[developers] Setting LKB lexicon to LexDB

Joshua Hou jshou at u.washington.edu
Mon Jan 12 23:33:46 CET 2009

Hello Developers,

I have not yet succeeded in getting my TDL lexicon into LexDB dump
format, but I added a couple lexical entries to LexDB manually to see if
I could get LKB to use a LexDB lexicon.

I have the following line set in lkb/globals.lsp:

(defparameter *psql-lexicon-parameters* '(:db "lil" :user "lexdb"))

The following is set in lkb/script:

 ;; optionally, use a lexical database; 
  ;; to activate the DB set *psql-lexicon-parameters* (see globals.lsp)
  (if *psql-lexicon-parameters*
      (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "lexicon.tdl")

The above were set as per instructions in the "HOW TO set LKB lexicon to
LexDB" section of this tutorial: 

However, I'm getting the following error when I try to load my grammar:

Error: attempt to call `LOAD-PSQL-LEXICON-FROM-SCRIPT' which is an undefined
  [condition type: UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]

I have grepped through both the logon tree and my grammar recursively
for "load-psql-lexicon-from-script", but have not found anything.  Does
anyone know where this function should be defined?

Thanks so much,


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