[matrix] problem applying lexeme to lexeme rule

Altaf Mahmud altaf.mahmud at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 14:18:40 CEST 2007

hi all,

Please help me about implementing lexeme-to-lexeme rule. I have used
"infl-***-change-only-ltol-rule" as per LAB-05, but it doesn't apply into
parse chart. I have also seen the corresponding problem in the "matrix wiki
page" that, if the rule doesn't add an affix, it doesn't say LKB that it is
an inflecting rule. So, later I tried with the "***-change-only-lex-rule".
Same output, no parses found, because the lexeme-to-lexeme rule doesn't
apply. I also tested the "interactive unification" feature which gives me
successful unification. For testing purpose, at later  when I used the
"***-change-only-lex-rule", I made the 'INFLECTED' feature of the mother to
be '+', while taking the daughter as 'INFLECTED -'. Now it can parse, but it
can't generate because it can't give no MRS output. I am giving
an example of a simple lexeme to lexeme rule which just change the
CASE-INFLECT feature of the head of a proper-noun-lex:

nom-proper-noun-lex-rule := head-change-only-lex-rule &
                                              [ CASE-INFLECT nom ],
  DTR proper-noun-lex &
         [ INFLECTED -,
           SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun &
                                                         [ CASE-INFLECT
no-inflect ],
                                        CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG.NUM sg ] ] ].

Thanks. Please, help!

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