[logon] reflexives

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 07:24:05 CET 2008


>> hence, in principle, `identity' should now behave the way you expected
>> it to in the first place, without any additional special rules in JaEn.
>> would you have the time to test this claim for us?
> If the input is fairly fully specified (only really true for pronouns
> in Japanese) then this worked fine.  To make it work for less
> specified input, I added rules to
> (a) equate person (making the default be 3)
> (b) specialize number (no_number in the target forking to sq,sq and pl,pl)
> This works unless the input is a zero pronoun, which doesn't get
> generated as we were looking for a "u" and it has become an "x".
> This means we have to generate the zero pronouns before the num_equate
> rules.   I will try some more jiggling.

Reordering the zero-pronoun rules sort of work, but now I will need
rules specializing all possible combinations (which leads to transfer
fan blowout).  I really, really want to pass them to the ERG marked as
linked, and have Dan hook up PNG on the index.

For the time being, I will add a couple more specialization rules, and
possibly lose some corner cases...

I won't check anything in until I have done some more checking.

Francis Bond <http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/en/member/bond/>
NICT Language Infrastructure Group

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