[lkb] Redundancy detection

Ann Copestake Ann.Copestake at cl.cam.ac.uk
Tue Dec 11 17:18:22 CET 2007

ebender at u.washington.edu said:
> Is it possible to turn off the functionality that discovers where exactly the
> redundancy is after an error message like "Redundancy involving IMP-AUX" is
> printed?  With my current grammar at least, there seems to be a lot of
> gargbage collecting involved  in figuring out what exactly the redundancy is;
> I can usually spot it way faster than the machine can.

hmm - I just looked at the code that does that - the inefficiency is clear.  
If it's annoying you, the easiest thing to do would just be to put in a patch 
e.g., in your user-fns file that redefines the function e.g.,

(defun find-all-redundancies nil
  (format t "Redundancy somewhere but I'm not going to tell you where!"))

I don't really want to put in a global variable that switches the check off 
because it's just one more thing to (not) document and I believe that 
find-all-redundancies can be rewritten.  I will have a look at it sometime.


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