[developers] Re: unary rules and packing

Stephan Oepen oe at csli.Stanford.EDU
Sun Mar 20 02:55:57 CET 2005

hi again, john, and thanks for the quick reply!

i decided to copy `developers' and dan, in case there is an interesting
issue here.

> > today i managed to kill PET with an (apparently) unusual configuration
> > of packed edges, viz.
> >
> >   P [7 0-1 hoptcomp_rule (0) 1 {} {} {1}] < dtrs: 5  parents: >
> >   (7 hoptcomp 1.0000 0 1
> >     (5 hoptcomp 1.0000 0 1 {7}
> >       (1 generic_adj_compar/adj_intrans_compar_nale 0.0000 0 1 []
> >         ("firmer" 0.0000 0 1))))
> >
> > i.e. when i build # 7, using a unary rule over # 5, it gets packed into
> > its own daughter.  i believe nowhere in the published literature did we
> > discuss this case, but the consequences for unpacking are dire, viz. an
> > infinite loop (unpacking an edge requires unpacking its daughters).  i
> > cannot quite decide tonight, whether the above is a legal configuration
> > in the forest, and what its unpacking should be.  i am inclined to say
> > that our packed-edge-p() should check and block packing into daughters
> > of the current new edge.  that could be tested fairly efficiently, as i
> > would only have to walk down the daughters chain along the current span
> > (or bit-code characterizing semantic coverage), i think.
> Is the edge packing into its own daughter because information that has 
> been suppressed by the restrictor would have made this fail, or is it 
> simply because there's a cycle in the grammar? If the former, then 
> isn't there a problem with the restrictor? If the latter, then the 
> expected behaviour on unpacking is an infinite loop -- or if packing is 
> turned off, an infinite loop before during parsing. [...]
> Or am I missing something?

for the current case, i now believe we are seeing a bug in the grammar:
its `adj_intrans_compar_nale' is not supplying a COMPS values, and then
the `hoptcomp' unary rule will cycle freely.  dan, what do you think?
after all, the generic lexical entries have hardly been used since the
YY days, for all i know.

however, i still think there is a general problem.  without assuming a
cycle in the grammar, how can we guarantee that a unary rule R applied
to some edge e_1 does not result in a structure subsumed by e_1?  the
following rule, i think, should actually do the trick:

  R := #1 & [ FOO + ] --> #1 & [ FOO - ]

assuming e_1 was unspecified for FOO, it should both feed the rule and
subsume the output structure.  or not?

                                                          best  -  oe

+++ Universitetet i Oslo (ILF); Boks 1102 Blindern; 0317 Oslo; (+47) 2285 7989
+++     CSLI Stanford; Ventura Hall; Stanford, CA 94305; (+1 650) 723 0515
+++       --- oe at csli.stanford.edu; oe at hf.uio.no; stephan at oepen.net ---

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