[developers] [pet] problems with rmrs output using tsdb

Sergio Roa sergior at coli.uni-sb.de
Tue Jul 10 04:00:02 CEST 2007

Hello Stephan,

On Tuesday 20 March 2007, Stephan Oepen wrote:
> however,   if   you  want   to   use   [incr   tsdb()]  and   record
> characterization,  it should work  fine to  include (R)MRSs  in your
> profiles.  i expect  if you just add the  `-mrs=rmrx' option to your
> cpu definition, then each result that gets recorded will include its
> RMRS,  just the way  it comes  out in  interactive mode.   this will
> greatly  increase  profile size  (and  potentially  make tsdb(1)  DB
> operations  a  lot slower),  but  at least  you  should  be able  to
> preserve characterization.   note, however,  that there is  no [incr
> tsdb()]  support to  read back  RMRSs and  operate on  them,  so you
> cannot use  the export facilities.   instead, you could  simply read
> the ASCII files comprising the tsdb(1) databases directly.

I only want to confirm (just a bit late :-P) that this solution worked
for me. Thanks!



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