[developers] MOD value in predicative only adjectives

T.J. Trimble trimblet at me.com
Thu Apr 24 22:57:12 CEST 2014

Hello all,

My name is T.J. Trimble, and I’m working with Professor Bender to develop an adjective extension for the Grammar Matrix.

I’m working to develop my analysis of predicative only adjectives. I’m curious about the predicative only type in the ERG and why there is a non-empty MOD value.

intrans_pred_adj_synsem := basic_adj_synsem & one_arg & isect_synsem &
                           norm_adj_synsem &
  [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adj &
                       [ PRD +,
                         MOD < [ --SIND #ind & non_expl-ind ] >,
                         MINORS.MIN adj_rel ],
                  VAL [ SPR.FIRST.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD n_or_adv &
                                          [ MINORS.ALTMIN abstr_meas_nom_rel ],
					  CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg0 ],
			COMPS < > ] ],
            CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #arg0,
			  XARG #ind ],
                   RELS <! adj_relation !> ] ],
    LKEYS.KEYREL [ ARG0 #arg0,
                   ARG1 #ind ] ].

I had been working under the assumption that predicative only adjectives would have an empty MOD value to keep them out of adj-head and head-adj constructions, but the ERG seems to do this with PRD values.

adj_head_int_phrase := adj_head_phrase & isect_mod_phrase &
  [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps & *obllist*,
			      VAL.COMPS #comps,
			      POSTHD - ] ].

So, two related questions about the ERG or about these sort of constructions in other grammars/languages:

1) Are there any examples of the MOD value of these predicative only adjectives being utilized?

2) Is there any compelling reason to use PRD +/– to constrain this instead of MOD < >?

T.J. Trimble

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