[pet] Problems with PET + -mrs=new

Torsten Marek torsten.marek at dfki.de
Mon Mar 31 15:08:45 CEST 2008

Hi all,

when I try to run PET with the "mrs=new" output code, I get the
following error:
$ ../bin/cheap -tok=pic_counts -mrs=new -nsolutions=3 -results=3
-default-les -limit=70000 english < good-input.xml
reading `pet/english.set'... including `pet/common.set'...
loading `english.grm' (LinGO (Jul-07)) reading ME model `jhpstg.mem'...
[896925 features] read-vpm(): reading file `semi.vpm'.

73734 types in 6.1 s
(1) `agentive nouns usually denote the doer or performer of some
action' [70000] --- 3 (0.06|0.09s) <22:660> (4145.2K) [0.0s]
derivation[1] (-0.5688):agentive nouns usually denote the doer or
performer of some action 

no definition for required parameter `mrs-initial-semantics-path'
no definition for required parameter `mrs-initial-semantics-path'


When I use -mrs=mrx, I get some output that looks about right.

PET is built with pretty much everything (itsdb, Xerces-C++, ECL, ICU),
and I use the latest ERG snapshot (unless it changed in the last week).



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