[logon] reflexives

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 15:41:11 CET 2008

2008/11/15 Stephan Oepen <oe at ifi.uio.no>:> hi francis (copying the `logon' list, in case others are interested),>>> I am running what I think is an up to date logon CVS, which I am>> expecting to change into SVN at any moment.>> yes, as of this morning, CVS is history :-).  the CVS repository is now> write-locked, and i am in the process of preparing the SVN universe.  i> plan to announce SVN access early next week, for us to test the HandOn> release.  once that is complete, i can open the SVN trunk for component> maintainers to commit new revisions.
Great.  Thanks for all the infrastructure work.
>> I tried to use a new rule template: arg1refl_arg12pron_mtr, and I>> can't get it to work?>>>> jisatsu-kill+oneself := arg1refl_arg12pron_mtr &>> [ INPUT.RELS  < [ PRED "ja:_jisatsu_s_1_rel" ] >,>>   OUTPUT.RELS < [ PRED "_kill_v_1_rel" ] > ].>>>> arg1refl_arg12pron_mtr := monotonic_mtr &>> [ INPUT.RELS < [ LBL #h0, ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x2 ] >,>>   OUTPUT [ RELS < [ LBL #h0, ARG0 #e1, ARG1 #x2, ARG2 #x4 ],>>                   [ PRED pron_rel, LBL #h5, ARG0 #x4 ],>>                   [ PRED pronoun_q_rel, ARG0 #x4, RSTR #h6 ],>>                   [ PRED identity_rel, LBL #h5, ARG0 #x2, ARG1 #x4 ] >,>>            HCONS < qeq & [ HARG #h6, LARG #h5 ] > ] ].>>>> My understanding is it takes an input which is just an intransitive>> verb (ARG0, ARG1) and creates X verbs X-self.>>>> When I try to use it, the output is pink, and I can't generate.>>>> As far as I can tell, the new ERG doesn't actually have an identity_rel.>>>> Won't this break things for noen?>> those `identity' EPs are a convention we invented in LOGON to allow the> norwegian grammar to record co-referentiality (which is grammaticalized> in norwegian), without actually equating the `pron' varibles.  this was> mostly owed to the realization that breaking up variables (for the ERG,> where co-referentiality is not encoded in MRSs given to the generator)> is more difficult than trowing away an extra EP.>> at present, the downstream mechanism that maps `identity' EPs into the> ERG [ PRONTYPE refl ] is in `uio/noen/erg.mtr', i.e. not part of what i> have started to call the Transfer Matrix (types and accomodation rules> shared across language pairs).  i believe i should move it up, so that> your example above should then work (i expect).  you could give that a> try locally in the meantime ...
I did, and I could generate a reflexive, but it isn't coindexed (e.g.it doesn't) equate number and so forth.
彼が自殺した → He killedmyself/ourselves/yourself/yourselves/himselg/herself/itself/theirselves.
Is this also the case in noen?
I tried an enhanced version:
reflexive_pronoun_ef := monotonic_mtr &[ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED pron_rel, LBL #h0, ARG0 #x1 ],               [ PRED identity_rel, LBL #h0, ARG0 #x0, ARG1 #x1 ] >,  FILTER.RELS < [ PRED poss_rel, ARG2 #x1 ] >,  OUTPUT.RELS < +copy+ & [ ARG0 [ PRONTYPE refl ] ],                [ PRED num_equate, ARG0 #x1, ARG1 #x0 ],                [ PRED gend_equate, ARG0 #x1, ARG1 #x0 ] > ].
identity_ditch_ef := elision_mtr &[ INPUT.RELS < [ PRED identity_rel ] > ].
but still no luck.  I will try to debug more on the morrow.
> --- but first i need to switch over to SVN myself.  no more commits to> that ancient CVS tree at this point!
Progress marches on.
-- Francis Bond <http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/en/member/bond/>NICT Language Infrastructure Group

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