[developers] unkown words and PET

patrizia patrizia at cst.dk
Fri Mar 18 12:53:42 CET 2005

Hi Stephan
I have to thank you for all the detailed explanations you gave us about 
this issue.As you can see from the feature structure at the end of this 
msg, we can now print the input word (enclosed in <> )  as the first 
value of the WLINK feature. We are still working on how to make the same 
string appear in the right place in our semantic representation (it 
should be the value of a NAME attribute in the semantic restriction), 
but the basic problem we had with making WLINK behave in the way we 
wanted is solved. We are of course still very interested in following 
the development of PET, and in the upcoming release.

derivation[1]:hvilke kursus udbyde på bla (which courses are offered at bla)

CONT #8:
[FOCUS-CONST #2:kursus
 COUNT       #4:all
 LOA         ne-list-of-assoc
             [FIRST kursusudbud
                    [COURSE   #1:wh-nom-obj
                              [RESTR    #2:kursus
                               WLINK    #3:*cons*
                                        [FIRST <kursus_1[]>
                                         REST  *null*]
                               WH-COUNT #4:all]
                     TEACHER  nom-obj
                              [RESTR lærerstab]
                     PROVIDER #5:nom-obj
                              [RESTR universitetsorgan
                                     [NAME #6:string]
                               WLINK #7:*cons*
                                     [FIRST <bla>
                                      REST  *null*]
              REST  list-of-assoc]]


Patrizia Paggio

Senior Researcher		phone: +45 3532 9072
Center for Sprogteknologi	fax:   +45 3532 9089
Njalsgade 80			email: patrizia at cst.dk
2300-DK CPH S			www.cst.dk/patrizia


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