[itsdb] Need help/advise on ItsdbModeling

Francis Bond bond at ieee.org
Thu Aug 5 07:23:44 CEST 2010


On 4 August 2010 10:38,  <halizahb at cs.otago.ac.nz> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am a PhD student who are doing a research on Statistical Model of
> Error Correction in Computer Assisted Language Learning. I have a corpus
> of sentences written by English as a second language (ESL) learners. I
> have annotated some of the (grammatical) sentences using [incr tsdb()]
> tools. So from the annotated sentences, I would like to develop a
> probabilistic grammar based on ERG. May I do that with [incr tsdb()] as
> well? As for [incr-tsdb], I am a beginner user. I am not quite
> understand how to use its features such as Train, Rank and Score.
> However, I am able to do annotation, normalization and exporting. My
> question is "Do Train, Rank, and Score menus in [incr tsdb()] helps me
> in generating probabilistic ERG?"
> However, I did also have a try to use the Train menu. I gave a try by
> choosing CSLI gold standard and a subset of my annotated sentences
> (My-profile) and  then choose Train. Then I get error messages as follows:
> /bin/bash: tadm: command not found
> train(): unable to read MLM parameters.
> I guess here that I need to install TADM (which I will do that later).
> However, after that [incr tsdb()] can't be accessed (a cursor becomes a
> cross symbol). Then I have to restart it. I noticed that there are two
> files created named fc.bdb & fc.mlm created in My-profile folder. I can
> only view fc.mlm but I do not quite understand the contents even though I
> some of the contents are the feature structures of a sentence.
> May anyone can spare time to explain to me about ItsdbModeling whether I
> can use it to create a probabilistic grammar. Thank you.

There is a page describing this at:

It is probably a little out of date.  I think the current best
documentation is in Erik Velldal's dissertation.

I hope that this helped.

Francis Bond <http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/fcbond/>
Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies
Nanyang Technological University

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