<div>Dear Madam:</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Thank you so much for your kind replies. Those issues helped me a lot. However, I created a type "subj-obj-raising-verb-lex" and constrained the first complement to be an NP and second complement to be VP with 'infinite' form. But I got multiple parses for some ambiguities. For example: "naafid haammaadke ball maarte balbe"
<div> "Naafid Haammaad-acc ball to-throw will-tell"</div>
<div> "Naafid will tell Haammaad to throw ball"</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The noun 'ball' will be a complement of the verb 'maarte', but at some parse trees 'ball' appeared to be the subject of the verb 'maarte' and spawned into the 'head-subj' rule. Now, I want to constraint the infinite verb to have empty subject list. I inherited the "non-finite-verb-lex" from "basic-verb-lex" rather than "verb-lex", because "verb-lex" requires non-empty SUBJ list. But it shows errors while I tries to load the grammar as follows: "Atomic time NULL specified to have features at (SYNSEM LOCAL CAT VAL SUBJ)" for each subtype of non-finite-verb-lex (intransitive, transitive and ditransitive). So, how can I constraint the VP complement of the "subj-obj-raising-verb-lex" type to have empty subject list?
<div> </div>
<div>************for non finite verbs************************</div>
<div><font size="2">
<p>non-finite-verb-lex := basic-verb-lex &</p>
<p>[ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL [ SPR < >,</p>
<p>SPEC < >,</p>
<p>SUBJ < > ],</p>
<p>HEAD [ FORM inf,</p>
<p>AUX - ] ] ] ].</p></font></div>
<div> </div>
<div>**************and for "subj-obj-raising-verb-lex"*************************</div><font size="2">
<p>subj-obj-raising-verb-lex := verb-lex & ditrans-second-arg-raising-lex-item &</p>
<p>[ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < #comps1, #comps2 >,</p>
<p>ARG-ST < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & </p>
<p>[ CASE-INFLECT nom+loc ] ],</p>
<p>#comps1 &</p>
<p>[ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL [ SPR < >, </p>
<p>COMPS < > ],</p>
<p>HEAD +np &</p>
<p>[ CASE-INFLECT acc+gen+inst+abl ] ] ],</p>
<p>#comps2 &</p>
<p>[ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +vp &</p>
<p>[ FORM inf ] ] > ].</p></font>
<div>**************************END*************************************************<br clear="all"></div>
<div> </div>
<div>Thank you again.</div>
<div> </div>
<div><br>-- <br>-Altaf </div>