[matrix] Can't get past the word order module

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 06:02:48 CET 2009


Thanks for the swift and informative response

2009/3/6 Emily M. Bender <emily.m.bender at gmail.com>:
> Will it let you download the choices file? If so, please post
> that here so we can take a closer look.  Also, note that if you
> hover over the little red stars, you should get something of
> an explanation.

Yes we can download the choices file (which I hadn't realized, I
thought it was still greyed out).  More importantly hovering over the
the little red stars let us know we had neglected to add a lexical
item for the auxiliary (and coordinators), and thus our error was
revealed to us.  Thank you.

Perhaps a footnote suggesting one hover the stars may help the
perplexed?  Or even better, if we could click something that says "you
still need to do this, that and 'tother before you are done" it would
be really helpful.

Now to complete the grammar...

Francis Bond <http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/en/member/bond/>
NICT Language Infrastructure Group

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