[developers] PyDelphin v1.0.0

goodman.m.w at gmail.com goodman.m.w at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 06:26:19 CEST 2019

Hello all,

I'm happy to announce that PyDelphin v1.0.0 is now released and available
on PyPI for installation.


Some of the notable changes include:

* It is now Python 3 only (Python 2 will be retired in a few months)
* You can now write plugins for PyDelphin
* MRS, EDS, and DMRS have their own implementations, but with a common
* TSDB, [incr tsdb()], and TSQL support is improved for various workflows
* The ACE interface supports full-forest parsing
* A web server for parsing, generation, and [incr tsdb()] profile browsing
is included
* Multiple-inheritance hierarchies (with tests for subsumption and type
compatibility) are added
* It has comprehensive documentation of the public API

For more release notes, see the change log:

Also see the documentation:

NOTE for previous users of PyDelphin: this release breaks compatibility
with many usages of PyDelphin from previous versions, so maintainers of
projects that depend on PyDelphin directly or indirectly (pydmrs, Jacy,
JaEn, INDRA, Zhong, etc.) should either their code to target the new API
(recommended) or specify a previous release as the dependency (e.g.,
v0.9.2). I'm happy to answer any questions about this.

Relatedly, software that relied on PyDelphin, such as bottlenose and gTest,
have largely been supplanted by new PyDelphin features, so these projects
will be deprecated instead of updated. Again, I'm happy to answer questions
if you rely on these tools.

Thanks everyone who helped shape the release!

-Michael Wayne Goodman
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