[logon] HandOn release updates
Berthold Crysmann
crysmann at ifk.uni-bonn.de
Tue Nov 11 11:30:50 CET 2008
I just noticed that scrollbars in most recent LOGON [incr tsdb()] appear
to be broken. To replicate, do a "browse|test items" on some test suite.
Scrolling is currently only possible using the little triangular
buttons, but not with the main scrollbar. Also, you can scroll past the
last item. Something seems to be funny with the layout.
Can anyone confirm?
On Sun, 2008-11-09 at 15:41 +0100, Stephan Oepen wrote:
> hei!
> i just checked in two changes (into the HandOn pre-release CVS tree)
> that might be relevant to some of you.
> first, with emacs 22 (and the standard LOGON `dot.emacs'), i used to
> have problems with /some/ UniCode characters: when entered into Lisp
> through emacs (i.e. ELI), characters like |…| would be mangled. but
> not more common UniCode characters, i.e. accented characters. i now
> think i have tracked this problem to a bug in the ELI code, which i
> plan to report to Franz. before i do so, could i ask that people run
> `make update' in their LOGON trees (at least those still working with
> a copy checked out from CVS, i.e. the active developers), then ensure
> you are running a stock LOGON configuration, and test whether you can
> input all sorts of UniCode characters through emacs okay. i would be
> grateful for experience reports here.
> second, [incr tsdb()] now allows hierarchical skeleton repositories,
> i.e. directory trees, where sub-directories map to sub-menues in the
> `File | Create' command. for an example, please see
> lingo/lkb/src/tsdb/skeletons/english/
> (tsdb :skeletons) lists this english directory structure as follows:
> Tourism Web Sites (HandOn) (`handon'): 13 skeletons:
> | HandOn Corpus from http://www.bike-norway.com (`bike'): 3154 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from DNT Activities (`dnt.activity'): 621 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from DNT Articles (`dnt.article'): 552 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from DNT Cabins (`dnt.cabin'): 891 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from DNT Overview (`dnt.index'): 443 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from DNT Areas (`dnt.location'): 620 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from DNT Trips (`dnt.trip'): 1039 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from http://www.golinfo.no (`gol'): 2863 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from Willassen Overview (`guide.general'): 324 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from Willassen Areas (`guide.location'): 1441 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from http://www.romsdalsalpene.no (`romsdal'): 466 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from http://www.tilltopps.com (`tiltopps'): 9545 items;
> | HandOn Corpus from http://www.turistveg.no (`turistveg'): 248 items;
> Tourism Brochures (LOGON) (`logon'): 20 skeletons:
> | LOGON Harmonization Test Suite (`harmony'): 62 items;
> | LOGON First Development Corpus (`hike'): 330 items;
> | LOGON Jotunheimen Corpus (All Sections) (`jh'): 6431 items;
> | LOGON Jotunheimen Corpus (Section 0) (`jh0'): 261 items;
> | LOGON Jotunheimen Corpus (Section 1) (`jh1'): 1353 items;
> | LOGON Jotunheimen Corpus (Section 2) (`jh2'): 1307 items;
> | LOGON Jotunheimen Corpus (Section 3) (`jh3'): 1443 items;
> | LOGON Jotunheimen Corpus (Section 4) (`jh4'): 1603 items;
> | LOGON Jotunheimen Corpus (Section 5) (`jh5'): 464 items;
> | LOGON Jotunheimen Test Corpus (Known-Vocabulary) (`jhk'): 250 items;
> | LOGON Development Corpus (All Segments) (`jhpstg'): 9410 items;
> | LOGON Jotunheimen Test Corpus (Unknown-Vocabulary) (`jhu'): 294 items;
> | LOGON Preikestolen Corpus (`ps'): 965 items;
> | LOGON Preikestolen Test Corpus (Known-Vocabulary) (`psk'): 45 items;
> | LOGON Preikestolen Test Corpus (Unknown-Vocabulary) (`psu'): 45 items;
> | LOGON Hiking Treebank (Rondane) (`rondane'): 1424 items;
> | LOGON Embryonic JaEn MT Test Suite (`shiken'): 18 items;
> | LOGON Turglede Corpus (`tg'): 2014 items;
> | LOGON Turglede Test Corpus (Known-Vocabulary) (`tgk'): 90 items;
> | LOGON Turglede Test Corpus (Unknown-Vocabulary) (`tgu'): 90 items;
> Penn Treebank (WSJ) (`ptb'): 26 skeletons:
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; PARC DB) (`parc'): 700 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 0) (`wsj00'): 1921 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 1) (`wsj01'): 1993 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 2) (`wsj02'): 1989 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 3) (`wsj03'): 1480 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 4) (`wsj04'): 2265 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 5) (`wsj05'): 2134 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 6) (`wsj06'): 1827 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 7) (`wsj07'): 2163 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 8) (`wsj08'): 477 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 9) (`wsj09'): 2069 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 10) (`wsj10'): 1942 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 11) (`wsj11'): 2236 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 12) (`wsj12'): 2124 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 13) (`wsj13'): 2481 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 14) (`wsj14'): 2182 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 15) (`wsj15'): 2118 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 16) (`wsj16'): 2785 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 17) (`wsj17'): 1771 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 18) (`wsj18'): 2262 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 19) (`wsj19'): 1844 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 20) (`wsj20'): 2012 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 21) (`wsj21'): 1671 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 22) (`wsj22'): 1700 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 23) (`wsj23'): 2416 items;
> | Wall Street Journal (PTB; Section 24) (`wsj24'): 1346 items;
> Scheduling Dialogues (VerbMobil) (`verbmobil'): 11 skeletons:
> | Aged VerbMobil Data (`aged'): 96 items;
> | Balanced Blend of Corpora Extracts (`blend'): 2119 items;
> | Balanced Fuse of Corpora Extracts (`fuse'): 2363 items;
> | VerbMobil CD # 13 (`vm13'): 3408 items;
> | VerbMobil CD # 31 (`vm31'): 3914 items;
> | VerbMobil CD # 32 (`vm32'): 1034 items;
> | VerbMobil CD # 06 (`vm6'): 4037 items;
> | VerbMobil 97 (`vm97'): 100 items;
> | VerbMobil 97 (Partials) (`vm97p'): 252 items;
> | VerbMobil 98 (`vm98'): 347 items;
> Scholarly Literatur (WeScience) (`wescience'): 16 skeletons:
> | WeScience Articles 1 -- 4 (`ws01'): 795 items;
> | WeScience Articles 5 -- 15 (`ws02'): 946 items;
> | WeScience Articles 16 -- 23 (`ws03'): 916 items;
> | WeScience Articles 24 -- 28 (`ws04'): 988 items;
> | WeScience Articles 29 -- 31 (`ws05'): 908 items;
> | WeScience Articles 32 -- 37 (`ws06'): 889 items;
> | WeScience Articles 38 -- 42 (`ws07'): 805 items;
> | WeScience Articles 43 -- 48 (`ws08'): 882 items;
> | WeScience Articles 49 -- 55 (`ws09'): 935 items;
> | WeScience Articles 56 -- 63 (`ws10'): 910 items;
> | WeScience Articles 64 -- 70 (`ws11'): 744 items;
> | WeScience Articles 71 -- 78 (`ws12'): 996 items;
> | WeScience Articles 79 -- 88 (`ws13'): 891 items;
> | WeScience Articles 89 -- 91 (`ws14'): 601 items;
> | WeScience Articles 92 -- 96 (`ws14'): 601 items;
> | WeScience Articles 97 -- 100 (`ws14'): 601 items;
> ECommerce Email (YY) (`yy'): 5 skeletons:
> | DT Cell Phone Groups (Development Section) (`cell'): 14970 items;
> | Ecommerce Email (Order Cancellation) (`ecoc'): 6217 items;
> | Ecommerce Email (Order Status) (`ecos'): 7880 items;
> | Ecommerce Email (Product Availability) (`ecpa'): 8773 items;
> | Ecommerce Email (Product Return) (`ecpr'): 5939 items;
> The Cathedral and the Bazaar (`cb'): 769 items;
> CSLI (LinGO) Test Suite (`csli'): 1348 items;
> TSNLP English Test Suite (`english'): 4612 items;
> DELPH-IN MRS Test Suite (`mrs'): 107 items;
> TREC QA Questions (Ninth Conference) (`trec9'): 693 items;
> i expect to put this to use for the japanese `tanaka' skeletons too.
> if other languages want to re-arrange their skeleton layouts (in the
> [incr tsdb()] distribution), please let me know.
> --- i have been saying we should finalize this release soon, so that i
> can then finally retire the CVS repository, enabling development on the
> new SVN trunk. my list of remaining things to get into the release is
> relatively short by now, and i would like to stop having to propagate
> manually from last-minute CVS changes to the HandOn pre-release in SVN.
> could i suggest the following schedule for finalizing this transition:
> Friday, 14-nov: final changes committed to CVS;
> Monday, 17-nov: availability of SVN release candidate;
> Friday, 21-nov: SVN test reports from all developers;
> Monday, 24-nov: public release of HandOn SVN
> between 17. and 21-nov i would like to ask all developers to obtain the
> release candidate from SVN and test relevant functionality with `their'
> grammars and language pairs.
> does that schedule work for everyone, francis, eric, and berthold?
> best wishes - oe
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> +++ Universitetet i Oslo (IFI); Boks 1080 Blindern; 0316 Oslo; (+47) 2284 0125
> +++ CSLI Stanford; Ventura Hall; Stanford, CA 94305; (+1 650) 723 0515
> +++ --- oe at ifi.uio.no; oe at csli.stanford.edu; stephan at oepen.net ---
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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