[logon] dropping FreeLing from the LOGON tree

Stephan Oepen oe at ifi.uio.no
Sun May 1 18:05:52 CEST 2016

dear montse and lluís,

i am preparing a new release of the LOGON tree for the summer, and i
am wondering whether it still makes sense to include a copy of
FreeLing (inside the ‘upc/’ directory of the LOGON tree)?  while i
used to subscribe to the philosophy that all tools transcending basic,
stable OS functionality should be versioned as part of the LOGON
distribution, i am gradually backing out of that point of view—now
trying to better balance storage needs vs. ease of installation (and
replicability).  for example, i am happy nowadays to assume that Java
and Python are available on a target system and need not be maintained
as part of the LOGON tree.  a similar line of reasoning, i think,
could be applied to FreeLing then.

what do you think?  oe

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