[logon] Logon Online Demonstrator

Nargiza Sarkulova ns554 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Apr 19 20:15:12 CEST 2013

Dear LOGON mailing list members,

my name is Nargiza Sarkulova and I am a student of the University of
I am not sure who I should write to so I hope it is the right place to ask.
I am trying to build a very small Kyrgyz-English MT Online Demonstrator. I
would really appreciate if you could help me with it because I got stuck at
some point.

My OS is Ubuntu 12.04, 64 bit.
I was following instructions on this page:
I edited www script taking as example other grammars. I am attaching my
version (I removed other grammars commands so I can see clearly what's
going on).
Also I created two files, kir.html and kir.js, and put them in
lingo/lkb/src/tsdb/html and lingo/lkb/src/tsdb/js accordingly. I copied the
html structure of kir.html from other grammars and obtained kir.js content
following instructions in "Exporting Example Inputs from [incr tsdb()]"
section. I copied my Kyrgyz grammar to LOGON root directory.

Then I run my www script following "Running a Web Demo" section using
./www --binary --kir --port 8888
I attached output of this command in a file called output.txt. It seems
running without errors and ends up with prompt listening to user input. I
don't know what it means... In the instructions it says: "The above should
result in an on-line web demo at port 8888 of your web server." I am
completely lost at this point. Should I have some web server pre-installed?
I tried URLs like http://localhost:8888 or
http://localhost:8888<http://localhost/kir:8888>/kir but
it doesn't work. Also I scanned with netstat ports but port 8888 doesn't
seem to be listening to any input.

Also I will have to add the second grammar - English. I am not sure how to
add it so they will interact correctly.

I hope you can advise me what I should do next with LOGON.
Thank you very much.

Best regards,
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nargiza at NargizaHP:~/logon$ ./www --binary --kir --port 8888
International Allegro CL Enterprise Edition
8.2 [64-bit Linux (x86-64)] (Feb 13, 2013 23:37)
Copyright (C) 1985-2010, Franz Inc., Oakland, CA, USA.  All Rights Reserved.

This standard runtime copy of Allegro CL was built by:
   [TC13152] Universitetet i Oslo (IFI)

; Loading /home/nargiza/logon/dot.tsdbrc
; Loading /home/nargiza/.tsdbrc

  353 skeletons in `/home/nargiza/logon/lingo/lkb/src/tsdb/skeletons/english/'.
  0 skeletons in `/home/nargiza/data/kir/tsdb/home/'.
  1 skeleton in `/home/nargiza/data/kir/tsdb/skeletons/'.
[changing package from "COMMON-LISP-USER" to "TSDB"]
TSNLP(4): 5
TSNLP(5): ; Loading /home/nargiza/logon/kir/lkb/script
;   Loading /home/nargiza/logon/kir/Version.lsp
;   Loading /home/nargiza/logon/kir/lkb/globals.lsp
set-coding-system(): activated UTF8.
;   Loading /home/nargiza/logon/kir/lkb/user-fns.lsp
read-repp(): reading file `vanilla.rpp'.

Reading in type file matrix
Reading in type file head-types
Reading in type file kyrgyz
Reading in type file mtr
Checking type hierarchy
Checking for unique greatest lower bounds
Expanding constraints
Making constraints well formed
Expanding defaults
Type file checked successfully
Computing display ordering
Reading in lexical entry file lexicon
Reading in rules file rules
Reading in lexical rules file lrules
Reading in lexical rules file irules
Reading in root file roots
Reading in parse node file labels
;   Loading /home/nargiza/logon/kir/lkb/mrsglobals.lsp
read-transfer-rules(): reading file `trigger.mtr'.

 (recompiling semantic indices)
Indexing complete
;   Loading /home/nargiza/logon/kir/lkb/mt.lsp

Building rule filter
Building lr connections table
Grammar input complete
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