[pet] Flop fails to compile grammars created with the lingo matrix

Coote, Ravi ravi.coote at fkie.fraunhofer.de
Thu Jul 8 16:26:56 CEST 2010

Dear list,

Has any body ever tried to flop grammars that were created by the lingo grammar generation page:
http://www.delph-in.net/matrix/customize/matrix.cgi ? I am having problems to compile the minimal english example of the Lingo Grammar Customization page. Flop fails with many syntax errors (see below). The error log of flop is attached.

Can somebody tell me, of what format the input grammar for flop has to be? Is there a minimal example from which i can derive my grammar, that's compatible with flop/pet ?

Thank you for any hints.

Kind Regards,

Ravi Coote


flop flop.set 

converting `flop.set' (unknown) into `flop.set.grm' ...
loading `flop.set'... syntax error in flop.set:10.1 - got `special-name-top', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:10.28 - got `.', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:11.1 - got `special-name-symbol', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:12.1 - got `special-name-string', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:13.1 - got `special-name-cons', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:14.1 - got `special-name-list', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:15.1 - got `special-name-nil', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:16.1 - got `special-name-difflis', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:18.1 - got `special-name-attr-fi', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:19.1 - got `special-name-attr-re', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:20.1 - got `special-name-attr-li', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:21.1 - got `special-name-attr-la', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:22.1 - got `special-name-attr-ar', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:26.1 - got `preload-files', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:32.1 - got `irregs-file', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:35.1 - got `lex-rule-suffix', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:37.1 - got `affixes-are-instance', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:41.1 - got `version-file', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:46.1 - got `version-string', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:50.1 - got `grammar-info', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:54.1 - got `dont-expand', expecting block or statement syntax error in flop.set:58.1 - got `pseudo-types', expecting block or statement

warning: type `string' (introduced at flop.set:11) has no definition
warning: type `cons' (introduced at flop.set:13) has no definition
warning: type `list' (introduced at flop.set:14) has no definition
warning: type `null' (introduced at flop.set:15) has no definition
warning: type `diff-list' (introduced at flop.set:16) has no definition

finished parsing - 22 syntax errors, 116 lines in 0 s processing type constraints (6 types):
- expanding templates: 0 template instantiations
- type hierarchy (leaf types [5], bitcodes, glbs [0], recomputing)
- building dag representation
- computing appropriateness
warning: attribute `FIRST' introduced on top (?)
warning: attribute `REST' introduced on top (?)
warning: attribute `LIST' introduced on top (?)
warning: attribute `LAST' introduced on top (?)
warning: attribute `ARGS' introduced on top (?)
- applying appropriateness constraints for types
- delta / full expansion for types
- partitioning hierarchy (1 partitions)
dumping grammar (symbols 0k, hierarchy 0k, feature tables 0k, supertypes 0k, lexicon 0k, types 0k) finished conversion - output generated in 0 s

Ravi Coote M.A.

Fraunhofer-Institut für Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie FKIE
Neuenahrer Straße 20 | 53343 Wachtberg
Telefon +49 (0)228 9435-499 | Fax -685
mailto:ravi.coote at fkie.fraunhofer.de

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