[lkb] Generator question

Emily M. Bender ebender at u.washington.edu
Thu Mar 29 07:26:00 CEST 2007


Recently, I've been experimenting with representing cognitive
status on indices in the Matrix (adapting the representations
in Borthen & Haugereid).  As a first pass, I've added a feature
COG-ST to the type index, with the value cog-st.  cog-st in
turn has one feature: [SPECI bool].  

This seems to be a problem for the generator: So long as 
cog-st is a sort (no features), the cog-st value is respected
in generation. As soon as we add the feature SPECI, however,
the generator will ignore the type of the COG-ST value.

I thought that perhaps adding COG-ST to the list of *value-feats*
would do it, but it doesn't.  Is there some other way to 
tell the generator to pay attention to that type, or is the
only option moving SPECI outside of COG-ST?


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