[logon] (somewhat fundamental) updates in the LOGON tree

Dan Flickinger danf at stanford.edu
Fri Jun 5 19:31:55 CEST 2009

No, sorry, I was too hasty.  It's nothing to do with mrs::find-lexical-candidates().  The error message is the "invalid predicates" one coming from mrs::generate-from-mrs-internal().


----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephan Oepen" <oe at ifi.uio.no>
To: "Dan Flickinger" <danf at stanford.edu>
Cc: crysmann at ifk.uni-bonn.de, logon at emmtee.net
Sent: Friday, June 5, 2009 7:08:43 PM GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Bern / Rome / Stockholm / Vienna
Subject: Re: [logon] (somewhat fundamental) updates in the LOGON tree

> I also just encountered this behavior with the ERG after upgrading to
> the new LKB - all non-string predicates announce themselves as
> unknown when trying to generate.

hmm, how exactly would i reproduce that problem?  i have an up-to-date
LOGON tree, where i do:

  (rsa :terg t)
  (lkb::do-parse-tty "abrams barked in berlin.")

and then click `Generate' in LUI.  that works as expected, and i guess
at least the preposition has a non-string predicate?

i am loading from source, admittedly, but i suspect dan does too, or?

                                                       cheers  -  oe

+++ Universitetet i Oslo (IFI); Boks 1080 Blindern; 0316 Oslo; (+47) 2284 0125
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