[developers] PET XML input and [incr tsdb()]

Rebecca Dridan bec.dridan at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 11:30:40 CET 2007

Hi Stephan,

I've attached the debug output. It's not saying much to me, so I hope 
you can help. At the point I copied that, [incr tsdb()] was still saying 
2% processed and doing nothing.

>finally, out of curiosity: what is the XML flexibility in PIC that you
>lack in the YY format?  the latter is more tested in [incr tsdb()], and
>beyond the level of passing through `i-input' verbatim there is support
>in [incr tsdb()] for interpreting YY format but not PIC.  hence, i tend
>to recommend YY format, unless of course there are things you cannot do
At least from the wiki, it seems to allow richer input - direct 
modification of feature structures, unanalyseable  tokens, structured 
input tokens etc.  I'm hoping to look at how enriching the PET input can 
help parsing, not only with POS tags and NER info, but also eventually 
(maybe) RASP or chunking data and it didn't look like YY input could 
give me much more than POS tagging. (If I'm wrong, please let me know.)


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