[developers] setting the tsdb skeleton and home directories

Francis Bond bond at ieee.org
Tue Jan 31 10:36:44 CET 2012


I notice that we have two ways documented of setting the tsdb skeleton
and home directories:

>From the wiki:
(tsdb:tsdb :home "/home/oe/src/itsdb/src/tsdb/home")
(tsdb:tsdb :skeletons "/home/oe/src/lkb/src/tsdb/skeletons/english")

>From Emily's course:
(in-package :tsdb)
(setf *tsdb-home* "path-to-tsdb/home")
(setf *tsdb-skeleton-directory* "path-to-tsdb/skeletons")

I think the first sets and updates the directories, while the second
just sets them.   Does anyone know if there is any reason to prefer
one to the other?  I am happy to add both to the wiki, but I would
like to also give advice as to which is preferred.


Francis Bond <http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/fcbond/>
Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies
Nanyang Technological University

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