[logon] uio/erg.mtr
Stephan Oepen
oe at ifi.uio.no
Fri Nov 21 15:52:19 CET 2008
> I understand, if you do not want to include the new rules into the
> matrix just yet. However, I'd be mightly pleased, if the two revised
> rules could be integrated (provided they pass the test), since that
> woould provide for a nicer deen grammar.
great, i was hoping the extended FLAGS.EQUAL would allow us to get rid
of this problem too. the revised rules are now checked in, though not
your additional rules. i suggest these remain in `deen/erg.mtr', as i
suspect carrying around fully unspecified SF values until late in the
transfer process is not the optimal solution. could you not distribute
the values in the post-GG accomodation, i.e. when you first introduce
SF values? in principle, i imagine, a transfer rule might want to look
at the SF value of a clause, and then not having that information local
to the actual event (but rather on a dominating coordinator) would seem
at least inconvenient.
cheers - oe
+++ Universitetet i Oslo (IFI); Boks 1080 Blindern; 0316 Oslo; (+47) 2284 0125
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+++ --- oe at ifi.uio.no; oe at csli.stanford.edu; stephan at oepen.net ---
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