1@@Ilinga gin-a galyurringi gi-n bardbi@@@@1@5@hear 3.SG.M.A-PST water.I.ACC 3.SG.S.PR-PROG run // He heard the water running .@@ 8400@@@@1@@Injani yangaji ny-a langanjardi@@@@1@4@where meat.I.ACC 2.SG.A-PST hang.up // Where 's the meat ( that ) you hung up ?@@ 8410@@@@1@@Injannga ini julaji gi-n ngarra bardbi@@@@1@6@where.from this.I.SG.NOM bird.I.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG1.SG.OBL run // Where did this bird come to me from ? ( lit . From where is this bird that has come to me ? )@@ 8420@@@@1@@Guyala ng-udi ilinga injani g-a yarru@@@@1@6@NEG 1.SG.A-NACT.PR remember where 3.SG.S-PST go // I ca n't remember where he went .@@ 8430@@@@1@@Didima irri ngaya nganku ngiy-a ngirra bungmanya-nka gijilulu@@@@1@8@tell 3.PL.A.NP 3.SG.F.OBL this.II.SG.LOC 3.SG.NM.A-PSTsteal old.woman.II-DAT money.IV.ACC // They told her ( that ) she 'd stolen the old woman 's money .@@ 8440@@@@1@@Gulu-liji ng-a didima yarru g-ulama ginmanji@@@@1@6@son.I-REFL.POSS.ACC 1.SG.A-PST tell go.FUT 3.SG.S-NP.TWD this.way // I told ( her ) son ( to tell her ) to come . ( lit . I told her son ( that ) she will come . )@@ 8450@@@@1@@Inigunji ng-uba janganja ngajbi irr-a iguwulu alag-ulu@@@@1@7@this.I.PL.ACC 1.SG.A-NP.AWY ask see 3.PL.A-PST that.one.I.DU.ACC child-DU.ACC // I 'm going off to ask this mob have they seen the two boys .@@ 8460@@@@1@@Bajiya gun-uba irra barrawu g-amany yarru nanga ngaba gun-ugba yabu@@@@1@10@ask 3.SG.M.A-NP.AWY 3.PL.ACC house.IV.NOM 3.SG.S-PST.TWD go 3.SG.M.OBL THEN 3.SG.M.A-HYP have // He 's going to ask them has a house come for him that he could have . ( fn : `` I 'm not sure why this form occurs - I would have expected gin-agba . '' )@@ 8470@@@@1@@Ngijini gini-ng-a didima jangi magi-ni jiyawu ngu-ny-u gijilulu Westpac-ni@@@@1@9@yesterday 3.SG.M.A-1.O-NF tell down camp.IV-LOC give 1.SG.A-2.O-FUT money.IV.ACC Westpac-LOC // Yesterday he told me down at the camp `` I 'm going to give you some money tomorrow at Westpac '' .@@ 8480@@@@1@@Burnaringmi-nka g-a yarru janganja bungmanya yabu nyi-n manganyma burnaringma@@@@1@9@orange.III-DAT 3.SG.S-PST go ask old.woman.II.NOM have 2.SG.A.PR-PROG tucker.III.ACC orange.III.ACC // He went ( looking ) for oranges and asked ( me ) `` Old woman , do you have any oranges ? `` .@@ 8490@@@@1@@Ngajbi gin-a igima gi-n gulugbi@@@@1@5@see 3.SG.M.A-PST that.one.I.SG.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG sleep // He looked ( and said ) : `` he 's sleeping now '' / He noticed that he was sleeping .@@ 8500@@@@1@@Ngajbi ngiy-a ini galyurringi gan-ala andajarri@@@@1@6@see 3.SG.NM.A-PST this.I.SG.ACC water.I.ACC 3.SG.M.A-HAB.NP hide // She saw ( the water and said ) , `` this is the water he always hides '' .@@ 8510@@@@1@@Ngajbi ngiy-a gayina yanama gi-n wubi@@@@1@6@see 3.SG.NM.A-PST what.IV.NOM that.IV.SG.NOM 3.SG.S.PR-PROG be.red // She saw ( it and said ) : `` What 's that red thing ? ''@@ 8520@@@@1@@Bardgu g-a yanama darranggu ngarri-yili-nmanji yana ngiyi-ng-a daguma@@@@1@8@fall 3.SG.S-PST that.IV.SG.NOM stick.IV.NOM 1.SG.OBL-COMIT-ALL this.IV.SG.NOM 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF hit // That stick fell down towards me and hit me . ( fn `` Note the use of the nominative demonstrative here , despite the fact that the subject is ergative . There do not appear to be separate ergative/locative demonstratives for Classes III and IV , the nominative forms being used instead , see 4.6 . ''@@ 8530@@@@1@@Balamurru gun-u banjarri-j-ba dudiyarri-j-ba gunu-ny-u@@@@1@5@spear.IV.ACC 3.SG.M.A-FUT throw-TH-FUT spear-TH-FUT 3.SG.M.A-2.O-FUT // He 's going to throw the spear and spear you .@@ 8540@@@@1@@Ngajirri g-a birrirri g-a durnanjarri ng-a ngarlwi g-a ngarra girundajbi ngi-n najbi ngi-n@@@@1@13@be.cold 3.SG.S-PST shiver 3.SG.S-PST cover 1.SG.A-PST talk 3.SG.S-PST 1.SG.OBL sweat 1.SG.S.PR-PROG burn 1.SG.S.PR-PROG // She was cold ( and ) shivering ( so ) I covered her up ( then ) she said to me `` I 'm sweating , I 'm burning ! ''@@ 8550@@@@1@@Gujiga irri-n nijbi nagagunya irri-n gajurru@@@@1@6@ceremony.IV.ACC 3.PL.A.NP-PROG sing that.one.II.PL.NOM 3.PL.S.NP-PROG dance // ( The men ) sing the gujiga ceremony ( and ) the women dance .@@ 8560@@@@1@@Gujinya gin-a ngajbi guyala gun-uja ngajbi irda@@@@1@7@mother.II.ACC 3.SG.M.A-PST see NEG 3.SG.M.A-NACT.PST see father.I.ACC // He saw ( his ) mother ( but ) he did n't see ( his ) father .@@ 8570@@@@1@@Ngaragana-nguja ngiy-a gujinganjanga-ni jiyawu ngabulu baginy-mi ini alaji@@@@1@8@grog-PROP.IV.ACC 3.SG.NM.A-PST mother.II-LOC give milk.IV.ACC bad-FAC this.I.SG.ACC boy.I.ACC // His mother gave him milk with grog in it ( and ) made this little boy no good .@@ 8580@@@@1@@Daguma ngiyi-ng-a galama bardgu-jirrimi ilirri@@@@1@5@hit 3.SG.NM.A-1.O-NF nose.III.ACC fall-CAUS blood.I.ACC // She hit my nose ( and ) made it bleed . ( lit . ( and ) made the blood fall )@@ 8590@@@@1@@Gayinini-ni gin-a wurrudbanyi irra ginganj-ardi@@@@1@5@what.I-LOC 3.SG.M.A-PST pull 3.PL.ACC drown-CAUS // Something pulled them ( under the water ) ( and ) drowned ( them ) .@@ 8600@@@@1@@Bungmungmaji irri-n yarru jaburru bungmungmanya banjangani alag-unya@@@@1@7@old.men.I.NOM 3.PL.S.NP-PROG go first old.women.II.NOM behind child-PROP.II.NOM // The old men go first ( while ) the women ( come ) behind with the kids .@@ 8610@@@@1@@Yarru g-a ginmanji ngaba murnd-u ngarlwi@@@@1@6@go 3.SG.S-PST this.way THEN 1.DU.INC.S-FUT talk // She came here so that we can talk .@@ 8620@@@@1@@Yandu murnd-u nganagawulija ngaba wurlu yarru mirndiyani murnd-u duwa@@@@1@9@wait 1.DU.INC.S-FUT this.II.DU.DAT THEN 3.DU.S.NP go 1.DU.INC.NOM 1.DU.INC.S-FUT get.up // We 're waiting for the two ( women ) and then when they come , we 'll go .@@ 8630@@@@1@@Angbardi-j-ba gurl baba-wuli-janka ngaba wurlu gulug-ba@@@@1@6@build-TH-FUT DU.IMP e.sibling-DU-DAT THEN 3.DU.S.NP sleep-FUT // Build ( a windbreak ) for ( your ) brothers so they can sleep .@@