[matrix] Message-free Matrix

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 03:29:02 CET 2008


I have a question on the iforce types:

> iforce := avm.
> prop-or-ques := iforce.
> prop := prop-or-ques.
> ques := prop-or-ques.
> comm := iforce.
> event := event-or-ref-index &
>   [ E tam,
>     SF iforce ].

Jacy further specified questions, to deal with sentences like
_inu ga hoeru ne_ "dogs bark, don't they?"

message_m_rel := predsort.
command_m_rel := message_m_rel.
prop-or-ques_m_rel := message_m_rel.          ;for COMPS of e.g. 'know'
proposition_m_rel := prop-or-ques_m_rel.
abstr-ques_m_rel := prop-or-ques_m_rel.
question_m_rel := abstr-ques_m_rel.

; Subtype of int_rel for tag questions and structures in other languages
; with equivalent pragmatics.
ne_m_rel := abstr-ques_m_rel.

If there are any other languages which use this distinction then it
would be nice to keep it.  We could of course just specify, within
Jacy, something like:
ne-ques := ques.
real-ques := ques.

I see the ERG uses ne_x_rel for tag questions, as described in
  author =	 "Emily Bender and Dan Flickinger",
  title =	 "Peripheral Constructions and Core Phenomena",
  crossref =	 "_Webelhuth:Koenig:Kathol:1999",
  pages =	 "199-214"
(probably, it is at home at the moment).

but I would be interested to know what other people are doing.

Francis Bond <http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/en/member/bond/>
NICT Computational Linguistics Group

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