[logon] testing the forthcoming HandOn release

Stephan Oepen oe at ifi.uio.no
Mon Nov 17 00:31:08 CET 2008

dear all,

things are coming together (i think :-).  the SVN repository is ready
for final `burn-in' testing of our imminent HandOn release.

i have started to update the available documentation.  please see:


could i ask component maintainers to obtain a copy of the HandOn tree
(preferably using anonymous SVN; you will not be able to commit to the
tagged branch anyway), make sure all the files you had commited to CVS
are there (in the right versions), and then test whether things work.

minimally, i would suggest you confirm your grammar can parse the MRS
test suite, and that your language pair(s) can translate (some of) it.
it will also be good to get the interactive environment validated, i.e.
the core LKB, [incr tsdb()], transfer, and treebanking functionality.

emily, even though there have not been changes to the MMT system since
the previous release, could you make sure things still work the way you
expect them too?

while we are finalizing this release, i am afraid the repository needs
to remain in its current code freeze status.  that means we should try
to at most make minor improvements and bug fixes at this point.  should
you want changes in this forthcoming release, please test those changes
carefully in your local tree first (making sure you have an up-to-date
copy of the HandOn release candidate).  once you are content with what
you have, please run `svn diff' and email me the results.

i hope we can complete testing of this release candidate (and updating
and validating the LOGON wiki pages).  please read those pages with a
critical eye and either make (minor) corrections yourself, or email me
your suggestions for revision or extension.

once we declare the HandOn release complete, we can announce it on the
`developers' list (and maybe beyond, if we chose to).  and then i will
copy the final release into the SVN `trunk' and re-open the repository
for new developments.

                             so much for now :-);  good night  -  oe

nb: francis, i even have `https' access working for you.  i only need
to convince our networking people to open that port beyond the campus
network ...

nnb: montse, since you have been using this version already, you would
just need to `svn update' in $LOGONROOT, and then check everything is
(still) functional.

+++ Universitetet i Oslo (IFI); Boks 1080 Blindern; 0316 Oslo; (+47) 2284 0125
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+++       --- oe at ifi.uio.no; oe at csli.stanford.edu; stephan at oepen.net ---

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