[developers] lexical filtering rule not firing

Paul Haley paul at haleyai.com
Sat May 6 23:45:24 CEST 2017

I am stumped by this behavior of some modifications to the ERG using PET and wonder if someone can shed some light on what I must be


The following lexical item is being left in the chart after lexical processing (full chart of "Some run." is available at


L [183 1-2 run_n1 (1) 0 {} { : w_period_plr} {}] < blk: 0 dtrs: 58  parents: 299 >



This is despite the presence of the following rule:


veto_non-noun_lfr := lexical_filtering_rule & [+CONTEXT <[SYNSEM anti_noun_synsem,TOKENS.+LIST <[+TNT.+TAGS <"NOUN">]>]>,+INPUT
<[SYNSEM [LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun_or_ttl, PHON.ONSET con_or_voc]]>, +OUTPUT <>, +POSITION "I1 at C1"].


The +INPUT of which matches n_pp_c_of_le and the +CONTEXT of which matches the following (below) which is also left in the chart
(having several variations due to lexical rules). 


I am at a loss for why the lexical filtering rule above is not removing the lexical item above.  Of course I am most probably wrong
about their "matching"!  Nonetheless, any insight would be sincerely appreciated.  I have stared at and fiddled with it for far too
many hours.


Thank you,



P.S. the rules that discard generic LEs given natives and zero probability tokens have been discarded (otherwise the following would
have been pruned rather than, hopefully, leading to the pruning of run as a noun; in this test case)


L [250 1-2 generic_veto_noun (1) 0 {} { : w_period_plr} {}] < blk: 0 dtrs: 64  parents: 274 >

L [249 1-2 generic_veto_noun (1) 0 {} { : v_pas-prt-t_odlr w_period_plr} {}] < blk: 0 dtrs: 64  parents: >

L [248 1-2 generic_veto_noun (1) 0 {} { : v_pas-p-p_odlr w_period_plr} {}] < blk: 0 dtrs: 64  parents: >

L [247 1-2 generic_veto_noun (1) 0 {} { : v_pas-p_odlr w_period_plr} {}] < blk: 0 dtrs: 64  parents: >

L [246 1-2 generic_veto_noun (1) 0 {} { : v_pas_odlr w_period_plr} {}] < blk: 0 dtrs: 64  parents: >

L [245 1-2 generic_veto_noun (1) 0 {} { : v_psp_olr w_period_plr} {}] < blk: 0 dtrs: 64  parents: >


[ ARGS     *cons*

           [ FIRST sign

                   [ ARGS     *list*,

                     SYNSEM   synsem

                              [ LOCAL  local_min

                                       [ CAT  cat_min1

                                              [ HEAD head

                                                     [ MINORS minors_basic

                                                              [ MIN #1:predsort ],

                                                       MOD    *list*,

                                                       PRD    bool,

                                                       AUX    luk,

                                                       INV    bool,

                                                       CASE   case ],

                                                VAL  valence_min,

                                                --DT token_head ],

                                         CONT mrs_min0

                                              [ HOOK hook

                                                     [ INDEX   #2:semarg,

                                                       XARG    *top*,

                                                       LTOP    handle,

                                                       --SLTOP handle ] ],

                                         AGR  *top* ],

                                --MIN  #1,

                                --SIND #2,

                                PHON   phon_min,

                                PUNCT  punctuation_min,

                                NONLOC non-local_min,

                                OPT    bool,

                                LEX    luk,

                                MODIFD xmod_min ],

                     KEY-ARG  bool,

                     ORTH     orthog

                              [ FIRST *top*,

                                REST  *top*,

                                FROM  #3:"5",

                                TO    string,

                                FORM  string,

                                LD    bracket_list,

                                LB    bracket_list,

                                RB    bracket_list,

                                RD    bracket_list ],

                     INFLECTD luk,

                     GENRE    genre,

                     DIALECT  dialect,

                     IDIOM    bool,

                     RNAME    basic_ctype ],

             REST  *top* ],

  SYNSEM   anti_noun_synsem

           [ LOCAL  local

                    [ CAT   cat

                            [ HEAD   partn

                                     [ MINORS minors_basic

                                              [ MIN #4:predsort ],

                                       MOD    *null*,

                                       PRD    bool,

                                       AUX    luk,

                                       INV    bool,

                                       CASE   case,

                                       POSS   -,

                                       --BARE luk ],

                              VAL    valence_sp

                                     [ SPCMPS *null*,

                                       SUBJ   *null*,

                                       SPR    *null*,

                                       COMPS  *null*,

                                       SPEC   *cons*

                                              [ FIRST anti_synsem_min,

                                                REST  *null* ] ],

                              MC     na,

                              POSTHD bool,

                              HC-LEX luk,

                              HS-LEX luk,

                              NEGPOL luk,

                              --DT   #5:token_head

                                        [ +TI "<5:9>",

                                          +LL ctype

                                              [ -CTYPE- string ],

                                          +TG string ] ],

                      CONT  nom-obj

                            [ HOOK  #6:hook

                                       [ INDEX   #7:semarg,

                                         XARG    *top*,

                                         LTOP    handle,

                                         --SLTOP handle ],

                              RELS  *diff-list*,

                              HCONS *diff-list*

                                    [ LIST #8:*list*,

                                      LAST #8 ],

                              ICONS *diff-list*

                                    [ LIST #9:*list*,

                                      LAST #9 ] ],

                      ARG-S *null*,

                      CONJ  cnil,

                      AGR   #7,

                      CTXT  ctxt_min ],

             --MIN  #4,

             --SIND #7,

             PHON   phon

                    [ ONSET unk_onset

                            [ --TL #10:generic_token_cons

                                       [ FIRST token

                                               [ +CLASS #11:alphabetic

                                                            [ +CASE    non_capitalized+lower,

                                                              +INITIAL - ],

                                                 +FROM  #3,

                                                 +FORM  #12:"run.",

                                                 +TO    "9",

                                                 +CARG  "run",

                                                 +TNT   tnt

                                                        [ +MAIN #13:tnt_main

                                                                    [ +TAG "POS",

                                                                      +PRB "0.99" ],

                                                          +TAGS *cons*

                                                                [ FIRST "NOUN",

                                                                  REST  *null* ],

                                                          +PRBS #14:*cons*

                                                                    [ FIRST "0.00",

                                                                      REST  *null* ] ],

                                                 +PRED  "_run/NOUN_u_unknown_rel",

                                                 +TRAIT token_trait

                                                        [ +UW +,

                                                          +IT italics,

                                                          +LB #15:bracket_null

                                                                  [ LIST #16:*list*,

                                                                    LAST #16 ],

                                                          +RB #17:bracket_null

                                                                  [ LIST #18:*list*,

                                                                    LAST #18 ],

                                                          +LD #19:bracket_null

                                                                  [ LIST #20:*list*,

                                                                    LAST #20 ],

                                                          +RD #21:bracket_null

                                                                  [ LIST #22:*list*,

                                                                    LAST #22 ],

                                                          +HD #5 ],

                                                 +ID    #23:*diff-list*

                                                            [ LIST *list*,

                                                              LAST *list* ],

                                                 +TICK  + ],

                                         REST  generic_token_null ] ] ],

             LKEYS  lexkeys

                    [ KEYREL relation

                             [ CFROM #3,

                               CTO   #24:"9",

                              PRED  predsort,

                               LBL   handle,

                               LNK   *list* ] ],

             PUNCT  no_punctuation_min

                    [ PNCTPR ppair ],

             NONLOC non-local

                    [ REL   0-dlist,

                      QUE   0-dlist,

                      SLASH 0-dlist

                            [ LIST #25:*locallist*,

                              LAST #25 ] ],

             OPT    bool,

             LEX    +,

             MODIFD xmod_min,

             --BRDG luk ],

  KEY-ARG  bool,

  ORTH     orthography

           [ FIRST "_veto_NOUN_",

             REST  *null*,

             FROM  #3,

             CLASS #11,

             TO    #24,

             FORM  #12,

             LD    #19,

             LB    #15,

             RB    #17,

             RD    #21 ],


  GENRE    genre,

  DIALECT  dialect,

  IDIOM    bool,

  RNAME    basic_ctype,

  C-CONT   mrs_min0

           [ HOOK #6 ],

  ALTS     alts_min,

  TOKENS   tokens

           [ +LIST #10,

             +LAST token

                   [ +CLASS #11,

                     +FROM  "5",

                     +FORM  "run.",

                     +TO    #24,

                     +CARG  "run",

                     +TNT   tnt

                            [ +MAIN #13,

                              +TAGS *cons*

                                    [ FIRST "NOUN",

                                      REST  *null* ],

                              +PRBS #14 ],

                     +PRED  "_run/NOUN_u_unknown_rel",

                     +TRAIT token_trait

                            [ +UW +,

                              +IT italics,

                              +LB #15,

                              +RB #17,

                              +LD #19,

                              +RD #21,

                              +HD #5 ],

                     +ID    #23,

                     +TICK  + ] ] ]


I [64 () 1-2 <5:9> "" "run." { : } {NOUN 0}] < blk: 0 >


[ +CLASS alphabetic

         [ +CASE    non_capitalized+lower,

           +INITIAL - ],

  +FROM  "5",

  +FORM  "run.",

  +TO    "9",

  +CARG  "run",

  +TNT   tnt

         [ +MAIN tnt_main

                 [ +TAG "POS",

                   +PRB "0.99" ],

           +TAGS *cons*

                 [ FIRST "NOUN",

                   REST  *null* ],

           +PRBS *cons*

                 [ FIRST "0.00",

                   REST  *null* ] ],

  +PRED  "_run/NOUN_u_unknown_rel",

  +TRAIT token_trait

         [ +UW +,

           +IT italics,

           +LB bracket_null

               [ LIST #1:*list*,

                 LAST #1 ],

           +RB bracket_null

               [ LIST #2:*list*,

                 LAST #2 ],

           +LD bracket_null

               [ LIST #3:*list*,

                 LAST #3 ],

           +RD bracket_null

               [ LIST #4:*list*,

                 LAST #4 ],

           +HD token_head

               [ +TI "<5:9>",

                 +LL ctype

                     [ -CTYPE- string ],

                 +TG string ] ],

  +ID    *diff-list*

         [ LIST *list*,

           LAST *list* ],

  +TICK  + ]

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