[pet] PET error: No morphology registered

Michael Wayne Goodman goodmami at u.washington.edu
Tue Jul 20 17:14:37 CEST 2010


I recently updated the morphology components of the grammar matrix, so
it is likely my changes have introduced some bugs. I tried creating a
grammar as you described, then flopping it and parsing it with cheap,
but I could not reproduce the error. Could you post your choices file
(assuming you used the customization system) so I could take a look?

I've also CC'd the matrix-dev mailinglist.

2010/7/20 Coote, Ravi <ravi.coote at fkie.fraunhofer.de>:
> Dear list,
> I created a simple grammar-file based on the lingo grammar matrix. The grammar does only contain full-form words. There are no morphems configured. Running cheap results in the error message 'No morphology registered':
>> cheap arabic-pet.grm
> reading `pet/arabic-pet.set'... including `pet/global.set'...
> loading `arabic-pet.grm' (arabic (2010-07-20_14:11:46_UTC)) [ disabling unification quickcheck ] [ disabling subsumption quickcheck ]
> 1334 types in 0.03 s
> عاد سفير
> No morphology registered
> سفير عاد
> No morphology registered
> Does anybody know if morphology can be turned off in PET? Options -no-online-morph and -no-fullform-morph don't help out, unfortuneately.
> Thank you for any hints!
> Regards,
> Ravi Coote

-Michael Wayne Goodman

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