(in-package :lkb) ;;; ;;; identify characters that can form words; all other characters will create ;;; word boundaries and later be suppressed in tokenization. ;;; (defun alphanumeric-or-extended-p (c) (and (graphic-char-p c) (not (member c *punctuation-characters*)))) ;;; ;;; determine surface order of constituents in rule: returns list of paths into ;;; feature structure of rule, i.e. (nil (args first) (args rest first)) for a ;;; binary rule, where the first list element is the path to the mother node of ;;; the rule. ;;; (defun establish-linear-precedence (rule) (let ((daughters (loop for args = (existing-dag-at-end-of rule '(args)) then (existing-dag-at-end-of args *list-tail*) for daughter = (when args (get-value-at-end-of args *list-head*)) for path = (list 'args) then (append path *list-tail*) while (and daughter (not (eq daughter 'no-way-through))) collect (append path *list-head*)))) (if (null daughters) (cerror "Ignore it" "Rule without daughters") (cons nil daughters)))) ;;; ;;; detect rules that have orthographemic variation associated to them; those ;;; who do should only be applied within the morphology system; for the time ;;; being use value of NEEDS-AFFIX feature, though it would be nicer to rely ;;; on a type distinction of lexical rules or re-entrancy of ORTH. ;;; (defun spelling-change-rule-p (rule) (let ((affix (get-dag-value (tdfs-indef (rule-full-fs rule)) 'needs-affix))) (and affix (bool-value-true affix)))) ;;; ;;; create feature structure representation of orthography value for insertion ;;; into the output structure of inflectional rules; somewhat more complicated ;;; than one might expect because of treatment for multi-word elements. ;;; (defun make-orth-tdfs (orthography) (let* ((unifications (loop for token in (split-into-words orthography) for path = *orth-path* then (append path *list-tail*) for opath = (create-path-from-feature-list (append path *list-head*)) collect (make-unification :lhs opath :rhs (make-u-value :type token)))) (indef (process-unifications unifications))) (when indef (make-tdfs :indef (create-wffs indef))))) ;;; ;;; assign priorities to parser tasks and lexical entries ;;; (defun rule-priority (rule) (case (rule-id rule) (subj 1000))) (defun gen-rule-priority (rule) (rule-priority rule)) (defun lex-priority (mrec) (declare (ignore mrec)) 800) (defun gen-lex-priority (fs) (declare (ignore fs)) 800) ;;; ;;; determine path and file names for lexicon and leaf type cache files. ;;; #+:mcl (defun lkb-tmp-dir () (let ((pathname (make-pathname :directory ":Users:erb")) (tmp-dir '("tmp"))) (make-pathname :host (pathname-host pathname) :device (pathname-device pathname) :directory (append (pathname-directory pathname) tmp-dir) :name (pathname-name pathname) :type (pathname-type pathname) :version (pathname-version pathname)))) (defun set-temporary-lexicon-filenames nil (let* ((version (or (find-symbol "*GRAMMAR-VERSION*" :common-lisp-user) (and (find-package :lkb) (find-symbol "*GRAMMAR-VERSION*" :lkb)))) (prefix (if (and version (boundp version)) (remove-if-not #'alphanumericp (symbol-value version)) "lexicon"))) (setf *psorts-temp-file* (make-pathname :name prefix :directory (pathname-directory (lkb-tmp-dir)))) (setf *psorts-temp-index-file* (make-pathname :name (concatenate 'string prefix ".idx") :directory (pathname-directory (lkb-tmp-dir)))) (setf *leaf-temp-file* (make-pathname :name (concatenate 'string prefix ".lfs") :directory (pathname-directory (lkb-tmp-dir)))))) (defun bool-value-true (fs) (and fs (let ((fs-type (type-of-fs fs))) (eql fs-type '+)))) (defun bool-value-false (fs) (and fs (let ((fs-type (type-of-fs fs))) (eql fs-type '-)))) ;;; Use tranducer loaded into the LKB for preprocessing ;;; Split string into words on white space, then run each ;;; word through the transducer to create a list of possibilities. ;;; Return a list of lists --- all possibilities for each word. ;;; It looks like parse() is already anticipating this possibility. (defun preprocess-sentence-string (string) (let ((words (split-into-words string))) (loop for word in words collect (transduce nil word)))) ;;; Utility function to test transducer for missing words. (defun cfw (string) (let ((words (split-into-words string))) (loop for word in words do (format t "~a: ~a~%" word (transduce nil word))))) ;;; Try redefining add-morphs-to-morphs to handle input ;;; that encodes morphological ambiguity (i.e., a list of ;;; lists of strings, instead of just a list of strings). (defun add-morphs-to-morphs (preprocessed-input) (let ((current 0) (counter 0)) ;;; preprocessed-input is a list of lists of strings. ;;; position is a list of strings representing the ;;; morphological analyses for that position. (dolist (position preprocessed-input) (let* ((cfrom current) (cto (+ current 1))) (setf (aref *morphs* current) (loop for token in position collect (let* ((base-word token) (word (string-upcase base-word)) (morph-poss (union (filter-for-irregs (remove-duplicates (morph-analyse word) :test #'equalp)) ;; filter is in rules.lsp (find-irregular-morphs word) :test #'equalp))) (unless #+:ltemplates (template-p word) #-:ltemplates nil (unless morph-poss (format t "~%Word `~A' is not in lexicon." word) (when *unknown-word-types* (format t " Using unknown word mechanism."))) (setf counter (+ counter 1))) (when #-:null t #+:null (or morph-poss *unknown-word-types*) (make-morph-edge :id counter :word base-word :morph-results (or morph-poss (list (list word))) :cfrom cfrom :cto cto)))))) (incf current)))) ;;; Need to redefine add-words-to-chart() as well, since current ;;; version in lkb assumes *morphs* to be an array storing one ;;; form per chart position. Change this to an array of lists, with ;;; a list of forms per chart position. Since the lkb assumes multiple ;;; possibilities for everything else about chart positions, this change ;;; appears to be enough. (defun add-words-to-chart (f) (let ((current 0) (to-be-accounted-for (make-array (list *chart-limit*) :initial-element nil))) ;; to-be-accounted for is needed because we cannot tell that a word is ;; impossible until after the whole sentence has been processed because ;; it may be part of a multi-word (loop (let ((morph-poss (aref *morphs* current))) (when (null morph-poss) (return nil)) (incf current) ;; *morphs* is an array of lists for this grammar (loop for m-edge in morph-poss do (multiple-value-bind (ind-results multi-strings) (add-word (morph-edge-word m-edge) (morph-edge-morph-results m-edge) current f (morph-edge-cfrom m-edge) (morph-edge-cto m-edge)) (unless (or ind-results multi-strings) (setf (aref to-be-accounted-for current) (morph-edge-word m-edge))) ;; record the fact we haven't analysed this word (dolist (mstr multi-strings) ;; wipe the record for multi-words which allow for it (let ((words (split-into-words mstr))) (dotimes (x (length words)) (setf (aref to-be-accounted-for (- current x)) nil))))))) (dotimes (y current) (when (aref to-be-accounted-for y) (format t "~%No sign can be constructed for `~(~a~)'" (aref to-be-accounted-for y)))))))