[developers] Re: grammar locale issues

Ben Waldron benjamin.waldron at cl.cam.ac.uk
Tue Jun 21 17:25:52 CEST 2005

Ann Copestake wrote:

>all seems fine to me, except
>>But I think we could make this setting a default in the LKB 
>don't think so
>>(how many people > use pure ASCII grammars, as well as not using the LexDB?).
>the vast majority of LKB users, given that all the sample grammars are pure 
>ASCII and that very few people use the LexDB.
Does the code actually break if *cdb-ascii-p* is set to nil for an ASCII 
grammar? I'm not familiar with that part of the code, but my expectation 
would be that the result would simply be less well-compressed CDB 
temporary binary files, in which case setting the default to nil would 
not be harmful.


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