[pet] punctuation in chart mapping

Xuchen Yao xuchen at coli.uni-saarland.de
Sat Aug 14 11:10:23 CEST 2010


In the FSC input page how to deal with punctuations is not stated:


For a sample sentence, such as:

Rome was ruled by a council called the "Senate".

If "Senate" (including quotes) is tokenized/tagged as follows:

"    Senate     "
``    NNP    '' (two 's, rather than 1 single ")

Then PET complains no lexicon entries for   "." [. 1]    "Senate" [NNP 
1] """ [" 1] etc.

If it is tokenized/tagged as follows:

"    Senate"
``    NNP

Pet complains that:

Chart is not well-formed after chart mapping. This is probably a bug in 
the grammar.

If it is tokenized/tagged as follows:

"Senate    "
NNP    ''

Then Pet parses.

I'm a bit confused of how to deal with double quotes. It seems the 
easiest way is to just remove them. But is this the correct way? Thanks 
in advance for explaining this!


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