[developers] running LOGON from an NFS partition

Rebecca Dridan bec.dridan at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 04:37:14 CEST 2011

I have run LOGON from an NFS partition. See 
http://lists.emmtee.net/archive/logon/2009/000126.html. I assumed my 
problem was caused by the partition being mounted read-only, but perhaps 
I would have run into issues anyway. At any rate, the work-around I list 
there lets me run LKB, load a grammar and parse from the (read-only) NFS 
partition, and no one replied with any warnings :)


On 02/09/11 12:23, Woodley Packard wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to run the LKB from a partition mounted over NFS.  I see 
> nothing about this issue on the wiki, so I thought I'd see if anyone 
> on the list knows the solution.  When I try to load the ERG, I get an 
> error complaining that flock() failed:
> TSNLP(4): (lkb:read-script-file-aux 
> "/home/sweaglesw/cdev/erg/lkb/script")
> ; Loading /home/sweaglesw/cdev/erg/lkb/script
> set-coding-system(): activated UTF8.
> Error: lockf failed: No locks available [errno=37].
>   [condition type: SYSCALL-ERROR]
> A quick web search suggests that the flock() system call doesn't 
> support NFS volumes (although other file locking methods based on 
> fcntl() apparently do).  Has anyone else experienced this, and is 
> there a known work-around?  I could copy the LOGON tree to local 
> storage, but I'd rather not have to maintain multiple copies of it.
> Many thanks,
> Woodley Packard

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