[developers] Pet dependencies

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Tue May 3 17:21:17 CEST 2005


I tried to install pet-0.99.7 from scratch, using a recent CVS lkb,
and ran into the problem Stephan mentioned with lkb/include/mrs.h no
longer being distributed.

Therefore, if you want to use the mrs machinery, a possible solution is to:
(1) configure once (with eclmrs set but not recognized) 
      - lkb/include/rmrs.h does not exist 
(2) go into the cheap directory and run "make libmrs.a"
      - this makes delphin/lkb/include/mrs.h
(3) ln -s delphin/lkb/include/mrs.h delphin/lkb/include/rmrs.h
(4) configure again
(5) make

A better solution would be to:
(1) remove the check for rmrs.h in the configure
(2) make sure make libmrs.a gets called early on, and 
     either: link the resulting mrs.h to rmrs.h
     or:        harmonize the names

I am afraid my configure writing skills are not even up to this simple
task, but I would be happy to test things for people.

On the subject of harmonization, Stephan but in a renewes plea for the

> while we are at it, francis documented (for the `main' branch):

>  ./configure --with-tsdb=... --with-eclmrs=... --with-icu=...

> any chance we could still harmonize that to, --with-lkb and --with-ecl?
> for the first one, we are picking up the MRS library and [incr tsdb()]
> libraries from the LKB tree.  i am currently experimenting with adding
> the finite-state preprocessor to that collection, hence `--with-tsdb'
> really is a bit of a mis-nomer.  for the second path, i take this to 
> point to the ECL root directory (i.e. `--prefix' when installing ECL),
> at least according to what francis put on the PET wiki?  in that case,
> `--with-eclmrs' is not quite the right name either, in my view.

On a related note, cheap looks for  libitsdb.so in delphin/lib/linux
and these files are now in delphin/lib/linux.x86.32 or
delphin/lib/linux.x86.64.  I just linked them on my laptop, but there
is probably a better solution.


Francis Bond  <www.kecl.ntt.co.jp/icl/mtg/members/bond/>
NTT Communication Science Laboratories | Machine Translation Research Group

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