[developers] characterization

Ben Waldron benjamin.waldron at cl.cam.ac.uk
Thu Nov 17 11:38:48 CET 2005

Sorry, I'm off work ill at the moment. I'll get back to you fully when 
I'm better, but very briefly: things are not yet set up such that 
(character) positions are passed from ChaSen into the LKB when using the 
JACY grammar, and I'll have to take a look to see what might be causing 
your stack overflow.

(Aside: I failed to mention in my previous email that users of the 
internal LKB preprocessor need to call the 
x-read-preprocessor/x-preprocess functions in place of 
read-preprocesor/preprocess in order to pass character positions to the 
LKB parser.)

- Ben

Francis Bond wrote:
>Thanks for working on the characterization.  I had a little play with
>it.  It (lkb::*cvs-version*  "$Date: 2005/10/25 16:56:39 $") works
>when exporting from [incr tsdb()], but when I try and do it
>interactively it almost always fails with the following warning:
>Error: Stack overflow (signal 1000)
>This makes testing tedious, as I have to restart lisp each time.
>Also, the cfrom/cto values seem to be token positions.  I thought the
>consensus was that they should be characters.  Or if you want
>character positions do you have to give them explicitly in the input
>in some way?
>Francis Bond  <www.kecl.ntt.co.jp/icl/mtg/members/bond/>
>NTT Communication Science Laboratories | Machine Translation Research Group

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